Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A note to Senator Maltese and Councilman Como

I am going to take it easy today, kids. Too much partying last night...


Anonymous said...

Thank you all. We waited a long time for gay marriage to get passed and now we got gay marriage in NYS. This win for the Democrats solidifies the gay marriage vote to come by July. Again thank you all. The gay community thanks you.

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry for your loss, YOU FAT LYING FUCK!!!


faster340 said...

Even though I am not a big fan of Crowley I am an even lesser fan of Como. But it just goes to show you what a real election will reveal... There's a lot bigger bigger win margin than just the handful of votes that Como won by in the so called "special election" this past summer.

In other words "BUH BYE" Mr. Como... Now you will have to get a job and pay for that big monstrosity of a house you have in Middle Village. Looks like Cardinal Egan couldn't save you on this one.

Anonymous said...

Hey extreme tactics aside - we will no longer be well represented in Middle Village, Elmhurst and Maspeth without Sen. Maltese - go look at Gas Tank park for an example of just some of his efforts. Call him on the phone or email - he or his staff always replied.

As far as the CC race - Gallagher is to blame for all of the results leading to losing it. The fix was in - we should go after Rep Crowley.

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage will not happen so soon- Maspeth's voters are too tradition-minded to allow it to pass. Even Markey, a Democrat, voted against gay marriage.

Anonymous said...

was that you bob Holden with the gay marriage shit. I'm kind of happy for you now. You can now marry your little gay boyfriend that you keep in the closet in your house you fuckin scared little prick

Anonymous said...

What -will- the landlords do now that the Urstadt law will be repealed.

My heart bleeds for these "Great Americans".

Anonymous said...

First of all - Who cares about gay marriage? Did you not notice that the economy is in the shitter and there are two wars being fought?
Who cares if a couple guys want to get married.
All the corrupt politico's are out and all you conservative 4th grade literacy morons can eat shit.
Victory mother fuckers!!!

Anonymous said...

Liz Crowley is going to be one of the biggest jokes and downfalls of the City Council. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

Da Serf ain't up no more.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Anthony Como's monster truck of an SUV near the Republican Club yesterday? He is the embodiment of excess and out of touch with the energy crisis and the voters.

With Como's Egan fiasco and Maltese's dirty robo calls, someone should demand they resign from the board of Christ the King High School.

Anonymous said...

"Liz Crowley is going to be one of the biggest jokes and downfalls of the City Council. Just watch"

I'd say that Como making a fool out of his lying self and getting tossed out after a few months on the council is pretty hard to beat.

Anonymous said...

The Como/Crowley race was a "lose-lose" situation. One is dumber than the next. Let's try and keep Crowley from ruining things until the next election.

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage is going before the new legislature in January. They were just waiting for Maltese to be beaten. The deal was made a long time ago. The Empire State Pride Agenda endorsed Addabbo and gave the Democratic Party money and help to defeat Maltese as long as the gay marriage bill would be signed by Next year. That deal was already cut and made. Why do you think the gay groups put so much money into this race.

Anonymous said...

There is some karma at work here:

Liz runs with Parkside managing her campaign, loses.

Gallagher pal & Parkside partner Bill Driscoll then greets Como at City Hall.

Then Liz runs without Parkside, beats Como.

Anonymous said...

You really think that Crowley is better that Como. I cannot believe that you people after trashing Crowley for so long decided to endorse that lying bitch. Whatever the motives were, no one has any principals or morals by talking so much trash about her just 3 months ago and than supporting her now.

You people make these elections so personal. Rather than do what is best for the community, you go and do things just because you don't get your way with someone.

Crowley has not done one thing for any community in the last 7 years. You handed a seat to someone that is so controlled she is not even going to be able to sneeze without permission. This time you all made a big mistake and it is going to hurt all of us by next year.

This was not a good move. But than again you all end up paying the price for your mistakes after you all make these ridiculous mistakes.

I will tell you that you lost a lot of credibility with this one and you got a lot of people pissed at you all for supporting that bitch. This is why our communities are so screwed up because everyone just reacts to their personal feelings rather than what is best for our community.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Anthony lost, I really like what his father Mario did in office. But I'm glad O'Bama won, we need an good Irishman like him in the whitehouse.

Anonymous said...

"Crowley has not done one thing for any community in the last 7 years. You handed a seat to someone that is so controlled she is not even going to be able to sneeze without permission. This time you all made a big mistake and it is going to hurt all of us by next year."

