Thursday, November 6, 2008

Liz won over Como's voters

“I seem to have gotten a strong vote in some of the traditionally conservative areas of the district, like Middle Village and Glendale, that supported McCain,” Ms. Crowley added. “So, it seems like they went to vote for McCain and switched over to vote for me. I’m really excited about this.”

Mr. Como could not be reached for comment this afternoon. No one answered the phones in either the councilman’s district office in Middle Village or his office near City Hall.

Democrat Wins Queens Council Race

Hmmm... Como pissed off his base? Wonder how he did that. And I am glad this is in print, because no one from his office should get paid for yesterday since they weren't doing their job.


Anonymous said...

It was Como's race to lose and he did just that; he did EVERYTHING wrong. He burned bridges everywhere because he's a pompous ass and he actually dragged Maltese with him.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth hung in there through the sticks and stones which no doubt made her stronger. She has the support and resources to help her do an excellent job. So much jealously out there for an obviously beautiful and bright woman. Queens haters know the truth is... she is here to stay and we will see more and more of this lovely face and gentle soul with a strong spirit. Her education is what she claims it to be so find something else to knock. You can never please all. She can only be held responsible for herself and no one else. Nice to see she is forgiving too of the evil involved....God speed and congrads to Elizabeth!

Anonymous said...

The sign on Como's office door on Monday said they would be closed Tuesday and Wednesday for the election. I guess he thought they be out late celebrating over his win. NOT!

Anonymous said...

Crowley will crash and burn. She is unintelligent and unskilled, and she has been handed everything because of her last name. How is this person qualified in any way to be a public representative? The choices in this election were pathetic, because Como is a mediocre doof, but I think we got the worst of the two now.

Anonymous said...

Now that fat finocchio's
aspirations for a political career are finished!

Chiao bambino!

Crawl back to "Pinky"
so you can both pork each other
and commiserate together!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth will be a MUCH better council member than Anthony Como. She has her work cut out for her though after the Gallagher /Como regime tainted the office with their brand of disgraceful and deceitful politics.

Como did not distance himself from Gallagher and actually followed in his footsteps of lying to his constituents.

Yes, Elizabeth is young but she will do well if she hires a good staff, works hard and tells the truth. She's tenacious and will learn quickly.

Anonymous said...

The chapter is finally closed on the Republican led strangle hold on this part of Queens. We are rid of Maltese-Ognibene-Gallagher corrupt brand of politics. Any future candidate that was remotely connected with that trio should be soundly rejected.

Hey Crappy, how about an award for the great roto-rooter job that was done in the 15th Senatorial and 30th Council districts?

Maybe you can call it: The "away goes trouble down the drain" award."

Anonymous said...

Crappy, now that we know it wasn't Obama alone that finished Como, how about a poll to gauge exactly issue drove people away from him.

A) Sell out on term limits vote
B) Lieing about cardinal Egan
C) Connections to Gallagher and Staff
D) Ducking debates
E) Overall bad demeanor and taste(including his public speaking,his house, etc)
F) All of the above

Anonymous said...

The scam on term limits really turned me off, I was going to vote for Como until I read about the political deal on this blog. Thanks Queens Crap for the very good coverage.

Anonymous said...

all of the above

Anonymous said...

I thought it was amazing how Mr. Como in a few months had fallen so far. He ran a good campaign prior to the June election. I voted for him and spoke to him, thought he was a good guy.

This time around something happened. It looks like someone in his campaign was constantly dropping the ball. I voted for Crowley but I did want to vote for Como but changed my mind when he didn't show to the debate, among other things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


also has alot of baggage, and owes big favors for staying clean of the McLaughlin mess, which also cost cousin Joe. Como was a bit of a bafoon but this was definitely a case of the devil you know being better than the one you don't. This girl is BIG trouble, no matter what side your on a one pary monopoly is a HUGE slight on the community, all under the table deals become easier to contain.

Anonymous said...

"Como was a bit of a bafoon but this was definitely a case of the devil you know being better than the one you don't."

By that reasoning, McCain would be president. People want change.

"all under the table deals become easier to contain."

