Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why bicyclists get a bad rap

The total disregard for their safety and the safety of those around them is evident in this video.


Anonymous said...

There messenger,bmx wannabee, fixed gear trendy idiot riders.I bike almost everyday and have not ever been that reckless, or feel the need to go that fast.Besides these bikers and messenger videos have been around for many years and there still idiots that are mostly reckless.Whats the duration of waiting to stereotype bike riders on Q.Crap? Two weeks maybe.
How about some videos with revealing info.

Anonymous said...

I'd say this is very revealing info. Grown men acting like wild animals because they have a 2-wheeler between their legs. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"Besides these bikers and messenger videos have been around for many years and there still idiots that are mostly reckless."

And that's exactly why this was posted.

Anonymous said...

Quite simply, between the cars and the bikes, if you are a pedestrian in this city, you are taking your life in your hands.

Anonymous said...

With all the overcrowding, third world driving habits, tons of clueless foggy seniors wandering about, and ignorant self centered people, driving has become very dangerous.

The push for bike riding has made a difficult situation impossible.

But the important thing is to find an excuse to shorehorn more people with less energy footprint.

Make development easier.

Anonymous said...

If any of these a holes were to get crushed into a pulp by a city bus, I'd be on the sidewalk applauding.

Anonymous said...

From the waterfront kayacking, to the bike people, to massive ugly development pitched in their direction, the new kids in our neighborhoods are under the influence of the developers from the moment they step off the Greyhound.

They, like the non documented immigrant and the foggy senior wandering about, are prime tweeder territory.

You do not want middle class owner occupied housing - they complain about all those pesky quality of life issues.

The kids? They meet, mate and move. An absentee landlord? No problem, just move. Again. Again.

Makes for a nice stable community.

But they do make for fresh vitality in communities.

Always eager to move into shit and clueless on going after the landlord. Happy to sit outside in little tables a few feet from traffic getting exotic toking on a hooka pipe.

Anonymous said...

Young people, as we know, are unable to understand that other people exist, and that their risky behavior puts other people at risk.

Anonymous said...

ummm...you are proving your point very well! these idiots are messengers not the average city bicyclists. i'm a city bicyclist and these idiots piss me off!

georgetheatheist said...

Sweet Bird of Youth. I'd like to see them doing this entering Altekakkerdom.

Anonymous said...

how are these guys any different from the guys who drag race down my street at night? These guys are assholes, apparently professional assholes judging from the production value of the video. Most cyclists don't ride like that and you can see plenty of responsible cyclists waiting for the light at the bridge during the sped up portion at the beginning.

Unknown said...

Reading these comments, I feel that people from Queens who are fed up with any and all development, efficient transportation and waterfront revitalization should make a statement. And what better way to show that they're tired of the direction that the city is taking than to follow the example of their former beloved borough president, Donald Manes, and stick a knife into their belly. If at first you don't succeed, try try again - just ask Don, Queens!

Anonymous said...

lawless idiots are everywhere, in cars, on bikes and even walking. The rules of the road are treated as merely advisory, as are the rules of life, like "do unto others." No one cares - repeat - no one cares.

Nelson S said...

Social Darwinism will take care of them, watch them get bashed in by the front of a bus or run over by a cab whose blind spot they were using to hitch a ride on. When these things happen just know they did it to themselves, there are more responsible ways to have a message delivered on a bike.

Erik Baard said...

This video is about as relevant to a discussion of bicycling as a viable transportation alternative as this video is to addressing traffic congestion:


Taking an absurdly extreme example to trash another perspective is old, tired, and cheap.

Erik Baard

Anonymous said...

"Queens who are fed up with any and all development"

well, yes, my taxes should go to my family, not some developer to lead an over the top lifestyle from tax breaks

"efficient transportation"

uh ha, bikes are real efficient in the winter, with packages, and in the rain.

"and waterfront revitalization"

turning the waterfront over to developers and rich people and blocking out the community is not revitialization, but third world

Anonymous said...

Taking an absurdly extreme example to trash another perspective is old, tired, and cheap.

Well its Eric Baard, the apoligist for developers!

Hi Eric! Any room for any more decals from developers on your kayaks?

Erik Baard said...

Chris, ease up. I agree that this forum descends into needless hate and smacks of the "know nothing" politics of old. I suppose that's appropriate enough for a forum where the author and those commenting hide behind anonymity...well, sorta. I can't be the only one not revealing names out of simple courtesy.

