Thursday, November 6, 2008

Great news from the Bloomberg administration, part 2

Forecasting a nosediving economy, Mayor Bloomberg on Wednesday proposed raising taxes, canceling rebates and using layoffs to plug the expanding budget gap.

Homeowners would say goodbye to the the $400 rebate that's supposed to go out this month, as well as pay higher property taxes under the mayor's revised budget plan for this year.

Aides already revealed the city plans to cut 3,000 jobs - including issuing 500 pink slips.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg: New York City may be forced to raise taxes

* The Sanitation Department hoped to pull in $16 million through a 5-cent fee on plastic bags.

* The NYPD was looking for a $60 million haul from summonses that would be handed out by 234 new traffic agents assigned to ticket "block the box" violations.

* Public-library service would be reduced from six days a week to 5 1/2.

* The Department of Transportation planned to raise selected parking-meter fees from $1 to $2 an hour south of 60th Street to collect $7 million more a year.



Anonymous said...

We have a magical way to get rid of the debt and financial troubles so Im confiscating your money!
Clearly we needed this magic terd again for his clever, innovative ideas for solving the budget short fall and local deficit.I thought we needed your wonderful ideas little scum bag for 12 long years.
Please leave to israel and hang out with the rest of the Russian billionaire criminals and dont return.

Anonymous said...

We needed a "financial genius"
stealing a 3rd term to piss all over us?

Any fourth grader could have done the same budget cutting with a pair of scissors and a pocket calculator to add up out tax increases !

More simply put...
we'll be getting less for more!

But Mayor Turd Term is still shoving boondoggles like the Willets Point job in our faces!

What a scum bag!

Anonymous said...

I think he Major Wizard should also cut the promised salary increases to the city council, I'm tired of picking up the slack for people who are indifferent Leaving NYC as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

"* The NYPD was looking for a $60 million haul from summonses that would be handed out by 234 new traffic agents assigned to ticket "block the box" violations."

They could make a bundle from having the lazy cops of the 112 give tickets for folks who fail to stop for the stop sign on Austin Street and 67th.

Unknown said...

"* The NYPD was looking for a $60 million haul from summonses that would be handed out by 234 new traffic agents assigned to ticket "block the box" violations."

Here in lies the problem.. Rich people in the city do not drive... the middle class and the poor do the most driving in the city.

This is just one way they tax the middle class and poor.

I hate that man with a passion.

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