Thursday, November 6, 2008

Great news from the Bloomberg administration, part 4

The sobering news includes the decision not to start a new class of more than 1,000 police cadets this January. The police department will go without those officers, and the next class will begin in July. It is an unusual decision for a mayor — during tough times in the early 1990s, both Mayor David Dinkins and Rudy Giuliani delayed the start date of academy classes by a few months, but did not cancel them entirely.

Mayor Bloomberg to cut jobs; new cop class

Photo from NY Magazine


Anonymous said...

Actually I hope he does do all this stupid sh*# from now on so people will hate him even more and not vote for him next year.

Keep it up Bloomie!

Anonymous said...

This concerns me, I'm graduating college in June and trying to be hired on to the July academy class. Bloomberg is playing a risky card considering he's trying for a third term. Cutting city employees is going to create alot of dissent.

Anonymous said...

Attention crooks and criminals! Welcome to NYC! I've just rolled out the red carpet for you, and laid out the buffet table! Eat as much as you like!

Anonymous said...

I'd be upset about this if I actually saw police officers doing something other than just hanging around. I see people committing moving violations in their vehicles in front of officers from the 112 precinct and these lazy cops do nothing about it.

I've gone into the precinct house and made a public safety complaint against a construction company right across the street and was told the cop at the front desk (who was yawning into his hand while speaking to me) that they won't do anything about.

The last thing this city needs is another thousand lazy cops.

Unknown said...

lets see... economy down check...violent crime up destruction of city check...lets stop recruiting police officers...

BLOOMBERG... get out of your white bread world and face the music. you and your rich friends do not have to deal with homeless people, violent crime.. but we do.

When the race comes I will volunteer for the candidate against bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

avella's looking for volunteers

Unknown said...

I wanted to go work for Anthony Weiner.

But I will look into Avella.


Anonymous said...

What would you genius's have him do? If he doest cut back, then he'll have to raise your taxes. Then you would complain again.

Anonymous said...

bring back Dinkins, Then you would all be happy. You people a very foolish.

Unknown said...

If we are so foolish, then what about Willets Point? What about all the stadiums? What about the tax cuts and incentives. where are the small business owners in all of this?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"What would you genius's have him do? If he doest cut back, then he'll have to raise your taxes. Then you would complain again."

I believe he will be raising property taxes and we can all kiss the $400 rebate goodbye.

Anonymous said...
"bring back Dinkins, Then you would all be happy. You people a very foolish."

Why would anyone be happy with Dinkins?

The point is Bloomie believes NYC needs his expertise to solve the economic crisis here. When the fact is that ANYONE can raise taxes and/or slash services. It doesn't take a genius. Hey, maybe I'll run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

God help us all.
I'm sure Italian girl would do a better job at balancing the budget than a self mad millionaire, That owns a fortune 500 company.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Italian girl would do a better job at balancing the budget than a self mad millionaire

Sometimes, those who try to be witty, unintentionally end up being funny!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't trying to be witty, just trying to be funny. Running for mayor is the most ridiculous idea. Ever.

Anonymous said...

self mad millionaire

I don't mean you are trying to be funny, IG!

Read the above bold item, it's spelled exactly as anonymous spelled it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I noticed. Looks like anonymous needs some spelling/grammar lessons.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I noticed. Looks like anonymous needs some spelling/grammar lessons.

Anonymous said...

We all need to get on our knees and thank God for Michael Bloomberg. We are facing one of the most devastating financial crisis of our time and here is his plan, ready: cut services and raise our taxes! Brilliant! OMG what a genius. Truly there is no man on earth who could have thought of a solution like that. We are sooo lucky we have him as our Mayor. I have an idea let's change the law every 4 years and ask him to keep running so he can enlighten us and save us forever. That would just be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Truly there is no man on earth who could have thought of a solution like that.

whats your solution brainiac, All I hear is bashing but no answers. maybe facist Bob Holden could fix everything.

Anonymous said...

Here's a solution. Stop wasting tapayer money on land grabs such as WP. The legal costs alone could buy a heck of a lot of school supplies or hire and train new police officers. Another thing to do is find out other areas where money is being wasted and stop the drain on our city's economy. Oops. This might mean some of Bloomie's friends might suffer financially...just like the rest of us. Tsk Tsk.

Anonymous said...

How about an investigation on the costings of the new baseball stadiums? Is the new Yankee Stadium safe after revelations about the scandal regarding inspections of construction materials? How much more is that boondoggle going to cost the city? There's plenty of money being spent unwisely and it is unfair to make taxpaying citizens assume the expenses caused by waste and corruption! A federal investigation is needed to see what the mayor does not want us to know.

Anonymous said...

How about 11 million on free condoms and lubricants or 50 million translating everything into every language or 40 million on an ad campaign geared to attract gays to travel and vacation in NY or 100 million in the Slush Fund to buy votes, I could go on and on but I think I made the point for all brainiacs.

Anonymous said...

What would you genius's have him do? If he doest cut back, then he'll have to raise your taxes. Then you would complain again.

The city has a budget, and it has to be balanced at the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

The Willets Point project and other pro-business Bloomberg initiatives help the economy and bring money to the city. Too bad the haters on this blog don't realize when they don't know what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right! At a time when the mayor wants to charge for plastic shopping bags, there is no excuse to pursue projects requiring millions of taxpayer dollars now for potential economic benefit in the (far) future. And where do the current legal costs fit into the city's financial picture...including the Willets Point project and the term limits debacle??!?!!??? And who seems to be deriving the most benefit in these harsh economic times? Developers (aka the mayor's chump chums), of course.

I do not see myself as a hater but from the comment, it is obvious where you are coming from and it is nice to see the Parkside Group folks continuing to divide and confuse the folks who read the Queens Crap blog. Sorry but your strategy does not seem to be working! This is one of many sites that supercedes corporate news and tells it like it is. In most cases, the info seems right on the money. When it doesn't add up, it seems to be coming from sources that stand to lose a the Parksiders. Right, Evan? We know that you are out more ways than one.

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