Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Maltese & Como send thugs & cops after volunteers

Things are getting heated and strange outside polling sites in Council District 30/State Senate District 15. A Nunziato volunteer rested a sign against the bottom of this Como/Maltese sandwichboard, being that they are on the same ticket and are all being supported by Mike Ricatto who donated the frames. The Serf volunteers called the cops and one of their thugs to the scene, claiming that their signs and frame were being destroyed. As you can see, they weren't.
Said thug is pictured above, pointing and yelling at the photographer with his car blocking traffic. The police came, talked to both sides and left. About 2 hours later, a police officer told an Addabbo volunteer that she couldn't stand behind the official board of elections sign that indicates a safe distance at which you may electioneer. She was told to stand on the next corner. The same thing apparently also happened at PS229 in Maspeth. Sad that Serf and Como feel the need to call police over palm cards and signs. And even sadder that they did it to someone from their own party.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess. Sucks to have to actually have to take part in a competitive race, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

No photos of the signs that Addabbo has all over Woodhaven and Metropolitan? Isn't that illegal?

Anonymous said...

I always liked Serf, but his close support of half-wit buffoon Como is making me change my mind.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if these are the same Como thugs that threatened Charlie Ober's volunteers on Metro last spring?

Anonymous said...

yea it is hard for you guys cause Como is going to win and maybe you people should get the story straight before you write anything on you dumb website

Anonymous said...

Photographer? Alias for Christina Wilkinson - and of course the story is biased. What else is new. A perspective from someone who was actually there: Christina and Bob were seen harassing a Maltese campaigner. That "thug" is not a thug at all, but a decent guy who came to the volunteers' rescue - why you idiots on this blog thing you can run everything is beyond me. And please Christina- if you think by snapping pictures and threatening to call the cops makes you sound innocent when YOU were the one BARKING LIKE A DOG, apparently you're head is up your ass further then we thought. Freaking loser.

Anonymous said...

I am an Addabbo supporter, but I do not appreciate the neighborhood being covered everywhere with signs, as anonymous said above.It is unnecessary and crude. And it definitely is illegal.Nevertheless, he is the better candidate this time around. (Though Queens deserves better than most of these men and women.)

Anonymous said...

Nobody from team Como should be calling anyone a loser. He defines the term. I thought he just mediocre and a little dopey until the Cardinal Eagan thing, and since then he's just kept on telling lies.

What 'Strengh of Character' it must take to lie like Anthony.

Anonymous said...

So who in Serf camp should be charged with filing the false police report?

Anonymous said...

Please vote for ma little boy Athony! He's Italian like you!

Don't worry, he won't lie anymore -I spanked his bottom red as an apple for doing that! And he won't send his little friends after people anymore. I whipped his ass with a belt for that. And he won't vote to undermine democracy anymore, becuase I kicked him in the nutz for that. After he stopped crying he promised to be a good boy. Give my little Anthony another chance. He's such a good boy when he's not hanging out with his little friend Dennis.

Anonymous said...

Add St. Sebastian's to the list...

Anonymous said...

I don't get it - why would Serf and Como do this to a fellow Republican?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, why didn't the police arrest them for calling in a false report? They obviously lied; the signs look fine.

Anonymous said...

Vote for a proven liar. VOTE COMO.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about signs and who posted them and where...it is all a waste of time, energy and money

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD we are rid of Serphin Maltese as State Senator.

Let's hope that Anthony Como goes to the same sewer.

Let's also hope that Maltese finally relinguishes his self-imposed hold over Christ the King Regional High School. The faculty realizes that, like in the New York State Senate, he is completely out-of-touch with reality.

CK parents should take control of their childrens' school and abolish its current Board of Trustees, which includes Thomas Ognibene, who runs the school's scholarship committee and sold pornography in CK's former convent over the Internet.

Two pathetic excuses for politicians.

Anonymous said...

The election is now finally over. Guess won won? Both Como and Serf will join the ranks of the unemployed.

The people, and God, have spoken. Don't mess with the Church little round Italian boy. Were you saving your picture with the Pope for the Nov 09 election?

