Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Times focuses on local candidates' websites

Twelve years after Bill Clinton and Bob Dole became the first national candidates to embrace the Internet as a campaign tool, the state-of-the-art Queens Web site has arrived.

Described as “without peer” by The Queens Chronicle, Mr. Nunziato’s Web site,, features a host of campaign-trail photographs and up-to-date press releases, a clean blue-and-white background, a button that allows contributors to make quick online donations, and, most strikingly, a link to a Facebook group for Mr. Nunziato’s supporters.

The King of Queens e-Politics

Ms. Markey’s online home, which is one of 150 similar pages for Assembly members found on the official State Assembly Web site,, evokes a simpler time. It displays just one photograph of Ms. Markey, and the most recent press release posted on the site is dated July 25. Anyone wishing to donate money to Ms. Markey’s campaign is required to do it the old-fashioned way, by putting a check in the mail.

Ms. Markey said she believes in “getting your funding from the people who know you directly” as opposed to from what she described as “an unknown quantity out there.”


Anonymous said...

If anyone cares about Maspeth, Nunziato is the best choice. I live there and know that he cares about the quality of life of the towns residents. I am not a political shill. He has worked for St Saviours, the use of Grand Ave as a truck route and a lot of quality of life issues that affect Maspeth residents, I hope he wins.

Anonymous said...

“getting your funding from the people who know you directly” as opposed to from what she described as “an unknown quantity out there.”

This sums up why the boro of Queens is not falling, but plummeting.

Boys n girls this says it all: a politicans paradise. They don't even have to think or lift a finger.In one phrase you have distilled the essence of our leadership.

The Queens Voting Community

1/4 of the community are carefully cultivated seniors: the familiar is parmount. Our Little Margie!

1/3 of the community are out of the picture: transient, non citizen immigrant, had enough and are ready to move, watching Gilligan's Island or whatever.

1/6 of the community are worker bees very good at following orders: if the Ledge says its good for them well then dammit by golly so be it

1/4 of the community are intellegent, follows the issues, and are engaged.

You can calculate his chances.

As they used to say in the old days, "ya put up a yeller dog an' the demicrates il vote fur 'im.'

Anonymous said...

Tony is going to be smothered under a Markey landslide. Good guy, zero candidate.

Anonymous said...

Since the political atmosphere is banking on change, Nunziato might have a shot. Markey has been in power a long time and I've see the neighborhood become overdeveloped, overcrowded and overcongested with trucks and traffic. It's definitely time for a change. I know Nunziato has tried to divert traffic off Grand Avenue. Change is good. Let's give someone new a chance.

georgetheatheist said...

Tony's web site is very beautiful. Tony's flowers are beautiful. Tony Nunziatio is beautiful. Tony's moustache is beautiful. The way he slings his jacket over his shoulder is quite beautiful. His shaking hands with Bishop DeMarzio is done in a very beautiful manner. I am truly bedazzled by all this beauty.

Anonymous said...

I think Marge got too comfortable in her position. She's been in office a long time. I've only seen her at functions lately because of the election. Where has she been these last few years? Maybe she was hiding out with Serf Maltese. Let's start fresh and get our neighborhoods back to the way they used to be.

Anonymous said...

Multiple Choice Question-
Anyone who likes Marge Markey as an office holder is:
1. a political hack
2. employee
3. machine zombie
4. unconscious
5. all of the above

Anonymous said...

Marge is actually getting off her fat ass for a change...too late you disgraceful hack!

Anonymous said...

Marge didn't do much for the Maspeth residents with the 25 foot cell tower on top of Frank's Deli. Heard she met with the Omnipoint people and asked that they make the tower smaller. There is supposed to be a meeting with the Board of Standards and Appeals next week for a vote on this. Thanks Marge! I'll never be able to sell my houe now. Thanks for selling Maspeth to the highest bidder.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't believe in voting by party. I am an independant and always try to read up on the issues and vote for the best candidate. You are right -- Maspeth & Middle Village haven't had a choice for 10 years. I'm for change. Let's see what the new guy, Nunziato can do for us. Change is good! Hopefully it will be good for us.

Anonymous said...

Remove Markey, you're in control.

