Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote Padavan tomorrow

An excellent summary of why you folks out east should stick with Padavan tomorrow:

...Gennaro has proven a prolific fundraiser with the vast majority of the funds coming from real estate and construction interests from outside the district which may in and of itself become an issue in the bedroom communities of North Eastern Queens, where voters are keenly focused on quality of life issues and staving off over-development.

Against this backdrop, Gennaro's tactic of attacking veteran Senator Padavan for not reforming Albany would seem ineffective and unlikely to resonate with area voters. All the more since Padavan has a long record of advocating for greater transparency and accountability. He recently sponsored a bill that would strengthen disclosure requirements for lobbyists that also act as political consultants, because there are arguably inherent conflicts of interest in meshing the two roles. Where Council Member Gennaro stands on this bill will also be of interest, given his past support from the Parkside Group.

Moreover, as the old adage goes, people in glass houses should not throw stones. Given the slush fund scandals plaguing the City Council, Gennaro being flagged for community newspaper advertising with public dollars complaints and Gennero’s past fines for misuse of public employees and his public offices.

Gennaro might be better served not to attempt to position himself as a reformer in future debates.

Otherwise, reporters and others may just start asking him questions with greater particularity. For instance, less interesting than past ethics violation was Gennaro’s hiring of Arnold Kriss, one of New York’s most renown, accomplished and effective criminal defense attorneys to represent him in this affair (and the extraordinary sum of money he reputedly paid for that representation far exceeding the eventual fine or apparent exposure).

In short, in a district that is just about 3-to-1 Democrat to Republican, Gennaro's most credible tact has to be to state repeatedly "vote for me because I am and Democrat" and leave it at that.

Amen. On a personal note, even though I live in western Queens I have met both candidates.

First impressions:
Padavan: Impressed me with how extremely knowledgeable he was about every issue we discussed.
Gennaro: Came off as a clueless slimeball.


Anonymous said...

I often see Genarro taging along to Dave Weprin's press conferences to ride the coattails of the real leaders, while wearing his rediculous looking fedora.

To wear a hat like that you either need to have the courage of Indiana Jones or the class of Frank Sinatra. He's got neither.

Queens Crapper said...

Oh, snap!

Anonymous said...

Crappy has it right. Slimeball.

He came around my neighborhood a few weeks ago looking for votes. When I started pressing him about what he would do about all of the overdevelopment issues, it was clear to me that he didn't care.

Usually there's nothing I'd want more than to get more democrats in but I'm sticking with Republican Padavan this time.

Gennaro, go away.

Anonymous said...

Genarro is loyal to the cult guru, Sri Chinmoy as he was a member of the organization for many years and was given financial donations from the various business entities owned by Chinmoy Ghose. Genarro was told to run for office by this Bengali immigrant who proclaimed himself God. It was Genarro (and Congressman Ackermann) who greased the wheels for the cult leader to be waked and buried in his own personal tennis court on Normal Road and 164th Street in Jamaica, Queens.
You have to see it to believe it. The cabana/temple was designed by Chinmoy's personal concubine, secretary and best meditator, Ranjana Ghose, aka Carol real last name is Jewish. This was a vacant lot reclaimed by his fanatical followers and made into a tennis court in the mid 1970's. The Sri Chinmoy Meditation Center Church, Inc. alleges that the guru's tennis court is for public use. This is not true as they have guards on it 24/7 to ensure that no one that they deem unclean may enter the property stolen from the City of New York. It is visible from the street.

A vote for Genarro is a vote for that cult, a flourishing non-profit with not only hidden assets but hidden agendas. Your tax dollars helped make Chinmoy into a God.

I am not surprised to learn that James Genarro the Big Snooze was fined by the City.

Anonymous said...

Gennaro has always spoken out of both sides of his mouth. How can he be concerned about overdevelopment when 95% of the $$in your campaign comes from developers and realtors. They are not giving him money because of his pretty face they want something in return. His influence is for sale to highest bidder. I am a Democrat but I am sticking with Frank!

Anonymous said...