This is exactly how I felt about Como when he won the special.

Queens Crapper said...

If you give a guy a chance and he blows it big time, what do you do? When you have competitive elections, you vote for the other one.

Anonymous said...

"You people make these elections so personal. Rather than do what is best for the community, you go and do things just because you don't get your way with someone"

How the hell is electing a lying embarrassment like Anthony Como "best for the community". Neither choice was great, I agree, but this buffoon was both stupid and corrupt. He sold us out on term limits. That alone is grounds for being tossed out, period.

And by the way, he never did a damn thing for the community (other than his paid position at Serf's side) despite the lies he prints in his campaign letters.

Anonymous said...

The district has been trending Democratic in the last 2 election cycles and the northeast in general has been trending Democratic in general.

Como gets knocked off, and a Democrat winns Fossella's seat in SI. That leaves one Republican on the city council and no Republicans in the NYC Congressional Delegation

Anonymous said...

Things were so bad for the republicans they lost the NYS Senate which they held on to for 70years, their congressional seat on Staten Island, and their city council seat in Middle Village.

Now that's what you call being taken behind the barn and getting whooped...

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone decided not to renew their no-compete lease.

When you live by the tweeding, you die by the tweeding.

Anonymous said...

"You really think that Crowley is better that Como. I cannot believe that you people after trashing Crowley for so long decided to endorse that lying bitch. Whatever the motives were, no one has any principals or morals by talking so much trash about her just 3 months ago and than supporting her now"

Voting is usually about chosing the lesser of evils. I don't like it either, but welcome to the world. Face it, the election was Como's to lose, and he made a complete ass out of himself in a very short time. The Cardinal Eagan mailer was particularly disgusting. That lost him my vote, probably many others.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately these elections get too personal and cut-throat. We now have a one-party government. Like it or not, these people are in power and have jobs to do. Make them earn their money. If you see things in your community that need to be fixed, call their offices and demand their help. Keep a score card of who helps their constituents and who doesn't. Make these people accountable. Maybe they will rise to the occasion. Accountability is key. The toilet has been flushed. Let's start fresh and see what they can do for us.

Anonymous said...

Now if only we could get rid of Bloomturd sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

como mistakes:
• did not reach out to the juniper valley group
• did not mend fences with fellow republicans
• let dennis gallagher into his campaign
• had other bad people around him
• used serph maltese has his role model
• did not work for constituents

Anonymous said...

Voting is usually about chosing the lesser of evils

and that's Crowley? She was with Brian Mclughlin when they arrested him, he was CONVICTED of a crime. Her brother is a CONVICTED rapist, this isn't inuendo it's fact. How do you think she stayed out of trouble with McLaughlin? Obviously cousin Joe cut some deal and she is definitely on a list of those who are controlled. She can not effect cop and fieman pay like she campaigned on, but she could sway a tougher Megn's law vote nd will she vote to restrict her own brother's rights? and before you whine that he brother did it not her remember 90% of her campaign was about her families contributions to community.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Dennis Gallagher you perverted piece of turd. The neighborhood has finally flushed the toilet and you, Serf Maltese and that bloated piece of excess crap Anthony Como are gone.

Let the celebration begin!

Anonymous said...

The election of Crowley makes me wish that the terms for City Council members were 2 years, like the State Senate and Assembly, so that she could be voted out quickly if she turns out to be as bad as many are predicting. Maybe the Charter Commission can work on that?

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately these elections get too personal and cut-throat. We now have a one-party government."

We've had one-party government in the city, and in the state assembly for some time.

Now it's in the State senate and the federal level.

That's the fault of both the Republican party and the mindless electorate.

For so many years in New York State and City, the Republicans have been delighted to feed off the scraps, so long as they didn't really annoy anyone in the Democrat party.

Republicans have been so stupidly licking at scraps that they failed to notice that the scraps were getting smaller and more tasteless.

Will the Republicans meditate on their weak sister failings and grow some spine, or will they be happy licking the floor of the unwanted scraps?

My bet? The Republicans don't even know where the spine store is, or, where to put it if it were a campaign gift.

Tony Nunziato does have spine, but he was left out by the jelly fish who don't recognize a great candidate and get behind him.

