Monday, November 3, 2008

A message from Crappy to the candidates

I got robocalls this morning from Mayor Bloomberg on behalf of Serf Maltese and Anthony Como's mother on behalf of her bouncing baby boy. It's bad enough you have to bombard my house with written campaign crap but now you're annoying me with phone calls. Please just go away.

P.S. Addabbo is no better but apparently doesn't have my phone number.


Anonymous said...

I received a call from Hillary on behalf of Toby Stavisky. Where's my barf bag? I hope Peter stages a Koo!!!

Anonymous said...


faster340 said...

You don't know how much I want this to STOP! And because I have 2 L's in my last name they think I am spanish and I am getting all the spanish robo-calls. I am getting really angry at this shit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do they think these calls make you more likely to vote for them? If anything, it makes me want to vote for the other guy who hasn't annoyed me thus far.

Anonymous said...

I also got three calls a few minutes apart from Mary Crowley
last night. I hung up on all of them. When I went to make an important call I couldn't because Mrs. Mom was still connected.
There ought to be a law!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How come I've never gotten any robocalls? What kinds of things do they say?

Queens Crapper said...

It's usually 30 seconds, they mention the name of the candidate at least 3 times and they speak really fast. Something like, "Hi, this is Mike Bloomberg urging you to vote for Serf Maltese this election day. Serf Maltese is the greatest thing since sliced bread. You can't go wrong voting for Serf, he'll bring home the bacon for your district. Remember to vote Serf Maltese on November 4th."

Anonymous said...

I got a robo call with a New Jersey area code that left a message on my machine telling me to vote for Joe Addabbo because he supports the gay, lesbian and transgender agenda. Maltese shows his true colors with this type of smear campaign. So much for meeting with the Pope and being on the board of a Catholic HS.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those calls have gotten annoying. What I do is call the candidate's campaign office and let them know that the call worked and that they'll have my vote on the 5th!!!

Anonymous said...

I got that call too. Mine did not show the callers's number on caller id. One more reason to cross slimy Serf off my list for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Here's a tip to get people off your phone:

Purchase the shrillest, most ear-piercing whistle you can find (camping goods stores have them).

Keep a whistle by each phone (carry one with you if the calls are coming in on your cell).

The rest is obvious: Let off a long shrill shriek when the annoying call comes in.

It can blow out eardrums. It can disable the robo-call computer (or telemarketing computer) if you're lucky enough to hit the right note.

Annoyed by a whispering lecher? A whistle will make him quit. What's he going to do? Sue? Sue you for breaking his eardrums when he was whispering obscenities? Hardly.

Anonymous said...

This election, Mr. Serphin Maltese has showed me that he is a vicious and mean spirited politician. I was appalled by the level of attacks. It was sickening. I'm voting for the other guy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they can call even if you are on the do not call list.

Anonymous said...

don't understand why they can call even if you are on the do not call list.

Because they wrote the law. It specifically exempts political calls from being disallowed. Same thing with the lawn litter law, political literature can be left even on property that displays a no cicular sign.

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