And McLaughlin, a Democrat, gave money he stole from kids to Gallagher, a Republican.

There's no difference between the parties in Queens County whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

By that reasoning, McCain would be president. People want change.

No, both were new.your point that McLaughlin was caught giving money to the putz demonstrates the point that leaving the party helps expose deals because there will always be someone in the opposition party who'd rather expose a major fraud on the other side and sacrifice a small pawn on theirs. The party can now hem in corruption from dizzy on the city side to Joe on federal side.

Anonymous said...

McLaughlin was caught by the FBI, not the DA.

Anonymous said...

McLaughlin was caught by the FBI, not the DA.

the FBI couldn'r find their ass with both hands if they were shown how. The investigation got kicked up to the federal level because the informant went to them out of fear for who else was involved. At any rate who cares who caught him it's not the point.

Anonymous said...

Advise to Elizabeth: Stay clear of that short,aging brunette from Glendale that use to be a school board member now lowlife Glendale "activist"..when you see her run the other way.

Anonymous said...

"Advise to Elizabeth: Stay clear of that short,aging brunette from Glendale that use to be a school board member now lowlife Glendale "activist"..when you see her run the other way."

If you mean Kathy Masi I agree, that's GOOD advice.

Anonymous said...


Rising Stars: 40 under 40
The Next Generation of Political Leaders in New York

Sep 15, 2008

Anthony Como needed just a few more credits to graduate with a major in political science from Queens College, so an advisor suggested an internship. After a few interviews, Como was invited to work at the office of State Sen. Serphin Maltese (R-Queens).

Within six months, Maltese offered Como a full-time position on his staff. Eventually, he became Maltese’s chief of staff. The experience was inspirational and taught him a love for public service, Como said.

But this year is when things began to really move. He won the special election to replace disgraced Council Member Dennis Gallagher, narrowly defeating Democrat Elizabeth Crowley.

This November, Como will face Crowley again—and, if he wins, possibly in another rematch next year, too.

When he is in need of advice, Como continues to turn to Maltese, who is facing his own close race this year.
“I make no qualms about it,” Como said of his fellow Queens Republican. “He’s been like a second father.”

How did your past jobs get you to where you are now? “Being a former prosecutor and chief counsel to the senator taught me how to best deliver—and know—what my district needs and how to provide for them. I’ve been in public service all my life.”

If you were not working in politics, what would you be doing? “If it wasn’t for politics, I’d still be a prosecutor. Being a prosecutor in the Queens County D.A.’s office—it’s one of the best offices I’ve ever worked for. He’s a great D.A. Love the camaraderie. Love the feel of the public service aspect.”

Five years from now, what is it going to say on your business card? “Hopefully, it’ll still say ‘Councilman.’”


How things change in a New York minute.

Time to find a new uncle.

And by the way, I hear the Mayor told the Queens DA to freeze new hiring. Maybe a cousin can get Como job in construction.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Liz realizes that Bob will be supporting Tony in the next City Council race in November of 09 by then again by then everyone should realize that Holden was right about Liz being DIZZY LIZZY.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Tom is coming back for a run at Liz, but it seems that Pinky was the secret advisor behind Liz's victory. Did Pinky know that he was actually working for Bob.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Liz can force Bob Holden out of office now. People in Middle Village are finally realizing that he is a selfish pig.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Como's Chief of Staff can run for President of the Juniper Park Civic Association since he can't run a campaign.

Anonymous said...

Como's a chicken shit ducking three debates. That's why he lost. He alienated his base, big time! If one Republican should have won it's Como in a Conservative district. He botched the race because of inept people around him.

As a registered Conservative I was angry with Como's conduct during the race.

Como ducked the Juniper Valley debate because he couldn't defend the Cardinal Egan scam. The coward deserved to lose but I feel badly for the party.

Anonymous said...

the moderator of this blog shit on crowley for months, and now you can find her on celebrating with crowley on election night. she's the first person on the left in the picture on the homepage.

Anonymous said...

WOW ...all those dirty currupt pigs were exposed exposed on this websight.
Finally down the drain.