Jelly fish Republicans: at all levels, federal, state, local: learn the lessons given to you yesterday, form a team with a deep bench, act like a team, and learn to quit groveling.

georgetheatheist said...

And you, Phil Ragusa, Chairman of the opposition Queens County Republican Party, what do you have to say about this?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Crowley will learn.

There is NO way Mr. Como could have. He just doesn't get it. Look at his house, his lies, his Cardinal Egan palm card and his mentors.

Let's see if Mr. Como can make it in the real world. He's had nothing but politically connected jobs his entire life.

Anonymous said...

And you, Phil Ragusa, Chairman of the opposition Queens County Republican Party, what do you have to say about this?

Maybe I can get a job in the real life movie version of "Super Mario."

Anonymous said...

"Did anyone see Anthony Como's monster truck of an SUV near the Republican Club yesterday?"

A bloated car for a bloated man with a bloated house and a bloated ego. The only thing that's small is the brain.

Anonymous said...

como lost ha ha fat out of touch idiot he is

wow maybe people in middle village are not as dumb as they look or speak or drive or talk
on 2nd thought

this is great i had no idea that idiot drove a monster truck too with his ugly pile of bricks

i bet he does not recycle either

and do not forget obama

a great day for america and queens

suck it you racist slob losers

Anonymous said...

If Republicans are running on gay marriage as their primary issue, then they deserve to lose. Unless you're stuck in a time warp, no one cares if two consenting adults decide to get hitched. IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID. IT'S OVERDEVELOPMENT, STUPID. IT'S BEING TAXED TO DEATH, STUPID.

Anonymous said...

If the problem is "overdevelopment stupid" why did you vote for Crowley and Markey?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners. I'm glad Maltese and Como are gone. As far as the Republican issue, many Republicans have changed their party to Independent because of the 8-year Bush administration. Maltese and Como ran a united, but desperate campaign. Kudos to Nunziato, who ran an honest grass roots campaign and had the smarts not to align himself with the other two Republicans. Even though he lost, his numbers were decent. There was no way a Republican could win because everyone voted down the Democratic line. In the end, Nunziato will still advocate for his community. The best news for all of us is that we can start fresh and we are rid of Gallagher, Como and Maltese.

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for Crowley and Markey. Neither of them were on my ballot. Not sure why you assumed that.

Unknown said...

I guess none of you went by PS 113 and saw Crowleys huge SUV with the smily face lights on top! Talk about a waste.
And to the Anonymous that said Como voted against Term limits you're wrong. He voted for term limits.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why you assumed that.

maybe because this little chat is about the ballot that did contain these 2 bright lights.

Anonymous said...

This chat was originally about Maltese and Como, not about Crowley and Markey.

I live in Serf's district but not Como's or Markey's. The first commenter said gay marriage will pass now with Serf out. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Add Gennaro works with Parkside and although close to call is also loosing

Anonymous said...

So glad that Gallagher is out of the picture and not pulling Como's strings anymore. Time to start fresh with new people and new ideas. It was time for Maltese to retire anyway. Hopefully Crowley and Addabo will not kiss-up to the developers and run an honest government for their constituents. Best of luck to both.

Anonymous said...

the only reason crowley won and knew she had a chance of winning was because of Obama and the democratic ticket .. most people who voted for her don't know who the fuck she is or that she's incapable of doing ANYTHING for district 30. let the fun begin - can't wait to see her fall flat on her face till November o9.

and for the record - Como VOTED AGAINST THE 3rd TERM! AND Gallagher WAS NOT ON HIS CAMPAIGN ! where the HELL do you get your information from!?

As for helping constituents - say what you want but for the short amount of time he was in office he did MORE for his constituents then crowley can even DREAM of doing. He had a dedicated staff. Now what- you can expect Holden to work for her? Great. Something else to look forward to.

God Bless America.

Anonymous said...

im sorry but didn't Crowley have a big truck too. also by calling Como names actually makes you dick head look like losers you should shut the fuck up just like bob Holden does when he gets yelled at what a bitch

Anonymous said...

I live in Serf's district but not Como's or Markey's. The first commenter said gay marriage will pass now with Serf out. Get it?

NO. If gay marriage was in the top 10 problems we face then commenter one was elevant otherwise he's a one issue fool. This blog is not about gay rights. If you were talking about Como, Crowley is part of that equation, as far as Markey being mentioned I believe the poster was generlaizing most posters on this blog voting patterns.

georgetheatheist said...

