Saturday, November 8, 2008

Target Building almost done

This is just a wee bit ugly, but unfortunately is how 21st Century LIC is shaping up: LIC North: Crescent Club Moving Along

Looks like they have a view of a lovely industrial parking lot. How luxurious!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of the buyers so far have buyer's remorse.

Crescent Club - that name is SO wrong.

Anonymous said...

CB1 the community board from hell!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, more LIC jealousy from Queens Crap . . .

Anonymous said...

Who on God's gray earth would be jealous of this hideous pile of bricks passed off as architecture? I mean seriously... this is pretty damn ugly.

Anonymous said...

LIC - the most worthless area of Queens

the northeast is where it's at

Anonymous said...

Ahh, more LIC jealousy from Queens Crap ?
Youve got to be kidding.If you like pre fab hotel style with no soul and paper thin walls.You and your sheep have bought into changing the city for the worse.Have fun with your rip off cookie cutter "home".

Anonymous said...

More marks for the thugs over at Queensbridge. Keep ya windows rolled up...

Anonymous said...

There also getting ready to build across from 21st from Queensbridge house's so I guess some suburban east coast trust funder can tell me Im jealous. That should be interesting with that contrast.Maybe there will be some illegal immigrant running from the cops or shooting at them just around the corner from stylish lofts.

Anonymous said...

This one just baffles me.

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