Friday, December 19, 2008

Construction hell in Sunnyside

"Hi, thanks for posting about the house at 41-17 39th Place in Sunnyside. This is a follow-up.

They've started working again on the atrocious piece of crap; the workers fire up the generator at 7am and work past dark, until about 5:30 or so. It's a loud generator, and along with the other noises, makes for a hellish living situation for the neighbors -- but the best part about this is there are two other completely separate construction projects happening on 39th Place.

Last Friday, the city started tearing up 39th Place for some project.

Along with this, there is construction going on at Skillman Avenue and 40th Street. We're surrounded on all sides by construction. I could deal with this if I didn't work evening hours and thus am at home during the day.


P.S. This is what the house looked like before they tore it down:


faster340 said...

Oh God forbid they leave a nice looking detached house standing where they can put an ugly overpriced multi unit brick shithouse!

What a shame, the old property looked much nicer...

Sorry for your troubles with the construction...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Melinda Katz--Why isn't she out there drafting legislation to STOP THIS havoc throught our city??? She is Chair of the Land Use Committee, no? This is very bad news. And she wants to be City Comptroller???

Anonymous said...

Gee, where is Team Gioia? Cathy Nolan? Jimmy Van Bremer? Jeff Kroessler?


Anonymous said...

There are now 8 of these hideosities on a street a block from my house, all having replaced a single family home, and I noticed something else about them - they block all the light on the street.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least there's no chrome... yet.

Anonymous said...

That old house was beautiful, why knock it down?

Anonymous said...

How much did the owners of the old house sell it for? (These re the times I wish I had unlimited wealth) That place was beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Yes, beautiful. Gotta love that graceful addition on the right side, and the goofy double front doors. Shoulda landmarked that gem.

Paul McConnell said...

This is horrible. What the hell can we do to try to stop this horrible building in sunny/woodside?

Anonymous said...

That was a nice house why take it down. I live in Woodhaven and you should see all the brick shit houses they are building and they can't sell one there is like 4 of them on 89th Street right off of rockaway blvd with for sale signs on them for over a year now.

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