Does anyone know where I can get Como-Cardinal Egan palm cards? I want to set up a self-directed IRA investing in this sure-to-be collectors item.

Anonymous said...

"and for the record - Como VOTED AGAINST THE 3rd TERM"

Ah, another small brained propaganda-spewing idiot.

Let's set the record straight one last time. Anyone who either voted 'YES' on the term limit extension OR 'NO' ON THE AMENDMENT ensured that the mayor got exactly what he wanted.

Idiot Como's role was to vote NO on the amendment to ensure it failed. He then was given the mayor's ok to vote NO on the actual bill in a lame attempt to
save face. But he didn't fool anyone.

This backroom deal was widely reported, so you aren't fooling anyone.

Anonymous said...

Although I am not happy that crowley won, I wish Crowley the Best of luck and my support since she will need it. We all know the only reason she won was because people voted right down the party line....same holds true for Serf.

Good Coucilwoman Obama ...I mean Crowley

georgetheatheist said...

Or Serphin Maltese-as-Columbus plates?

Anonymous said...

CntrySigns please read the whole story on the term limits vote before writing some more moronic comments. Try to follow along, I know it's difficult but read EVERY word, stop and think and then read some more.

Anonymous said...

If you think the tweeding is bad now, just wait until the democrats re-district in 2010. We will be a one party town for at least two generations. You can hate anyone all you want, but if your real concern is tweedning, the game is over for you. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Anonymous said...

The reason that Queens Crap, Holden, Christina, Tony and the rest of the crew supported Crowley was for one reason only. The thought behind this take over was that Ognibene refused to run against Como in 2009 and lose the support of the Republican Party by running against Como while he held office.

But, Tom did decide that if Como was to lose he was going to run against Crowley next year. This not only came from reliable sources but it is fact.

In several months from now Tom will announce his run for city council 2009 and these same people that endorsed Crowley will now move over to Tom's corner and fully support him.

The problem with these tactics are that you all have lost so much credibility now that no matter what you do or say to help Tom, you could end up being a thorn in his side come next November because no one is going to trust you anymore because of the way you morally flip flopped for your own agenda and not what is good for the community.

I do not like Como but I despise Crowley more because she has done nothing to her credits and Como at least has worked for the community a lot more than Crowley ever did.

Last, Crowley is going to embarrass the community by her lack of knowledge, her inept ability to work with people and some other things I will not repeat here because I do not want her children to know what her mother is really noted for. Also, she lied about her education and her degrees. Enough said on that.

You cannot compromise your morals and principals the way you do and expect people to respect when you flip flop so much. Many communities end up divided because of ego's and personalities that destroy what our forefathers did to build up our neighborhoods. You make elections so personal and I do not understand how you can change about someone 3 months after you trashed her publicly on this very site. This boggles my mind.

Now you are about to flip flop again to endorse Tom in the up coming year and you may very well hurt his candidacy by this. I really am hurt by this groups way of treating people.

Anonymous said...

I did not mention Gay marriage as a bad thing. I really am thanking you all for doing this. We have been trying for years to get this passed and it was because Maltese kept casting the deciding vote against gay marriage that it could not pass. Now that Maltese is out Addabbo will vote yes and we finally will have gay marriage.

This may not be important for many of you, but to my partner and I this is a great day for us. we waited 19 years for this day and we finally got it. By this time next year I will be legally married in NYS. That for me is a big issue and Maltese was the only thing stopping the bill from getting passed.

So I am sorry if you thought I was being sarcastic, because I really do want to say thank you very much this is a great day for all gay New Yorkers and we owe it to the 15th Senate district. And we really do mean it, Thank you for helping my partner and I finally get what we waited so long for. Good luck to you all otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Ognibene can't win you moron, no Republican can win now! All your deal making and failure to properly party build has destroyed the party for a long long time.

Anonymous said...

"Como at least has worked for the community a lot more than Crowley ever did"

Like what, exactly? (excluding his lies, name-only participation, and working for Serf which is paid work?)

"Last, Crowley is going to embarrass the community by her lack of knowledge, her inept ability to work with people"

I used to agree with you on that, but after electing Como I found him to be the bigger of the embarrassments. Perhaps they are a tie on the embarrassment issue.
However, Como has proven a backroom dealmaking corrupt hack and a shameless liar. Crowley may or may not be the same, but I feel we have little to lose by rolling the dice with her.