Keep Markey, the Tweeders are in control.

Keep Markey, Sheldon Silver calls the shots.

Take control. Vote FOR Nunziato.

A vote FOR Nunziato is a vote for YOU to be in control.

Anonymous said...

Instead of focusing on Nunziato's website, the Times ought to focus on the issues. That's what the voters care about.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Ms. Markey, but I don't consider myself as some "unknown quantity." That attitude may have you sitting on the sidelines after tomorrow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First, I'm amazed at how little effort Marge is making to campaign. I see a few posters here and there, while all of Grand Ave is covered in Nunziato signs.

Seriously folks, we can do a lot better than Marge Markey, a typical political hack. Any incumbent can point to funding they 'won' for the district, a decent attendance record, co-sponsoring of bills, or a voting record that seems reasonable. But the truth is that anyone with a pulse can show up and vote, and anyone can score at least some state funding, or put their name on someone else’s legislation. We can do better.

Where is the leadership? Where is the problem solving? Has she proven loyalty to her constituents, or just loyalty to party leaders? Has she ever reached out to people to find out what their needs are? I’ve been living in the district for nearly two years and never heard of her until now. Tony criticizes her vote to repeal the commuter tax: has she ever even tried to defend her vote?

It seems that Marge Markey is treating the election the same way she treats he job: she’s taking it for granted, and not making an effort. Is she arrogant, or just apathetic?

Either way, I will be voting for Tony. Tony can best be described as a gentleman – with boxing gloves. He’s not afraid to take a stand for what’s right, and endure some flack for it when necessary.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marge,

"Unknown quantities" are just voters you never bothered to reach out to.

Go Tony!

Anonymous said...

"Instead of focusing on Nunziato's website, the Times ought to focus on the issues. That's what the voters care about"

They also could have focused on the fact that we have competitive elections for many seats for the first time in over a decade.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many developers Marge "knows directly"

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the ONLY people that vocally support Markey or attack Tony are Dennis Gallagher's buddies like the disgraced Walter Sanchez and the accused rapist's two blogs?

Is there some Gallagher-Markey connection?

Anonymous said...

GallagherPleadGuilty said...
"Why is it that the ONLY people that vocally support Markey or attack Tony are Dennis Gallagher's buddies like the disgraced Walter Sanchez and the accused rapist's two blogs?

Is there some Gallagher-Markey connection?"

Yes! Yes! Yes! And the Gallagher-Maltese-Markey connection.

The two parties long ago agreed on no-compete pacts. (you let my guy run without opposition; we won't send any opposition up against yours. Every so often - as with Hevisi-Schmidt - we'll offer up fake opposition.)

That's how Maltese and Markey have survived so many elections without ever having produced any useful legislation or accomplishments and even with votes against our interests.

Now we have Tony Nunziato vs. Markey, Joe Addabbo vs. Maltese, and Elizabeth Crowley vs. Como.

It's a start. We know it's a great start because all three incumbents here, are scrambling to figure out how to campaign.

Here's how to campaign: deliver useful output every day for every constituent.

Open your ears and shut your mouth.

Be humble. The voters pay all the bills. Never forget that the voters are sovereign - every day of your time in office.

Anonymous said...

"It's a start. We know it's a great start because all three incumbents here, are scrambling to figure out how to campaign"

Como figured out how to campaign.. LIE.

Hopefully voters will have the sense to hand him his ass in a sling tomorrow. If not, they get what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Margaret Markey (Dem) 16854 67.54%

Anthony Nunziato (GOP) 8100 32.46%

Anonymous said...

1 in 3 voters chose Tony in a district that is 6-1 Dems to Reps during a landslide year for the Dems. That is quite respectable.

He should definitely consider running again in 2 years. By then he can make himself known to more people in the northern end of the district.

Anonymous said...

in 3 voters chose Tony in a district that is 6-1 Dems to Reps during a landslide year for the Dems. That is quite respectable.

He should definitely consider running again in 2 years. By then he can make himself known to more people in the northern end of the district.

He needs to address two issues: making nicey nice to the seniors, and getting face time in the newspapers.

Anonymous said...

The papers won't print his picture to protect Marge.

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