Thursday, December 18, 2008

Checks may be on their way

Homeowners will get $400 rebate checks but their property taxes will rise under a preliminary budget deal hammered out Wednesday between Mayor Bloomberg and the City Council, Council aides said Wednesday night.

The deal will raise taxes on city hotel rooms, sources said, while restoring small Police Academy classes of 250 rookies instead of the usual 1,000 in January and July.

The Council is expected to vote today to rescind a 7% property tax cut in place for two years, raising $576 million in the six months left in the current budget year.

The $400 rebate checks will be mailed to 640,000 homeowners, costing the city $256 million.

Rebate checks may be in mail, but at a cost


Anonymous said...

Sure cut Police and Fire services - they are not essential services. Only please do this in the upper eastside nabs of Park, Fifth Aves where thr rich can fend for themselfs and hire their own private vigalanty crews to protect their streets.

georgetheatheist said...

Robbing Peter to pay Paul? Or a 3-card monte game?

Anonymous said...

Taxes are a shell game and we all know that.

Anonymous said...

But my house is worth much less. So adjust for that in my tax bill, ok?

George-- Pretty biblical for an atheist!

Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't know ( and the Pols want to keep it quiet) : Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz is building a $64 million dollar Amphitheater in Asser Levy Park for his vanity project for his Summer Concert Series. Does anyone out there see any other use for this wasteful spending of $64 million dollars. Like for Fire, Police, Housing, MTA..any other ideas out there ? What a waste of taxpayers monies, yours & mine. Markowitz dosen't care about MTA fares, etc., he has 3-4 cars & drivers to get around. What a BUM!

georgetheatheist said...

Trilby, Peace be unto you. Now go and sin no more.

Anonymous said...

You can shove my measly token
little $400 rebate check up your caboose Mayor Bum-berg....sideways!

What difference will it make
in the long run?

You're taxing us out of existence damned arrogant
pint sized despot!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a private (free) tax assessment from a real estate broker that I know.

If NYC plans on over-assessing me,
based on their estimate of my home's value, I intend to place the difference in an interest bearing escrow account and refuse to pay the increase.

I believe that legally protects me from in rem proceedings.

My attorney also advised me that filing a class action tax revolt might be the way to go for all of us abused homeowners!

Anyone interested?

Anonymous said...

please get this lo life mayor out vote him out

faster340 said...

Here's $400 and now I am going to shove a 7% increase up your ass!!!

"Eat that New Yorkers"

The city is short on money but yet they have $4 million dollars to replace the signs on the Triborough bridge and have a big party too...

faster340 said...

We should go back to the old days and have a good old fashioned "Boston Tea Party"...

The masses need to rise up and stop this shit! The government works for US not themselves and their own interests or the interest of big business which line their pockets... Besides, there are more citizens in this country than there are politicians. It wouldn't be that difficult.

Anonymous said...

What was in the invisible ink pens we used as kids? Ammonium Chloride and copper sulfate?

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