Anonymous said...

" ... you could end up being a thorn in his side come next November because no one is going to trust you anymore because of the way you morally flip flopped for your own agenda and not what is good for the community."

Hate to make you have to grow up in one single day, but here's the disturbing news: People vote for their own self-interest, not for the "community's" interest. That's routine human nature. Deal with it.

* * *

"im sorry but didn't Crowley have a big truck too. also by calling Como names actually makes you dick head look like losers you should shut the fuck up just like bob Holden does when he gets yelled at what a bitch."

You are so right. Calling people names like dick head losers and that Holden is a bitch, and suggesting people shut the fuck up does, indeed, make you look like a Como/Maltese loser! It's great that you don't get to do any name calling.

* * *

"and for the record - Como VOTED AGAINST THE 3rd TERM! AND Gallagher WAS NOT ON HIS CAMPAIGN ! where the HELL do you get your information from!?

As for helping constituents - say what you want but for the short amount of time he was in office he did MORE for his constituents then crowley can even DREAM of doing. He had a dedicated staff. Now what- you can expect Holden to work for her? Great. Something else to look forward to."

Now here's the real record: Como, begged for PERMISSION from the Commissar and Quinn to vote NO. Gallagher WAS on his and Maltese's campaign. This is from the media and from insiders who spilled the beans.

If you knew some actual things Como did for the constituents, you would itemize them; you don't because you can't because he didn't do anything.

Why do you keep referring to Holden? Do you have a romantic or some sexual attraction to him? If, yes, spell it out. If not, shut up!

Anonymous said...

Time for Gallagher to call O'Neals and make a reservation for 2 extra bar stools for his pals Como and Maltese.

Anonymous said...

Two stools? With all the staff Serf was paying you could fill the whole damn place. And make room for the swingers and fake LaCrappa in the bathroom. And all the beer could go on Gallagher's tab, courtesy of his campaign donors.

Calling Humpty-Joe... aren't you
proud of the way the pink man spent all that money you raised for him??

Anonymous said...

Everyone take a breath, and re-channel the energy before it subsides. It's been a nasty year for all sides.

Now we should look forward to starting fresh, and we have a few months to set the new plan for the City Council race. We get another election in Nov 2009. We can still make a better change.

Here's a thought that may appeal to all voters that wish to see a better candidate for their party:

The GOP house was cleaned out. Next November take out Crowley. Now we sent the message to both sides: we're tired of the old politics from both parties. But who gets voted in next? Let's think this over.

Republicans and Democrats: find a credible "non-politico" from the neighborhood, someone who is not tainted, someone who wasn't involved in the propaganda circuit. A normal person. There are good people amongst us. They are the ones who aren't career politicians or lawyers looking for a lifetime pension. They are the ones with roots here, and love the community, and generally care.

Both the Democrat and Republican parties will force someone in those respective ballot slots in 2009. They have the money and the influence. They are doing what they always do. They will also get their candidates to run in multiple party affiliations (to take OUR OPTIONS AWAY). That happens all the time. How long will we accept that?

So we need to fill in 2 or 3 people in the other slots (WFP, Ind, other), they will be the peoples' choice for a Dem, Rep, Ind/other. Get it? Better candidates under different labels. Completely ignore the traditional Dems/Reps "labeled" candidates, and focus on the new blood.

We need to create our informal primary, and seat the alternate candidates into the other ballot slots. Then have those people campaign and debate at the local meetings - like the "politicians" should have done in the recent years. No more puppet candidates. Their campaigns should emphasize their names, not their "parties."

Hasn't it been annoying to always vote for the lesser of the evils that ended up on the ballot? Hasn't it been sad to see a candidate spread across multiple parties? Don't you wish the last column in the booth said "non of the candidates"?

This is an idea to get those alternates on the ballot, and when they are there, we can forget about the traditional Dems and Reps that were forced upon us, and vote in one of the new candidates. We choose among 2 or 3 new candidates.

We need more than one "other" candidate, that always get pushed aside as the one with no chance. Push the traditional Dems and Reps aside, in favor of better Dem, Rep, Other alternate candidates.

I'm sure many people will vote next Nov because of the term limit situation. Again, people will be fairly polar next year - to send a message. People don't always vote down the line, especially when they are aware of their options.

This is good, we won't have another poor turn out like the recent Special Election, where 3 dozen votes make the difference.

