Thursday, October 2, 2008

"You mean I need a license to sell food?"

Here we are at Equity Park, a playground in Woodhaven, on Monday afternoon.
Uh oh...looks like someone got BUSTED for not having a vending license. You're gonna have to sell muchos piraguas to pay for that ticket, amiga!


Anonymous said...

See Mister... I have anchor baby number five in my arms. see the baby is an American.

The other four anchor babies are in public school. I get the welfare, the WIC, the food stamps. Abeula gets the Social Security even though she never worked in this country.

I sell more icies that way with the anchor baby.

on the weekends I make the other four anchor babies sell cotton candy.

all cash money so we can pay the fine.

Anonymous said...

wow, your mocking tone is so... what's the word?


Anonymous said...

These folks should be mocked. They are bringing the country down.

Anonymous said...

Not having papers has worked out for them in every other area of life in El Norte...

Anonymous said...

Xenophobes unite!

Anonymous said...

yeah cus there's so many millionaire illegal immigrants... they can afford any fines given to them. I see them with there cadillacs and bmw's... we should crack down on the can ladies. Its ridiculous, with there platinum shoppin carts makin money off of my trash. THAS MY 5 CENTS DAMMIT!

Anonymous said...

the moderator of this blog is a wiseass racist with zero semblance of a life.

Anonymous said...

are you serious ? Xenophobes unite! is right

Anonymous said...

What's xenophobic about not wanting people without licenses to serve food? What if there is a foodborne disease outbreak?

Anonymous said...

What's xenophobic about not wanting people without licenses to serve food? What if there is a foodborne disease outbreak?

Uh, yeah... the comments on this thread are obviously not primarily about licensing vendors. They're about abuelas in El Norte and anchor babies and "bringing this country down."

If y'all could stick to the topic of vendor licensing, or fugly Queens development, or whatever, without turning it into an opportunity to badmouth brown people, this blog might actually be meaningful.

Anonymous said...

"They're about abuelas in El Norte and anchor babies and "bringing this country down." If y'all could stick to the topic of vendor licensing,"

And we all know that one is not a direct cause of the other. You are the one who has nothing meaningful to say.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why commenters are what makes the blog "not meaningful." If you don't like the comments, no one is forcing you to read them. It requires extra effort on your part.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is the Queens Machine. We don't like it when you call attention to the fact that we encouraged this to happen to your neighborhood. Please stop immediately. Times are tough and we don't have extra cash right now to hire hacks to keep discourse in check. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

...You are the one who has nothing meaningful to say.

I know you are, but what am I?

Anonymous said...

Are all these

Are you kidding?

Their only contact with the government is when they cram the ER at Elmhurst Hospital etc. to go on emergency Medicaid!

Anonymous said...

Let Joe Crowley take 'em in!

The clubhouse is always ready
to kiss some easily tweeded
3rd world butt!

Hey dopey Joe, they can't vote Democrat (or even Republican) if they're not here legally.

Oh, you can fix that PDQ
a week before election day?

Anonymous said...

God, I can't wait for the next life in which you'll be a poor immigrant! I can't wait, I can't wait!!!!!! Freakin' Racist.

Flatbush NYC said...

Who says you need a license to sell Icies out of a cart?

Queens Crapper said...

The Department of Health does

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