Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chance to tell Bloomie off on Monday

The bruising debate over term limits is not over — yet.

Starting at 9:30 a.m. on Monday at City Hall, members of the public will be given two minutes each to tell Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, face to face, why they favor or oppose legislation that would permit him to seek a third term. It is not known how long the hearing will last.

It will be the first time that Mr. Bloomberg will be present for a public hearing on the legislation, which will allow him and dozens of elected officials in the city to serve 12 years, rather than 8. New York voters approved the current term limits in two public referendums in the 1990s.

Mr. Bloomberg will listen to the discussion during a bill-signing ceremony. By the end of the hearing, the mayor is expected to sign the term-limits legislation, which was passed by the City Council, into law.

Public to Give Mayor Earful on 3rd Term

Photo from the Daily News.


Anonymous said...

"Mr. Bloomberg will listen to the discussion during a bill-signing ceremony. By the end of the hearing, the mayor is expected to sign the term-limits legislation, which was passed by the City Council, into law."

It's already on the schedule that he will sign the bill after the let's-pretend "hearing".

Many will see through this and stay away. He will use the fact that so few spoke to justify the whole treachery.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people he's paying off to stack the line of speakers in his favor this time...

Anonymous said...

how many of you blow hard internet commenters will take the time out of your day to show up and express your feelings?

My guess is NONE>

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint you, but we all have jobs to attend to. (And not with the City or a Bloomberg-funded charity, so we won't get paid to show up there.)

Anonymous said...

Yeah...right...Bloomberg really cares!

If I want to jerk off, I'd prefer to do it in the privacy of my bathroom with a vintage issue of "Hustler" on my knees!

Anonymous said...

I already told gave him a piece of my mind when I mailed my little piggy "no third term" cartoon post card to him!

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