F-ck the NYD News

Anonymous said...

"the moderator of this blog shit on crowley for months, and now you can find her on celebrating with crowley on election night. she's the first person on the left in the picture on the homepage."

Wow Crappy, there are so many paranoid out of work Maltese and Como staffers out there and they're holding you responsible for their defeats. It warms the cockles of my heart to see these hacks complaining. Pay back's a bitch, Crappy. Good job!

Anonymous said...

"I hear that Tom is coming back for a run at Liz, but it seems that Pinky was the secret advisor behind Liz's victory."

You're right, Gallagher is a genius, Liz couldn't have done it without the glow from the pinkish hue.

To add to the above comment, Gallagher was the secret adviser not only to Liz but to Barack Obama. Minutes after he was announced the winner, the chosen one actually called Dennis at home while he was sitting in front of his big TV in his underwear perusing through a copy of AARP the magazine.

In fact I heard the pink granny groper advised ALL of the Democrat's wins in the tri-state area.

Good work Dennis, that's sticking it to the GOP. How dare they not return your call.

BTW, you can stick a fork in Ognibene, he's done.

Anonymous said...

Como used to act like a decent guy. I thought he was ok. But either something changed or he showed his true colors. I think he turned to the wrong people.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher /Como regime tainted the office
Can anybody imagine whats still festering all over the walls, floor and desks with these two fanocch faccia di stronzo !!!

Anonymous said...

T&om Ognibene along with Holden, Wilkinson, and Annunziatta all helped defeat Como so that Ognibene can run with party support next year. Eric Ulrich was told to stay away from Maltese abd Como and there fore Ulrich ended up helping TOM with h is plan of getting dizzy Lizzy in office now but to help further Tom's ruun against her next year,

Crowley will only stay in office for 1 year. Tom Ognibene will come out and run against Crowley with alot of support.

Anonymous said...

"the moderator of this blog shit on crowley for months, and now you can find her on celebrating with crowley on election night. she's the first person on the left in the picture on the homepage."



Anonymous said...

"Tom Ognibene will come out and run against Crowley with a lot of support."

That's nice to hear, but he'll lose with or without county's support. Once you lose a seat it's gone. What part of that don't you get?

Anonymous said...

T&om Ognibene along with Holden, Wilkinson, and Annunziatta all helped defeat Como so that Ognibene can run with party support next year. Eric Ulrich was told to stay away from Maltese abd Como and there fore Ulrich ended up helping TOM with h is plan of getting dizzy Lizzy in office now but to help further Tom's ruun against her next year, Crowley will only stay in office for 1 year. Tom Ognibene will come out and run against Crowley with alot of support.


Anonymous said...

Word in the rumor mill is that Crowley did not get out of the McLaughlin mess, and may soon end up squealing like a Seminerio.

Anonymous said...

free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, we're free at last!

Anonymous said...

"The sign on Como's office door on Monday said they would be closed Tuesday and Wednesday for the election. I guess he thought they be out late celebrating over his win. NOT!"

How typical and symbolic of Como's few months in office. Not working and making too many bad moves.

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

You are all full of crap. I always found Como to be the most inspiring of leaders.

His stuttering and incomplete sentences made him accessable to the common man. The way he'd lean way back in his chair, yawn and have his eyes half closed in public meetings made others feel relaxed in his presence. But best of all was his bold, inspiring, revolutionary quote that he brilliantly stated upon the launch of his campaign:

"I know the district, I know the issues".

You're always tops in my book Anthony.

Anonymous said...

Here's a typical Como sentence:

Furst of all I'd like to tank da senater fer supportin my candidacy and fer my education in politics, Iearned alot frum da senater, he's like a farter to me.

Anonymous said...

And so on and so forth...

Anonymous said...

"Antonio Como, senta a me...tu sei proprio uno sfaccim."

georgetheatheist said...

"...fanocch faccia di stronzo!!!"

"...tu sei proprio un sfaccim."

Ecola, il grande Dante Alighieri e nella casa!

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo of Liz.

Anonymous said...

Fesso Antoni Como, caccati in mano e prenditi a schiaffi!

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