Saturday, December 13, 2008

Construction companies fined for smoking


Buildings Department inspectors blitzed construction firms with nearly 250 summonses in just three months for violations of a tough smoking law enacted after the deadly fire at the Deutsche Bank building, The Post has learned.

Investigators determined that the blaze, which took the lives of two firefighters, was started on Aug. 18, 2007, by a cigarette discarded as the toxic tower was being dismantled.

"Smoking on any construction site puts people's lives in danger, and the construction industry must step up to the plate," Buildings Commissioner Robert LiMandri said.

Officials said that inspectors handed out 247 summonses between Sept. 1 and last Friday for smoking at building sites, for cigarette butts found on the sites, and for failure to post legally mandated "No Smoking" signs.

Fifty-three cases have been adjudicated at the Environmental Control Board, which levied $245,000 in fines after 42 cited firms didn't show up for hearings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When DOB inspectors start checking for clean underwear, that's the day I finally say enough.
In the mean while I will graze this patch of grass over here and await my next shearing.
Baa..... Baa.....Baaaaah

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