Monday, November 3, 2008

Anthony Como: Excuses, excuses...

I guess Anthony forgot that his campaign coordinator stated he would be there just hours before the debate was to start...

The following e-mail was received on October 29th from the Como campaign at 12:34pm, after several back-and-forth exchanges regarding the Councilman's attendance at the debate:

"We were able to modify Thursday night's schedule so that Councilman Como can arrive on-time for the debate. We will be there between 8 and 8:30pm. Thank you for your consideration and assistance."

Look, we know you were in a no-win situation. You were bound to be asked why you lied about the Cardinal Egan endorsement. And you couldn't answer it. Time to come just come clean instead of living in denial.


Anonymous said...

It isn't easy to make a complete ass out of yourself after only a few months in office. But Anthony Como certainly rose to the occasion.

What a pig!

georgetheatheist said...

Despite the hounds' barking and yelping, the Great Anthony Como Caravan moves onward. Whata guy!

Anonymous said...

i don't understand why everyone is suddenly jumping out and bashing him only after a few months in office. is it because you don't like him because he's a repuplican? his dad did a great job for governor for a number of years. maybe hell surprise you too.

Anonymous said...

"...his dad did a great job for governor for a number of years. maybe hell surprise you too."

You actually believe this guy is related to Gov. Mario CUOMO?

Holy crap.

Anonymous said...

"i don't understand why everyone is suddenly jumping out and bashing him only after a few months in office. is it because you don't like him because he's a repuplican? his dad did a great job for governor for a number of years. maybe hell surprise you too"

A) Anthony COMO is not related to Mario C-U-OMO

B) The main reason his popularity is down is his cop-out vote on term limits. He cut a deal with the mayor to be sure the amendment failed. That ensured the choice stayed out of the public's hands, exactly the way the mayor wanted it. He was then given permission to vote no on the bill. Typical back room deal.

C) Additionally, he's a liar. Read the piece about the fake Church endorsement. That pretty much says it all about his 'strnegth and character'.

Anonymous said...

This guy Como keeps getting himself deeper and deeper into crap. Does this knucklehead have a clue?

Anonymous said...

Italian Girl said:
You actually believe this guy is related to Gov. Mario CUOMO?"

One of El Grosso's slimier lies was to fail to correct those people who made remarks about his Governor daddy or Attorney General bother.

When he speaks, he slurs his words like a drunken bum anyway, so he likely even slurred the pronunciation of his own name to foster the deception.

It just shows that he's ashamed of his own name and relies on his speech defect to help him.

In any event, he failed to show for the debate with Elizabeth Crowley because he's a sissy, girly boy coward; too chicken to be publicly humiliated by a woman (unless he's paying for the lashing).

Never forget, Pink panty-wearing Gallagher is directing Como's every thought, and we all know how that drunken pervert is when it comes to women.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Gallagher is working on the campaign; he has been seen coming and going from Como's office twice a week for the past month. This letter was his idea and so was the dumb collection of 7-year old articles he sent out to the neighborhood that arrived in the mail today. So Gallagher has endorsed Como. Now you know who to vote for.

Anonymous said...

"...Pink panty-wearing Gallagher"?

WHAT the hell? Never heard that.

Please do tell.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Como has listened to Gallagher and his equally corrupt staff. Tom Ognibenie is also not one to be trusted.

Hopefully the toilet will be completely flushed tomorrow and our neighborhood will finally be rid the corrupt trio of Serph Maltese, Thomas Ognibenie and Dennis Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

Well bloomie got a little scolding today in hearings from citizens and a smart young girl on his abusing power and not understanding the law.He stll signed his bill though because hes through a tunnel of his own ego.

Anonymous said...

Another fake, phoney,fraud politician.

Anonymous said...

I got another call tonight from Como's mother. How low can they go? "Please vote for my son because he's a good boy."

Are these people living in the 50's? Why are we surrounded by friggin' idiots?!!!

georgetheatheist said...

Anonymous said: "i[sic] don't understand why everyone is suddenly jumping out and bashing him only after a few months in office. is[sic] it because you don't like him because he's a repuplican [sic]? his[sic] dad did a great job for governor for a number of years. maybe [sic] hell [sic] surprise you too.

Nice PLANTED letter to whomever planted it. You got a nice rise from the howlers and barkers.

I'm sic and tried of all the whyning.

The Great Antnee Cujo Caravan rolls onward!

Anonymous said...

People here are going after Como because he doesn't pander to the loudmouths that run the Juniper Park Civic, which actually has made him more popular with most people in the community that view the Juniper Civic as a relic of old, misguided thinking and unprofessional behavior.

Anonymous said...

Saying you're coming and then not showing up is not pandering, it's just rude and unbecoming of an elected official.

Anonymous said...

Serf and Addabbo were man enough to show up and answer tough questions.

Anonymous said...

Even though they aren't related, I want to correct one point made above - Mario Cuomo was a terrible Governor who ran this state into the ground. Just saying.

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