If a few thousand felt strongly enough to vote in the special, all it takes is those same people to get 5 of their friends to vote next time. Then we have real numbers of serious voters at the polls, those numbers will make a difference, and will be enough to put the focus on our "other candidateS" thereby removing votes from the normal candidates (which we will bitch out on this site next year beacuse we didn't like our options once again).

It costs zero dollars to get 5 friends to go vote with you - heck, some families can generate that scale themselves. They just need to go and vote.

Winning elections is a numbers game. When new voters come into a district things change. But change happens over time. After a while, those with common religion, ethnicity, race, party affiliation, sex....) group together in a district and get scale. That scale influences the race. Scale wins it for a particular candidate. Just like on the national level, the voters shift - it's really apparent when looking across 3 election cycles. It's happening here also.

Irregardless of which side you voted for yesterday, you were among MANY other voters - and that was a great action.

We can send another message next year, and we can create a ballot of "real" candidateS. We just need to find them and present them.

Anonymous said...

"Now you are about to flip flop again to endorse Tom in the up coming year and you may very well hurt his candidacy by this. I really am hurt by this groups way of treating people."

Hey asshole, how about putting your energy into something worthwhile instead of writing long conspiracy theories that you have decided must be true. Why are you so obsessed with a civic association and what they think or do? After all they are volunteers. Get over that you lost and go out and make a fucking living that's not on the backs of taxpayers. And please leave the grannies alone!

Anonymous said...

Politicians come and politicians go. The civic has been around for 70 years and counting. You want to know why we changed our minds about Liz? It's because she reached out to work with us for the betterment of the neighborhood instead of slamming her door in our faces like Mr. Como did. Look at it this least he'll have more time to enjoy the palace he built for himself.

Anonymous said...


SERF MALTESE: On his way to Italy to get another photo of the Pope holding a plate with Serf as Christopher Columbus. This time Serf wants the Pope to look at the camera and say Serf's Up!

ANTHONY COMO: Seen binging on buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken. By 12 noon today he can't hold his head up on his own. EMS called to airlift him to Bobs Big Boy clothes.

JAKE LASALA: Found wandering in the basement of Barosa stuttering to himself about the good old days.

TOM OGNIBENE: Files an order of protection with the NYPD against Gallagher because he thinks Dennis wants to have sex with his golf bag. At the same time decides to endorse Osama Bin Laden for city council.

DENNIS GALLAGHER: Violates his parole by loitering in front of several geriatric wards and senior centers while in the possession of rubbing alcohol and sponges.

KERRI STEINMULLER: Fired from Como's office for biting and pole dancing on a bus stop sign in front of the office.

METZGERS: Formed a new website called: www.swinging2008and

Anonymous said...

Christina: Well said, Como got what was coming to him for making all the wrong decisions. He was an arrogant fool who thought he would be crowned king of the land because he mentioned "the senator" twice in every sentence.

Anonymous said...

The best thing about Como's loss will be getting rid of the Metzgers.

georgetheatheist said...

78th Avenue. That's right Como thought he could ride Maltese's coattail. Instead he found himself downwind from Serf's bulging-with-a-big-load Depends.

Anonymous said...

Serf, Gallagher and Como...
Dumb, Dumber and Dumberer.

Anonymous said...

That's right George, there was no bigger political whore than Como. He was the quintessential plus sized hack. He was never his own man.

That's what happens when you're GIVEN one politically connected job after another. Serf got him a job in the DA's office, Board of Elections, hired him as his counsel and even made him run errands for him doing his underhanded political work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What are the Metzgers?

Anonymous said...

You know what's really funny? Elizabeth got no support from the party because they were so focused on the state senate. She didn't have campaign consultants like the Parkside Group this time, either. Congratulations on a successful grass roots campaign. Other candidates can learn a good lesson from you.

Anonymous said...

yeah what was that all about? como was a name dropper who was so far up serf's ass that maltese had to hire a full time proctologist

Anonymous said...

Things that make you go HMMMM.

1-Holden/Christina/Juniper Park-endorses Ober in April trashing Crowley and Como.

2-Abandons Ober and supports and writes Ognibene's mailings in May.

3-Makes friends and endorses Crowley in July.

4-will abandon Crowley & endorse Ognibene in the near future. Does anyone see any correlation here.

