Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Fire Island Lighthouse

When the first lighthouse built on Fire Island in 1826 proved too short to be effective, Congress authorized a replacement. The beacon atop the 168-foot tower was illuminated Nov. 1, 1858, an event that will be commemorated this weekend with a 150th birthday celebration.

The schedule of free events includes a 150th anniversary ceremony at 1 p.m. Saturday with a birthday cake that guests will be able to sample. There also will be ranger-led walks, exhibitions of crafts such as decoy carving, tower tours, sea chantey singing, book signings, and Coast Guard boat and helicopter rescue demonstrations.

Fire Island celebrates lighthouse's 150th anniversary


georgetheatheist said...
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georgetheatheist said...

Crappy went to great effort to post this and since no one cares to comment about the lighthouse, permit me.

A lighthouse is a symbolic phallus.

Queens Crapper said...

Well there's no need for a symbolic one at Fire Island since the real ones are on full display.

georgetheatheist said...

Now Crappy, you've got me interested in the history and sociology of Fire Island. I'll have to bone up on it.

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