Friday, November 7, 2008

Kennedy bridge tribute to cost us $4 million

New York State will have to spend $4 million to replace road signs changing the name of the Triborough Bridge to the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, a spokesman for the State Department of Transportation said on Thursday.

The spokesman, Adam Levine, acknowledged that the state is in a financial crisis and he said the money would not be spent right away.

He said that it will take time to survey the existing signs and design new ones, and that a contract for the news signs is not expected to be put out for bids until 2011.

To Rename Triborough for R.F.K., $4 Million

You've got to be f*cking kidding me.


Anonymous said...

How many tributes to the prohibition busting irish mafia clan do we need in this city?

Anonymous said...

Not as bad as the mossad zionist mafia ala bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

This should never had been allowed - it's shocking about the cost! RFK tribute in this state is a joke he was a carpetbagger senator is all.

Anonymous said...

He was NEVER a New Yorker.

He illegally wiretapped Martin Luther King - oh, yeah! He was US Attorney General while illegally listening.

Anonymous said...

Those blow-hard Kennedys
already have a bridge associated with their family name on Martha's Vineyard!

Tell 'em Mary-Jo!

Anonymous said...

Who do they think they are? America's royal family?

Sadly, the traffic radio reports are already using the RFK moniker.

Call 1010 WINS and tell them what you think of the new name!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the Triboro to remain the Triboro as a testament to the man who built it, whose name is synonymous with Triboro: RM.

Unknown said...

No One will ever call it the Kennedy Bridge. Someone should find out what idiot proposed that bill and who voted for it.

Anonymous said...

Boy does she look like a Kennedy.

georgetheatheist said...

Now when I drive over the "RFK" I can indeed remember his wiretapping of Martin Luther King. (Got that African-American Queens politicians?). And of course his serving as assistant counsel to the great Senator Joseph McCarthy. (Got that liberal New York?)

Anonymous said...

Why now? Waste of taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

Let the Kennedy family pay for all the sinage. The city supposedly doesn't have any money. The Kennedy's are loaded. If they want this tribute, let them pay for the sinage.

Anonymous said...



The Kennedy's should foot the bill!
And to add spit to the fire...the bridge will be erased of its real name the TRIBORO BRIDGE. It will be like the name never existed.


Anonymous said...

Funny thing years later everyone realizes what they were/are all about, yet everything said about the breath of fresh air Obama is what was said about 'ol JFK. History does repeat itself in 40 years your kids will realize what a mistake obama was.

Anonymous said...

Now that the anti-science, superstition-based intiative presidency is coming to an end, we need several Manhattan projects to make us great again. First we must provide free advertising-based wireless internet to everyone. Then we must criss-cross the land with high speed rail. These two major public works projects will boost us out of the Grotesque Depression. We must develop microorganisms that may be freely distributed and become commonplace to improve our future. Because bovine flatulence is the major source of greenhouse gases, we must develop microorganisms which can be grow in the home that will provide all of our nutrition. Then we must create microorganisms which turn our sewage and waste into fuel. Since paranoid schizophrenia is the cause of racism, bigotry, homelessness, terrorism, ignorance, exploitation and criminality, we must provide put the appropriate medications, like lithium, in the water supply. We must also allow dangerous individuals who refuse free mental health care to be required to be implanted with drug release devices and microorganisms to improve their mindsets. We should encourage international organizations to do likewise. In order to fund this we must nationalize the entire financial, electrical and transportation system and abolish the silly notion that each industry should be regulated by its peers. Furthermore, as feudalism is the threat to progress everywhere, we must abolish large land holdings by farmers, foresters or religions and instead make all such large landholding part of the forest service so our trees may diminish greenhouse gases. We must abolish executive pay and make sure all employees in a company are all paid equally. We must abolish this exploitative idea of trade and make every home self sufficient through the microorganisms we invent.

Anonymous said...

This is typical NYC stupidity. Instead of using the $4 million to overhaul the subway stations, they're wasting it on renaming a bridge. BOO! No one will call the bridge the RFK anyway. It will always be the triboro bridge.

Anonymous said...

Obama might is a mistake, but that doesn't mean that McCain was the better candidate.

GL said...

You unpatriotic talibans! How else can we remember the brother of a President? If we don't change the name then the terrorists win.


Joking aside...I agree that the name change idea is ridiculous. It may be a small bump up in the downhill economic road...but 4mil does not a salvation make.

Perhaps building the "Bloomberg super expressway with $50 tolls and a speed limit of 85MPh" (I know, it's a long title...but you come up with something better for the blueprints). It will connect Long Island to the city without any detours in the boroughs. Lets take the Robert Moses tribute idea and build this super expressway by constructing it through the middle of dense neighborhoods...screw the plebeians of Queens.

georgetheatheist said...

Vernon, you hit the nail right on the head!

Your own.

Anonymous said...

I vote for a limit on the size of comments!

Anonymous said...

Fix and resurface Queens Blvd instead!!!!

Anonymous said...

I second the vote for limiting the size of comments.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vernon for the good laugh.
I'm going to suggest we name a road in Queens for you. You too George. I'm not sure I am ready to embrace atheism quite yet, but you do make a good point on occasion.

Anonymous said...

RFK's role as attorney general, and presidential candidate does not justify spending $4 million on signs. Perhaps this is being done to transfer naming rights on Washington D.C.'s RFK stadium?

Anonymous said...


How do you explain this one. The MTA cries poverty but can afford to undertake this expense. I can't wait until you get voted out.

I will be campaining hard for whoever runs against you.

You are robbing the middle class in every which way you can.

Wall Street Exec is what you are not a mayor for the middle class.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing years later everyone realizes what they were/are all about, yet everything said about the breath of fresh air Obama is what was said about 'ol JFK. History does repeat itself in 40 years your kids will realize what a mistake obama was.

Yes this is true.Look at his chief of staff pick.The guy comes from a radical right zionist background.His dad did some nasty damage to buildings in Palestine and Lebanon.These people are apocalyptic.

Anonymous said...

It will always be the Triboro Bridge to me. I will make sure my kids, grandkids and great grandchildren remember it as the Triboro Bridge as well.

Money can't buy everything.

The MTA needs an overhaul (starting from the top down). They are a bunch of thieves.

Anonymous said...

We've had 2 terms of G.W. Bush.

That's enough of a disaster!

We didn't have to wait 40 years now did we?

As far as Obama is concerned....
after 2 years have passed
he'll get his report card and until then I reserve any judgment of him.

Would have you preferred
tired Mc Cain and wired Palin?

What a bimbo!

Even "Geritol" John now realizes she cost him a lot of votes!

Anonymous said...

Go to ! Look up your Assemblyma, State Senator and call the gover 518 474 8390 fax518 474 1513

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