How can you all sleep at night with the way you represent your communities. Makes you wonder motives. I am out of politics for now on. People do not want to really help their communities they just ant to use the opportunities to bash people they do not like. It is more about how to hurt people than it is to put the right people in the right office.

Anonymous said...

Joe Addabbo had a meeting with Quinn 2 weeks before the vote on term limits extension and asked permission to vote no on the matter. There were 3 people that asked permission to vote no, yes Como was one of them but so was Addabbo and Gennaro. So if you are going to report the truth do so honestly. It amazes me how when you report the truth you do so my leaving out other things.

Addabbo did get permission to vote no and Quinn admitted that the conversation with Joe did happen because she did not want this issue to start hurting his run for senator.

So it was not just Como that asked to vote no. How come you did not report that.

Anonymous said...

Albert Baldeo has been given the green light to run for the 38th Assembly district to replace Anthony Seminerio. Addabbo has decided to come out for Baldeo in what is definitely going to be a strange relationship between the two of them.

Word came out of Baldeo's office this morning that indeed Baldeo is running and that Addabbo will endorse and help any way he can. Albert reportedly moved from his home and has now moved into the 38th district to prepare for his run.

This surprise announcement is going to leave a lot of questions out there as to how Addabbo could endorse someone with such questionable ethics. Baldeo says that he allowed the Addabbo campaign to use his office, his people, his community and their unending energy to help put Addabbo over the top and now he did expect this endorsement all along and he is happy that he got it.

Do you realize the implications when you go against someone. do you ever think about the ramifications when you support someone against someone else simply because you do not like the other person. Instead of weighing it all out you just make these rash decisions and never think about what is next.

Now we have to deal with Baldeo running for office with Addabbo's help. Assemblyman Baldeo what a piece of shit he is. thank you Queens crap. How are you going to get out of this one. with your man endorsing baldeo. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Albert Baldeo has been given the green light to run for the 38th Assembly district to replace Anthony Seminerio. Addabbo has decided to come out for Baldeo in what is definitely going to be a strange relationship between the two of them.

Word came out of Baldeo's office this morning that indeed Baldeo is running and that Addabbo will endorse and help any way he can. Albert reportedly moved from his home and has now moved into the 38th district to prepare for his run.

This surprise announcement is going to leave a lot of questions out there as to how Addabbo could endorse someone with such questionable ethics. Baldeo says that he allowed the Addabbo campaign to use his office, his people, his community and their unending energy to help put Addabbo over the top and now he did expect this endorsement all along and he is happy that he got it.

Do you realize the implications when you go against someone. do you ever think about the ramifications when you support someone against someone else simply because you do not like the other person. Instead of weighing it all out you just make these rash decisions and never think about what is next.

Now we have to deal with Baldeo running for office with Addabbo's help. Assemblyman Baldeo what a piece of shit he is. thank you Queens crap. How are you going to get out of this one. with your man endorsing baldeo. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"Now we have to deal with Baldeo running for office with Addabbo's help. Assemblyman Baldeo what a piece of shit he is. thank you Queens crap. How are you going to get out of this one. with your man endorsing baldeo. Thanks."

Wow Crappy, there are so many paranoid out of work Maltese and Como staffers out there and they're holding you responsible for their defeats. It warms the cockles of my heart to see these hacks complaining. Pay back's a bitch, Crappy. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Maltese and Como, known affectionately as Serf and Turd, made so many mistakes I don't know where to begin. Basically they never understood that they work for the people, not the other way around.

Maltese started to appear that he was working only after Albert Baldeo nearly knocked him off two years ago. That can't make up for 18 years of faking it.

Anthony Como was a complete mess. A poor public speaker at best, Como did little right. He got what he deserved by using Gallagher and his staff.

faster340 said...

To anonymous;

"Joe Addabbo had a meeting with Quinn 2 weeks before the vote on term limits extension and asked permission to vote no on the matter."

Instead of stating so anonymously please show absolute proof that he met with her and the content of their conversation.

Anonymous said...

the ghosts of st. saviour's have struck again. now that the local politicans are taken care of the spirits will turn their attention to a few others.

Anonymous said...

I cannot reveal how I know this information. But Christine admitted that she had meetings with certain members of the council and that in fact she did give a pass to certain members to vote no.

