Sunday, November 2, 2008

Auto insurance fraud ring busted

The Queens district attorney announced Thursday that 54 arrests were made in connection with an alleged automobile insurance fraud scam.

FBI and NYPD officials said the defendants, who face numerous corruption, fraud and larceny charges, allegedly staged car accidents dating back to July 2005. Most of the victims were Asian drivers in Flushing.

Prosecutors said the scheme took advantage of the state's no-fault laws and bilked insurance companies of nearly $2 million.

"The perpetrators of this scheme seemingly had one thing on their collective criminal minds - making money," said David Cardona, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation. "Nothing in their conduct betrays even the slightest concern for the welfare of nonparticipant crash victims."

Authorities said Thursday that they were still looking for seven more suspects.

Arrests Made In Queens Insurance Fraud Scam


Anonymous said...

"Nothing in their conduct betrays even the slightest concern for the welfare of nonparticipant victims."

This can descbribe developers as well as politicans.

Anonymous said...

Half of the culprites arrested are Russians and Buks from Forest Hills that dont even belong in this country.

Why is this edited out of the story ?

Anonymous said...

Half of the culprites arrested are Russians and Buks from Forest Hills that dont even belong in this country.

Why is this edited out of the story ?


When the painting of Vincent Aderante was ripped out of the old LISB building in Queens Plaza, Newsday was contacted.

They focused on the building owner - Leon _____alov.

It became an exercise in celebrating an immigrant success story.

I think of the painting - and the building itself - everytime I see the empty lot.

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