Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bloomberg shops at Queens Center Mall

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg went shopping on Saturday, and all he bought his girlfriend was a pair of fleece gloves for $29.99.

Oh, and he bought them at a Modell’s Sporting Goods — specifically the one at the Queens Center Mall in Elmhurst. It’s safe to say that most people who live in Mr. Bloomberg’s neighborhood, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, have probably never pulled their credit cards out at that particular mall.

Though there is a Modell’s on Third Avenue near 86th Street, a few blocks from Mr. Bloomberg’s town house, and another on Chambers Street, close to City Hall, Mr. Bloomberg chose to shop in Queens because “he is the mayor of all five boroughs,” said a spokesman, Jason Post.

But Mr. Bloomberg did not have just his loved ones in mind during his morning shopping excursion. He spent $135.46 on a boy and girl he had never met.

Santa Goes Shopping at a Queens Mall, and He Looks a Lot Like the Mayor

"He is the mayor of all 5 boroughs." Give me a break. Diana: dump him, he's cheap. And he does shitty photo-ops. But this does show that even billionaires won't shop at Atlas Park...

Photo from Daily News


georgetheatheist said...

Gotta Go to Mo's.

Anonymous said...

There is no Modell's at Atlas Park.

Anonymous said...

The kid didn't ask for things from Modell's and I'm pretty sure neither did Diana.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if AP did have a Modell's, it would draw more people in.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Bum-berg was also shopping for some 3rd term votes in Queens.

That's the only time he gives a damn about us.

After he's had his way, he'll crap all over our borough just like he's done before.

Don't give that half pint
bastard/Napoleon your vote!

Anonymous said...

String him up by those sneaker laces!

Anonymous said...

"Maybe if AP did have a Modell's, it would draw more people in."

The only way Atlas Park is going to "Draw More People in" Is if Damon uses a pencil

Anonymous said...

Why is this cheap cheesy grifter's trip to a store a news story?

Anonymous said...

Why is this cheap cheesy grifter's trip to a store a news story?

Because the media, in good third world fashion, has made second string personalities cult heros, especially if they are in politics or entertainment.

"Pass me another dark n stormy Mindy"

Anonymous said...

I'm no pretty boy either, but I have to say Bloomberg really does looks like he was drawn by Dr. Seuss.

Anonymous said...

Those sneakers look to big for hom.

Anonymous said...

Those sneakers look to big for him

Anonymous said...

As the mayor was going into his car, he could be overheard saying that he thought he was in a 3rd world country and told his driver to step on it and get out of that hell hole called Queens Center mall.

Anonymous said...

"Deep Pockets" Model is a major playa in LIC real estate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes cheap bastard is right.He loves using everyone elses money and saying whats best for them.This guy is almost as criminal as Blagoevich, or more.He sells whole neighborhoods by secret back room smokey deals and forces two new stadiums down peoples gullible throughts.Hes got his strong PR and wall of overseas security and lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Soon playing with Bill Bixby in "My Favorite Michael", that levitating pointing finger

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