But encouraging suicide is beyond the pale. Manes was obviously lost and pained, and I understand he did some good, and was personally kind, before his downward spiral.

Personally, I am looking forward to a bit of a financial collapse. Let New York City make music and art again, instead of just auctioning it. And let communities do things for themselves, knowing that the government is too broke to do it for them, or interfere.

Erik Baard

Erik Baard said...

Ted Gruber's the new boathouse chair, so ask him. The treasurer of the Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club asks that we not take money from politicians (unless it's a huge capital project, which hasn't happened) so that our services don't rely on tax dollars. Of course there's a nuance here -- tax deductible donations are still a transference, just less direct.

We also won't put the name of an alcoholic drink marketer/maker on a boat, for the unsafe message that might be relayed.

We also don't have members, per se, so there aren't fees to support the boathouse. That's to keep our service free and inclusive.

We do have corporate sponsors. Some are developers. The largest donation from a developer so far has been $2000. Not exactly the going rate for a soul.

Well, maybe the soul of an anonymous coward. But not ours.

Erik Baard

fffFFF said...

I'm going to find a really horrible blog and then write a post entitled "Why bloggers get a bad rap".

Anonymous said...

The largest donation from a developer so far has been $2000. Not exactly the going rate for a soul.



Anonymous said...

Uh ho, the clubhouse set are angry that the public can hide behind "anonymous".

The door swings both ways boys. We dont see too much that happens in the clubhouse either.

So things are a bit more even, no?

Anonymous said...

I remember that Eric suggested massive involvement by developers for Newtown Creek.

Hey, you are educated. You know what is in the ground. You want to live there?

Don't act silly and be bashful. Speak up! Lets hear your "logic"

Anonymous said...

I agree that this forum descends into needless hate and smacks of the "know nothing" politics of old.

No, guess again. This stuff is cutting edge. The people are thinking, talking, and exploring. Just because they challenge the people that fund your activities do not demonize them.

Respect them.

They have the cajones that a lot of Quislings dont.

Anonymous said...

Yea, we know you guys tell the young people to ignore Queens Crap. They are a bunch of Archie Bunkers you say.

The point is this blog is mostly young people speaking their minds.

those who criticize Crappy are the ones who mouth something that would make Shulman or Onorato or Ackerman or Toby pround.

ahhh, WHO is the Archie, eh?

Anonymous said...

Clothesline a bicyclist today!

Anonymous said...

ah comm on guys, don't talk silly - just drive in the bike lane - with all the new development they support i am sure they will understand that ... there ... is ... not ... much ... room.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we know you guys tell the young people to ignore Queens Crap. They are a bunch of Archie Bunkers you say.
If it quacks like a generalizing duck then...
I bike almost everyday and Im not a young kid by any means and these little messenger idiots have been pissing off bikers of all sorts for many years in many cities around the country.The world does not revolve around NYC.Send a reckless driver or fixed gear messenger kid to the appropriate punishment for hitting someone.

Anonymous said...

Clothesline a bicyclist today!

Theres the great low life generalizing crap were come to expect of some of these posts.Feeling frustrated about something there.

Anonymous said...

Erik Baard:

"Personally, I am looking forward to a bit of a financial collapse. Let New York City make music and art again, instead of just auctioning it. And let communities do things for themselves, knowing that the government is too broke to do it for them, or interfere."

I like this guy.

Anonymous said...

Bike messengers are no more reckless than cabbies or delivery drivers.

Whats the big deal? Id like to see how NYC gets by without them.

Anonymous said...

"Quite simply, between the cars and the bikes, if you are a pedestrian in this city, you are taking your life in your hands"

Yeah especially with all that walking on red business.

Does anyone in this place actually live in the city? Since when does ANYONE in new york actually observe traffic regulations. Pedestrians included.

Anonymous said...

ah comm on guys, don't talk silly - just drive in the bike lane - with all the new development they support i am sure they will understand that ... there ... is ... not ... much ... room.

Oh golly theres that connection again.Bike riders automatically like bloomterd and his overdevelopement mess because he promotes bike lanes like most other cities mayors have done for the last 5 years.Utter nonsense. Most of the lanes are in bad spots anyways.Many bike riders cannot stand the messenger crowd.Just like maybe you dont care for all the news of cars hitting pedestrians thats on the news 3 or 4 times a week.Thats something original about NYC!Cars regularly hit people unlike in other cities.

Anonymous said...

Oh I get it, it you wear hipster clothes and go to DUMBO to work, you are different than a hispanic or asian delivery person.

