Friday, November 7, 2008

Spitzer skates

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer will not face criminal charges for patronizing a high-priced prostitution ring, federal prosecutors announced on Thursday.

No Federal Charges Against Spitzer

The announcement, a five-paragraph statement from Michael J. Garcia, the United States attorney in Manhattan, ended almost eight months of uncertainty for the disgraced governor, whose lawyers had been quietly making their case to the country’s most prominent prosecutor’s office that he ought not be charged. And it ended the possibility that Mr. Spitzer, once an aggressive prosecutor himself, would have his private life explored in a public criminal case.


Anonymous said...

I think Gallagher was advising Spitzer. He told him where to find prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

Glad this jerk is down for the count - he should have a taste of Rikers - just for a night!

Hopfully the escort folks do no time now.

Anonymous said...

Now Spitter can be nominated as Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

"Honor" among thieves!
How crooks take care of their own!

We hear that the former "Luv Guv" and "Pinky" Gallagher are going to open up a massage parlor together including a "chubby chaser" room .

"Fat Tony" Como
is to be one of the featured masseurs!

And Serh Maltese
will finish up his career as a hat check girl at the front door!

Anonymous said...

I've always thought it pretty sad when a guy has to go and pay for sex. I think if he'd been fooling around with some secretary, it would've been more forgivable. But a hooker? Yuck. I don't care how many diamonds she was, a hooker is a hooker.

Anonymous said...

guys pay for sex every day. directly or indirectly.

atg least with a hooker he is not emotionally invested - just getting his rocks off.

get over it.

Anonymous said...

"guys pay for sex every day. directly or indirectly."

So a guy in a relationship is somehow "paying" for sex. What about all the good stuff you get out of being in a relationship like companionship, love, caring? Shouldn't it bother you guys that they only want your money and nothing else?
So if hookers are so part of some guys' world, then why sneak around and hide it.

"atg least with a hooker he is not emotionally invested - just getting his rocks off."

- and a possible STD

Oh and I can't get over it. This stuff is fascinating and good gossip for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Two State Troopers committed suicide over this scandal. Spitzer should've gone to jail.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was one suicide and the troopergate scandal regarding getting info on Bruno.

georgetheatheist said...

Now that the Spitzer case has been settled, US Attorney Garcia can go after The Queens Tribune and its plethora of whore classified advertising.

Or how about you Queens DA "Judge" Brown?

(We here at Queens Crap have been bringing this up for almost 2 years.)

Anonymous said...

At least Italian Girl's hero Bubba Clinton had the decency to cheat on his wife the honorable way, and not have to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Oh wadie -
Who said anything about cheating? That's a whole other show. I was referring to pay or not to pay for sex. What kind of guy would BUY sex?

Cheating is ALWAYS wrong whether you're paying for it or not. Totally unforgivable. The women that seem to forgive and forget are the ones who are married to wealthy guys and don't want to get off their rumps and work for a living.

And I love everything about Clinton EXCEPT that fact that he couldn't seem to keep his pants on.

Anonymous said...

Spitzer gets off clean. Speaker of the City Council, Quinn, STEALS money via an "unknown slushfund", and instead of going to jail gets term extensions, and we have had either 1 or 2 assemblypeople go to jail. All Democrats. What the hell has happened to the Democratic Party here in NY?!?!


Anonymous said...

so clinton sticking a cigar in an interns vagina is somehow better than a grown man paying a grown woman for an hour or two of consensual sex?

And its better that Clinton is doing all this while his wife is away out of town?

Anonymous said...

What kind of guy would BUY sex?

One who wanted simple sexual relations with no strings attached and no relationship issues. Sex without emotional attachment to maintain his life at home but get a fresh piece of poon.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
"so clinton sticking a cigar in an interns vagina is somehow better than a grown man paying a grown woman for an hour or two of consensual sex?"

You know I had completely forgotten about that. But that thanks for bringing up those disturbing images in my mind. It's unfortunate we had to learn what exactly Clinton did with Lewinsky but yes, fooling around with someone at work is more "normal" than hiring a hooker. A hooker is just plain nasty and ILLEGAL for that matter. What's wrong with you?

anonymous said...
"One who wanted simple sexual relations with no strings attached and no relationship issues. Sex without emotional attachment to maintain his life at home but get a fresh piece of poon."

