Tuesday, December 16, 2008

City streets still electrifying


More deadly electrical leaks are being found on New York's streets - despite Con Ed's claim that nearly all stray voltage has been uncovered and that looking harder would just be a waste.

The utility found 7,117 electrified objects on city streets between Jan. 1 and Oct. 31. That's 468 more than in all of last year, says the Jodie S. Lane Safety Foundation, named for a woman electrocuted in 2004 by faulty wiring in a Con Ed street box.

If Con Ed locates energized objects at the same rate the rest of the year, the number will increase by 11 percent over 2007.

"The more you test, the more you find," said Roger Lane, founder of the foundation named for his daughter. "Hopefully, the end result is [fewer] people are shocked."

Con Ed uncovered the electrified objects after state regulators ordered a 150 percent boost in its stray-voltage scans. This followed an assertion by John Miksad, Con Ed's senior VP for electric operations, at a City Council hearing last January that eight sweeps a year by its fleet of detector trucks would find stray-voltage sources "almost as fast as they occur" and that more searches would not be worth the expense.


Anonymous said...

"John Miksad, Con Ed's senior VP for electric operations, at a City Council hearing last January that eight sweeps a year by its fleet of detector trucks would find stray-voltage sources "almost as fast as they occur" and that more searches would not be worth the expense."

In the late 1800s, some English scientist asserted that research could now be abandoned. All scientific progress to ever be made had already been made.

He was a tad wrong.

However, this moron from Con Ed, John Miksad, who thinks like an obedient corporate lackey budget geek, would rather see people killed to save a dime, than to settle on the fact that electricity is dangerous.

Where's Commissar Death and Taxes on this? Worrying that the continued research will be a tax deductible expense. Can't let a big company pay less taxes if the alternative is a few dead citizens.

Priorities, ya know. So, shut up and die.

faster340 said...

an assertion by John Miksad, Con Ed's senior VP for electric operations, at a City Council hearing last January that eight sweeps a year by its fleet of detector trucks would find stray-voltage sources "almost as fast as they occur" and that more searches would not be worth the expense.

I guess human lives aren't "worth the expense"..

What a bunch of assholes!

Anonymous said...

Edison?Yes what a Con.He was a horrible excuse for a scientist.Read Margaret Cheneys book on Nikoli Tesla who would have brought cheap and safe electricity to NYC.We cant have the electric companies giving the community cheap electricty because thats just not American.

Anonymous said...

Margaret Cheney didn’t understand the physics of magnetic induction, flux fields.
-----figures she was a school teacher (or “swami” crack dealer depending how you wish to look at it)
It was an experiment and just a theory that could never work. Similar problems are on the 1st Class FCC radio test.

Tesla wanted to transmit electricity through the air at low frequencies to keep the waves low to the ground and keep losses to a minimum.
Kind of like a large version of his spark transmitter
To power NYC (over 5 Gigawats) the transmitter would have to be the size of Rhode Island.
If built and turned on it likely would have done serious damage to people and the environment. Most the energy would still be lost in the atmosphere.
The WFAN transmitter of City Island is 50 thousand watts and can make old copper bottom pots on your boat "talk" if you get close. The copper "patina" acts like a diode to strip the audio off the RF carrier.
Scaired the F_shit out of me anchored alone in the dark sleeping one night. (The humidiety had dropped so there was more RF energy in the air suddely came up)

Birds and Bees have a tiny piece of tissue containing magnetite (the equivalent of a magnetized compass needle) in there brains.
The magnetic storm would act like a huge tape head de-magnetizer.
No birds, no bees pollinating the plants and trees we eventually will die.


Anonymous said...

Yes Joe Tesla's ideas werent practical but I think over time if he wasnt taken advantage of his many ideas could have been combined with the other engineers and scientists he worked around.No inventor,or electrical engineer at that time respected anything Edison did.Edison was more than happy to kiss up to JP Morgan for deals.He was a patent man who stole ideas from people around him.Tesla had the radio done before Marconi which is what many sources say.

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