Saturday, November 8, 2008

Frank says Parkside is "sleazy"

Padavan said Gennaro ran a "despicable campaign" and that his consultants were that "sleazy outfit, the Parkside Group" which, according to Padavan, "are famous for that type of campaign."

Padavan's said his opponent distorted and misrepresented his voting record. He said he supported increasing access to health care and tougher gun control measures, but that Gennaro's campaign said the complete opposite.

Leading in Recount, Padavan Makes His Attacks

Padavan said he decided to focus his campaign's message on "our record." He also said in hindsight, he would not have changed his message.

"There are lots of things I could have done, but I chose not to," he said. "We ran a very, very clean campaign. Everything we put out was positive."

But he told me the attacks they could have made.

There was the issue of Gennaro "having been found guilty by the New York City Board of Elections, and he paid a fine,"said Padavan. "There was his involvement in that scandal in the City Council [with] those phony organizations, and the fact that he received the bulk of his funding from developers, which have been the enemies of my constituency and want to change the character of the neighborhood."


Anonymous said...

looks like Parkside's reputation is changing. They used to be the most hated lobbying firm the the city. Now, looks like they're also the least effective.

Remember, folks, you can help stamp out the Parkside Group. Vote against ANY AND ALL CANDIDATES who do business with them. The Liz Crowley story is a great example. Ran with Parkside - lost. Ran without Parkside - won. Congrats, Liz.

Anonymous said...

The Parasite Group strikes again!

How does it feel, Jim, that they took your money, made you look like an asshole, and just like Liz Crowley in the special election - left you a few votes shy. People know them now, they know their tactics, and they're 'just saying no' to scum like Evan Stavisky.
Remember that next time.

Anonymous said...

Evan is complete moron, and NO candidate should let him speak to the media on their behalf. His moronic 'dead in the water' comment is proof of that.

Anonymous said...

Hi, welcome to White Castle, can I take your order?

Anonymous said...

Completed Tasks:

-Maspeth Development LLC

To Do:

-Parkside Group
-Michael Bloomberg
-Community Assault Unit
-The Queens Ledge

Anonymous said...

I received tons of flyers from Gennaro - very negative. What a turnoff. I voted democrat all the way down until I got to Padavan - Gennaro.

Gennaro = Slimeball

Anonymous said...

Our mail boxes were filled with Gennaro propaganda, It angered me that he took credit for all the downsizing that took place in his district,it was the civics andhard working residenst that did the work, He was usually a thorn in our back! Look at the Jamaica debacle. he voted to screw the community.

Anonymous said...

Jim Gennaro and the Parkside Group should be ashamed of themselves, aside from their negative campaigning, they opted to completely cover the Jamaica Estates Gatehouse, the World War II Memorial as well as the 179St.subway station walls with Gennaro for senate posters. This is public property! Just because you earmarked funds for the renovation, you don't own it!

Anonymous said...

Gennaro hired a slew of individuals to distribute palm cards at different polling sites. The poor guy by our house was there from 6am to 9 pm. He was an older man, who told us he was being paid $6.00 an hour plus lunch! Gennaro sees fit to spend close to a million dollars on negative ads but has no hesitation on stiffing a senior citizen.
Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Thaks Crappy for exposing the Parkside of Politiics.

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell Gennaro that there is more to being an environmentalist than sporting a green tie!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the Stavisky's already.

Anonymous said...

Frank Padavan calling someone else sleazy - NOW THAT'S FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Tabone. Your next. If Padavan was detsroyed, think about your ass when it gets focused on. Geez, youre going to regret crawling out of your hole. Just like make believe veteran Frank Padavan.

Anonymous said...

What exactly was Frank doing during the war ? Oh, he was a draft dodger. Good old military man Frank (never served a day in the military in his life) was getting his graduate degree in engineering while men and women were dying in Vietnam. He joined a voluntary civilian weekend warriors brigade (Army Corps of Engineers) when he was 43 and in the Senate already. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

"Gennaro hired a slew of individuals to distribute palm cards at different polling sites. The poor guy by our house was there from 6am to 9 pm. He was an older man, who told us he was being paid $6.00 an hour plus lunch!"

Minium wage is $7.15 per hour. tell that gent to go to the DOL and put in for unpaid wages. Won't be the first time Gennaro tried to stiff a campaign worker, check the record at the DOL.

Anonymous said...

Be careful, you might just get what you wished for, if Gennaro was a sleazy councilman what makes you think he will be anything but a sleazy senator. He has mastered talking out of both sides of his mouth but always managing to scew the community. When all those developers who funded his campaign start asking for pay backs our communities will have dorms, 10 story buildings everywhere. I guess he will auction off neighborhoods to the highest bidder!

Anonymous said...

Park side the very same consultant group that Crowley has used time and time again is no good. Wow. What a revelation. Again, there is a grand jury impaneled that is not only looking into the McLaughlin scandal but is also investigating Crowley's link into helping Park side group of having over 7 million dollars steered there way by Crowley and her cronies.