Interesting how the advocate groups for bikes looks a bit different than the actual population of people that we a dodging left and right.

Anonymous said...

"Personally, I am looking forward to a bit of a financial collapse. Let New York City make music and art again, instead of just auctioning it. And let communities do things for themselves, knowing that the government is too broke to do it for them, or interfere."

I like this guy.

Sure, the green poster child for developers.

You know what happens whem 'offical' groups like community boards do when they talk about the waterfront - turn it over to developers.

You kids know what is going on in other neighborhoods - you are not stupid - yet you say nothing.

Like that waterfront group in Astoria that dropped Astoria from your name, say nothing about bike lanes that follow the lines of develpment and DO NOT connect the community with its own waterfront.

You know what a raw deal Astoria nd LIC is getting, but you say nothing.

How about a waterfront park for the community? Why don't you speak up? Why did you seriously study all the developer plans that give little 40 foot right of ways to the public for our own waterfront?

Why are you not advocates for the community and elect to say nothing?

Because developer's money taint everything you do.


Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that infrastructure, as energy sources, will not keep pace with development.

You kids are pawns.

Ride a bike. Less energy footprint and open the gate for move development without power sources.

Rent a crappy apartment and instead of demanding better living, move and move and move. Transient population makes for a great community. Not.

You never complain to the politicans about the corrupt system.

You are young. You are creative. You are suppossed to bring new ideas and new expectations.

Instead you are a disappointment. You do not help your communitiies. You could not give two shits for your communities.

You are a tool for the developers.

Anonymous said...

You kids are pawns.
Excuse me smart ass know it all moron?Im almost 40, but not WRONG about assumptions like you.
Ride a bike. Less energy footprint and open the gate for move development without power sources.
Rent a crappy apartment and instead of demanding better living, move and move and move. Transient population makes for a great community. Not.

You never complain to the politicans about the corrupt ???system.
Just completely wrong again there guy.I rent a nice apartmemt thats very old but kept up.I cannot stand bloomberg and wonder how you citizens let him walk all over the law.That crap would never fly in 99% of other states.Every single city is bringing condos in areas where people thought they never would and they are disliked just like here.I have been active in being aware and critical of politics for 15 years so wrong assumption.I also care for the area where im at and actually try to improve the block and have also gotten cats off the street that Queens residents have dumped like trash all over the neighborhoods.
Ive called Vallone and complained about developer deals by Vernon so I guess your wrong on that too(not that he cares).I do not go to establishments connected to developers either.
Quit your sad childish blame game because your powerless against bloomterd.Repeat Every city is throwing up condos and destroying some areas, but in other cities they dont get to endlessly build because people in those places get off their ass and go to court against them rather blog bitch to the wrong target which they stereotype like macho little kids.
No one is using a bike commuter there folks.They are succeeding in putting YOUR action and voice in a corner.Im afraid some of the sad locals have lost total control of their communities and do nothing but blame people they dont know.I on the other hand try to talk to people from the area and NO dont dress quite how all bike riders might.But I'll expect some belligerent post to follow.
And I dont put up with the shitty drivers here because I ride carefully and have brakes.
And from what I hear from a bike commuter from here is that back in the mid 80's they put bike lanes up on Vernon and elsewhere and locals freaked out and cried murder so they were removed.I prefer the streets with less traffic.I also try not to pigeonhole people from here and talk to people in the neighborhood.You might try that some time.

Anonymous said...


You read junk like this and think there is a real park being developed.

Instead, Queens is going to be a wall of rich people cutting the community from the waterfront.

Of course, nothing is possible on saying anything about the waterfront without mention a developer as a hero.

You know what? I don't care how many weinie roasts that Suna sponsors. Nothing changes a private grab at taxpayers expense.

That waterfront map is little more than a road map for developers. It is a marketing tool. They are taking cartons of it.

The point is boys n girls that you are in our sights.

We expect some great things from you.

We will hammer again and again if you even glance at a developer.

We expect the promise of young people in our community as advocate for our community, not apologists for developers.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand bloomberg and wonder how you citizens let him walk all over the law.

It was the city council and we know that no one publically criticises them.

Anonymous said...

I'd be more than happy to introduce any of these morons to the front grill of my truck.

Ridgewoodian said...

ERIK BAARD: This video is about as relevant to a discussion of bicycling as a viable transportation alternative as this video is to addressing traffic congestion...

You stole my thunder but bravo to you, sir, (once again) for your clear vision and wisdom.

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