First of all, could you BE more vulgar? Secondly, I appreciate you honesty.

georgetheatheist said...

Here's another thing you forgot about, Italian "girl":

Clinton, as Governor of Arkansas, SEXUALLY HARASSED, a female Arkansas state employee by the name of Paula Jones in his room at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock. She was brought to the room by Danny Ferguson, an Arkansas State Trooper who stood outside the hotel room's door while Clinton inside dropped his pants, displayed his gubernatorial member, and asked Ms Jones to "Kiss It."

"L'affaire Lewinsky" resulted when Jones' legal team, under the permission of Justice Susan Wright, was granted permission to interrogate Clinton about his pattern of past sexual predilection.

The media went nuts thinking that the prosecutor Ken Starr was only interested in sexual.

No, Starr was interested in obtaining justice for Ms. Jones.

Clinton eventually paid Paula Jones $850,000.00 to settle the issue.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hookers are barely illegal and the rest profession in the world.

Street hookers are one thing and are vile but high end escorts are a different story. Come on.. You didn't cry during pretty woman the movie???

Anonymous said...

So "Italian girl", are you a Republican hating pro-choice "progressive" or an uptight religious zealot? These grown women are making choices to do what they do. Deal with it you prude. You can't have it both ways.

And as for all your phony outcry about classified advertising for massage therapy, good god, stop sounding so envious. the Trib can't make a buck selling "news" so that's what they do. Stop bashing little dick brown because the Trib is making money and you're not.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Georgie's back. Why can't you just admit he was a great president except for his little "sex addiction"? What did Bush do that made you so proud?

anonymous said...
"So "Italian girl", are you a Republican hating pro-choice "progressive" or an uptight religious zealot? These grown women are making choices to do what they do. Deal with it you prude. You can't have it both ways."

Of the two choices you gave, I guess I'd have to say a Republican-hating, pro-choice progressive. I have no problem with hookers personally. They should do whatever they want to do. But if you're a guy, why would you go near them? Find a real girl who actually might give a sh*# about you. I actually more or less feel sorry for these women. They have issues.

Anonymous said...

"Street hookers are one thing and are vile but high end escorts are a different story. Come on.. You didn't cry during pretty woman the movie???"

You think Ashley Dupre hasn't had an itch once or twice "down there"? OMG

Pretty woman? - I think I did cry as a matter of fact. Good movie but Julia Roberts was a street walker if I remember correctly.

Anonymous said...

For all those ignorant people who think Clinton was a great president "except for the sex thing", How about you read this and educate yourself, Every economist, both Left and Right know that Clinton is responsible for the mess we are in right now:

Anonymous said...

Here is a really Left media outlet, Frontline from PBS. Even they give the outline of how the repeal caused this economic disaster and how Clinton was responsible:

Anonymous said...

blah, Blah, BLAH

Anonymous said...

Lmao-- good sport IG

I'd imagine most queens Italian girls are grossed by hookers.. Then again there are a lot of hookers who are queens Italian girls

Julia Roberts ain't no street walker -- that black chick who blew the English actor -- that's a street walker

Cnbc is showing a special on high end hookers Tuesday nite .. What a coincidence

georgetheatheist said...

Folks, you see now why I use the parentheses?

Italian "girl"

Anonymous said...


In your honor Georgie, I'm going to change my name since "girl" bothers you so much.

Anonymous said...

Hey - don't away from the subject. Spitzer is a bit different than you and I even when considering what is right or wrong. Who else do you know, or knew or someone-else for that matter spent 80K a year on sex? The same guy closed down a sex-ring two years prior - it the double life stuff - real pysco stuff - damn them big time while your swimming in it! It's more so the thrill of getting away with something with the very real buisness of getting caught. Spitzer is a head case through and through - can't wait till his wife sue him big time, writes a book and hires a 19 yr old to escort her about the town! Talk about comeuppance!

Anonymous said...

That was a Cuban cigar Bubba used
on opportunist Monica
(who arrived in Washington D.C. with her kneepads already strapped on).

What a waste of a fine Havana
on a relatively ugly "lady"!

After all a woman is only a woman but a cigar is a good smoke!

Anonymous said...

Say what you want about Monica Lewinsky, but the girl was definitely NOT ugly.

"After all a woman is only a woman but a cigar is a good smoke!"

Excuse me?

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