If you know any of the council members and you have a relationship that you can ask the question of the record than ask and they will tell you. It was not only Addabbo, but it was also Genarro and Como. Quinn knew she had 28 votes (although one person changed their mind a few minutes before the vote and made it 29) to go into the debate. She knew that she could give 3 votes away and that is what she did.

Let me ask you a logical question. Addabbo has done whatever the party has asked him to do. He has not bucked the party once do you really think he was going to start bucking the system now with this vote in the term limits extension.

Be for real people. Addabbo was not going to chance the Democratic support by voting no without their permission. If you really think that he voted no without asking first than you really do not know politics. They gave him a pass on the vote.

I bet if you asked Addabbo straight out if he had a meeting with Quinn right before the term limits extension vote he would say yes. He may not say what transpired at the meeting but if you put 2 and 2 together you can figure it out.

Addabbo will not do anything without first having permission. That is the way he is. He is not independent like he tries to make himself. He is totally controlled by the Democratic party. You think they spent over 1 million dollars on his campaign for an uncontrollable person. He is a good ole boy.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Como is taking this loss very hard. As someone who is close to him I will admit he made a bunch of mistakes and did listen to the wrong people, bad bad bad people.

Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson in picking your allies wisely. He now knows what he did wrong.

Please have a heart, it does no good to beat him up on this site. The neighborhood will benefit in 2009 if Anthony comes back like the sharp prosecutor he was four years ago. I hope that he gets it together for the sake of the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Serf let Anthony suffer alone while he is vacationing in Italy. What a guy!

Anonymous said...

I agree Como did lose his base. I can't believe how many REPUBLICANS did not vote for him.
Anthony ran a very poor campaign this time around and we all know why.

Anonymous said...

"Anthony Como is taking this loss very hard. As someone who is close to him I will admit he made a bunch of mistakes and did listen to the wrong people, bad bad bad people.

Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson in picking your allies wisely. He now knows what he did wrong.

Please have a heart, it does no good to beat him up on this site. The neighborhood will benefit in 2009 if Anthony comes back like the sharp prosecutor he was four years ago. I hope that he gets it together for the sake of the neighborhood"

I think most of her here would leave the guy alone, so long as he stays away from public office. If he wants to be in private law practice, I'd support him and wish him well. But, I'm sorry to say, as an elected official he proved he has neither the 'leadership' or the 'integrity' his literature boasted.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I am happy for Joseph Adabbo, I hope he works hard for us. The mail from Maltese was horrible and reflected badly on him. Although I thought Maltese did well for us over the years he seemed too vicious in the mailing and too desperate. It was time to retire him for a younger man.

Anonymous said...

"Anthony Como is taking this loss very hard. As someone who is close to him I will admit he made a bunch of mistakes and did listen to the wrong people, bad bad bad people."

Too late sweetheart he lied about the church?,
Mr. Como is an asshole and he's done just like Gallagher, Ognibene, Maltese, Ragusa and Tabone to name a few.

The Haggertys will have to clean up the mess.

Anonymous said...

Beauty killed the beast.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Como is an asshole and he's done just like Gallagher, Ognibene, Maltese, Ragusa and Tabone to name a few."

What a self-serving statement, Bart and John. You couldn't do any better or you would have.

Anonymous said...

"What a self-serving statement, Bart and John. You couldn't do any better or you would have."

Wrong again Vince, you loser.

Anonymous said...

Is there a bigger slime ball than Tabone?

Anonymous said...

Is there a bigger slime ball than Tabone?

take your pick -

Dennis the convict, Bart the music teacher, John the law school drop out, etc., etc., all do nothings and complainers and not 1/2 the man of character that VT is.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if "big" Tony had won?

They had to build a special over-sized chair for "2 ton" Taft when he was president!

Maybe that fat finocchio Como will be found cruising "The Ramble" in Central Park soon.

That's his speed, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Hey extreme tactics aside - we will no longer be well represented in Middle Village, Elmhurst and Maspeth without Sen. Maltese - go look at Gas Tank park for an example of just some of his efforts. Call him on the phone or email - he or his staff always replied."

Are you for real? Gas Tanks park was a Juniper Park Civic Association effort, they won despite Maltese. At one of their meetings Maltese even said that he would rather have a Lowe's than a Home Depot. He was booed. What did he do on the gas tanks project. NOTHING!

Maltese is the quintessential fence sitter who rarely takes sides in an issue for fear of losing votes. Now he won't have to worry about that anymore. That's a good lesson for Joe Addabbo.

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