The neighborhoods are changing, and so should the politicians.

Besides - Crowley has 8 months to actually accomplish something. Then we get to judge her, be harassed by the new candidates in Fall 09.

Como "claimed" he did everything in his short term, and got everyone funding for the pet projects (even though all that happened in the last few months was legacy Gallagher actions that finally worked through the system).

Antnee - what did momma tell you growing up: "Liar, Liar, pants on fire (get's you elected)" - not. or "Sometimes when you play with bulls, you get the horns?" Now we're talkin.

Bye bye. Grab a hammer and finish your McMansion.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Dennis you perverted piece of turd. The neighborhood has finally flushed the toilet and you, Maltese and that bloated piece of crap Como are gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All of Maltese's negative mail backfired. Goodbye Maltese, Como, Gallagher and Ognibene and good riddance!

And a special goodbye to Kerri Steinmuller, Lynda Metzger and Jake LaSala. You all will NOT be missed.

Anonymous said...

"yea it is hard for you guys cause Como is going to win and maybe you people should get the story straight before you write anything on you dumb website"

Anthony, maybe you should learn to write, you fat fuck. Then there won't be so many mistakes in YOU comments.

Anonymous said...

Ciao to Maltese and Como.
They both ruined Middle Village.

Anonymous said...

And yes, good riddens to hangers-on like the useless Jake LaSala, allied with the likes of Tom Ognibene and disgraced rapist Dennis Gallagher. LaSala shamelessly used his former wife's Middle Village address for Como's campaign mailings. Why didn't he use his own? To perpetuate the fiction that they are still married? Even here, the divorced lawyer couldn't be trusted to be honest.

Anonymous said...

Has Como finally stopped using one of his parents' two addresses on 75 Place and Juniper Boulevard as his legal address?

Anonymous said...

Mafiosi, be they the real deal or the political variety, always resort to thuggery!

This time these political dons used the NYPD instead of their own soldieri to intimidate the opposition!

Eh "don cheech" (Serf)...
isn't it time you checked out a retirement home for mobsters?

Anonymous said...

"LaSala shamelessly used his former wife's Middle Village address for Como's campaign mailings. Why didn't he use his own?"

A cardboard box on the sidewalk can't be assigned an address.

Anonymous said...

"Has Como finally stopped using one of his parents' two addresses on 75 Place and Juniper Boulevard as his legal address?"

I think so, his new palazzo di merda needs about three addresses of its own.

Anonymous said...

his house is a one family home how about you assholes stop talking about it. it makes you guys look like you want that house too. also i am going to miss all the people in Comos and serfs office because they were all good respected people in the community no like the people who run this fucking web site "bark bark" bitch!

Anonymous said...

Como didn't have a chance. He's a nice guy, but the democrats outnumbered him. I'm sure Crowley's numbers matched Obama's number. There was nothing Como could do because democrats voted straight down the line.

Anonymous said...

his house is a one family home how "about you assholes stop talking about it. it makes you guys look like you want that house too. also i am going to miss all the people in Comos and serfs office because they were all good respected people in the community no like the people who run this fucking web site "bark bark" bitch!"

There's your typical Como-Serf lovin' thug. Thanks for proving the point people are making here.

His house is a gaudy, tasteless eyesore no matter how many people live in it. And why hasn't he paid his DOB fines?

Anonymous said...

Aw, the poor thugs in the photo won't get patronage jobs now in return for volunteering for Serf and Como. And what will lardass do with himself? He can't go back and be Serf's counsel. He can't go back to Board of Elections. And both he and Jake are really shitty attorneys. Who's going to pay off all those contractors?

Anonymous said...

Word has it that lard-ass is already at Ferrara's stuffing his cheeks (both sets) with cannolis to calm himself down!

Tsk, tsk, tsk...you'll only get a sugar rush Tony and that's bad
for your waistline!

Anonymous said...

the least of Como's many worries is his waistline. Did you see his bloated head and what used to be a neck?
He's headed for Stabileland.

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