Eight years ago, Gennaro beat the machine-backed candidate for City Council. Now, he's part of the machine.

Anonymous said...

Padavan has been my state senator since 1972 - even though I moved 10 years ago, I'm still within his district. Any time I've contacted his office, they're responsive, and a letter goes out (to the relevant Commissioner, etc.) within a day. He attends everything, from church festivals to homeowners association meetings. He's retired from the Army Corps of Engineers, and is all about community service. I wish we could clone him.

Anonymous said...

gennaro took money from the SJU dorm developers?!? that's incredibly low.

Anonymous said...

He took money from the Kamali Brothers,the builders of the SJU dorms,in 2005, 2006 and 2007 as well as from the SJU lobbyists. If you check his campaign contributions over 90% come from developers, realtors and entities in the construction field. I am sure he is taking $$ from all the “green" company's he claims to be advocating for. A disproportionate number of his donations come from out of state companies.

Anonymous said...

Have you see how many bars in Manhattan have donated to the Gennaro campaign? What's up with THAT???

Frank Padavan works hard for us and we can count on him. He works while Gennaro campaigns.

Have a problem? Call both offices and see who takes care of it for you!!

Vote Padavan tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Keep frank dump serf, gave me a good laugh, it is a ridiculous looking fedora. We all know when Jim starts lying, he starts stuttering and God knows he has been doing a lot of that recently.
Vote to keep Frank!

Anonymous said...

You know, anonymous, it's funny you say that. Gennaro did kind of stutter when I was asking him about overdevelopment concerns in my area.

Kevin Walsh said...

I'm heading for the poll Tuesday specifically to put Padavan back in, since I'm not nuts about either of the two guys running for President.

KG2V said...

I've delt with Frank a few times over the years, and he has always come across as knowing what is going on, in a real basis.

Mor importantly, his OFFICE staff is on the ball

Unknown said...

Could this post have ended in a more bias fashion? You destroyed all credibility you created during your lengthy and obviously well edited post by calling Gennaro a slimeball.

Anonymous said...

Padavan & Gennaro recently came to candidate night at our local homeowners' assoc. membership meeting. Our nabe's #1, 2 & 3 issues are: landmarking, landmarking & landmarking. Signs calling for a landmark historic district were all over the room. Padavan has supported us. Gennaro started talking about how zoning rules work better. That was not only the wrong answer, it was the supremely dumb answer. No stuttering there-- give him points for not lying, and take them away again for (1) not wanting to help us protect our homes, & (2) being a slimeball, taking $$ from bars, developers & builders.

Anonymous said...

Padavan embodies the qualities of a true civil servant, champeoning the causes and struggles of his constituients. Gennaro has been busy filling his campaign fund with money from developers representing interests of builders aimed at destroying our communities. The choice is clear!!

Anonymous said...

The results are in.

It's over for "gentleman" Jim!

Now just go and fade away
Don goombah Gennaro !

Anonymous said...

Gennaro is refusing to concede. Padavan is ahead by a little under 800 votes, and it will likely come down to the absentee ballots. No word yet on whether there are enough absentee ballots to potentially change the result, though.

Anonymous said...

Jim must be still taking orders from the guru Sri Chinmoy from beyond the grave! the cult won't let him give up, he's on their mission.

Jim, read "Combating Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for Frank for as long as he keeps running. He cares for the communities, he's always responsive whether you contact him via phone or e-mail. He's always involved in community issues and is a nice man to boot! I hope he gets in. I too am Democrat but vote for Frank Padavan!

Anonymous said...

There are civic leaders all over Frank Padavan's district who are praying that he carries the day.

Who needs a Democrat like Jim Gennaro to represent us? The man cares only about himself.

Anonymous said...

Gennaro stopped giving City funding in 2008 to his own Church organization,Right to Life, so he could get endorsements from Planned Parenthood. Gennaro, a catholic, has sold his soul to the devil for an office in Albany. Let's see if he gets re-elected to City Council if he looses the State job. talk about burning bridges!

Anonymous said...

You're all wrong.

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