Again why did you endorse Crowley?

Anonymous said...

Crowley didn't use Parkside in her last campaign, and if they were such good friends, they wouldn't have blown through her money like a drunken sailor to help Como win the last time.

Anonymous said...

What exactly was Frank Padavan doing during the Vietnam war ? Oh, he was a draft dodger. Good old military man Frank Padavan, who never served a day in the military in his life, was getting his graduate degree in engineering while men and women were dying in Vietnam. He joined a voluntary civilian weekend warriors brigade (Army Corps of Engineers) when he was 43 and in the Senate already. Interesting. What a phony. And he parades in that uniform on Veterans Day

Anonymous said...

Frank Padavans career:
1933 - Born
1955 - Bachelors Degree - Age 22
1963 - NYU MBA - Age 30
1963/67 - Draft Dodger and Coward, Never serves in military even though country is at war
1972 - Elected to Senate
1978 - 2006 Makes believe he is in the Army joining at the age of 44
Nov 2008 - Loses his seat.
Jan 2009 - Bites Vinnie Tabones head off for starting fights with the wrong people
March 2009 - Tabone pimps out the PR

Anonymous said...

I'm supposed to care if Padavan served in the military? Sorry, I don't see how this is relavant to being a state senator.

Anonymous said...

Did the Stavisky's ever serve in the military?

Anonymous said...

More to the point: Did Gennaro ever serve in the military?

Anonymous said...

Padavan CLAIMS he is a veteran. I was at a meeting where he IMPLIED he was a Korean War veteran. He does it all the time.

Anonymous said...

Military or not, its doesn't matter. It's just another Parkside tactic to switch the focus away from them.

Frank is absolutely right about The Parkside Group. They're a bunch of sleaze balls, starting and ending with Evan Stavisky.

Anonymous said...

The Queens Republican party needs more people like Tony Nunziato. Padavan will lose his seat this week and the blame is all on his campain manager Vinnie Tabone. The guy did a horrible job. How could padavan lose when the Democrats wouldnt even invest in the race ? You would figure Padavan would have been aware of the charges against him at EDC forcing him out of his job. Tabone has singlehanded destroyed the queens republican party.

Anonymous said...

I saw Tabone recently at a bar with some loose women. They looked like call girls, especially the one he was with. This neighborhood voted against Padavan to not let Tabone and his crew from Corona and Elmhurst take over.

Anonymous said...

Vincent Tabone ran a horrible campaign for Padavan. I always volunteer in Franks campaigns and I went over to HQ one night and they had the salsa blasting so I just left.

Nunziato for Queens Republican Chairman !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tabone is from Corona ? I thought he was from Astoria ? Either way, whats he doing running Padavans campaign in Whitestone ? Geez, what did that guy do, have the sounds trucks driving around blasting music ?

Anonymous said...

Haggerty and Gallagher, you're not fooling anyone with all the anti-Tabone comments. You are all so collectively stupid to think last Tuesday's fiasco had any one thing to do with any one person. Nassau took a pounding, as did Suffolk, as did upstate. You little pissants. Stop sniping and get to work or get out of the way.

Anonymous said...

1) Vinnie Tabone lost his state committee seat in Astoria.
2) Vinne Tabone supported the insurgents Democrats in Astoria and they lost every seat.
3) Vinnie Tabone lost his job at the City under questionabale circuimstances.
4) Vinnie Tabone moved to Whitestone and ran Frank Padavans easy campaign against a completely unknown Genaro.
5) Vinnie Tabone lost the election, a 36 year incumbent who EVEN the Democrats thought was a shoe in.
Time to retool the Queens Republican party and get rid of incompetant opportunists who lose all of our seats. We dont need guys from Corona running our party. Nunziato for Chairman !!!

Anonymous said...

I heard Tabone thought the Latino vote would decide the election in Padavans district. They didnt even send mail to the oldtimers. No wonder Padavan lost.

Anonymous said...

Tabone lost Frank Padavan. Now they are going to waste another year making believe they will win the Council seat out there which they will also lose. And once Castmatides gets his zoning done in Brooklyn, he will pull out of Mayors race and stop hanging out with those fools. Tabone is going to have an even hardrer time paying his bills. The claim is the apt he rents he is being thrown out of.

Anonymous said...

Didn't developer Mattone raise about $300,000 for Gennaro?

And Jimmy "the gent" is a proven
blockbuster in his constant support of over development!

He's also anti landmarking!

Anonymous said...

I understand ethnic pride but didn't Tabone know that focusing on his fellow Latinos was not going to work in that district.

Anonymous said...

Pinky - how much did you have to drink today to think of all this?

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Padavan's military record, I care about his record as a senator and he has work diligently of behalf of his constituents. Developers/realtors particulary the Mattone group and Saint John's University aided by the Parkside Group, who are all pro overdevelopment, and give a hoot about communities backed Gennaro for self serving reasons.Gennaro represents the end of neighborhoods as we know them!

Anonymous said...


get lost

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