Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why Astoria smells like crap

Residents living close to the Bowery Bay Waste Treatment Facility in Astoria have been dealing with unfriendly odors for years, but now they say it's starting to become unbearable.

Residents Find Astoria Sewage Plant Odors Unbearable


Anonymous said...

... and so does 'Astorians' ....

Anonymous said...

vallone's a total waste of time.
why does his secretary hve to write a note to the treatment plant ?
why can't boy wonder either pick up the phone and CALL or simply go down there himself....and raise hell ?

.....don't hold your breath for anything to get done.
they're all too busy doing NOTHING downtown.

Anonymous said...

Those illegal Mex's sure must eat some nasty stuff to wind up smelling like that!

Vibrant, diverse, bustling Ass-toria!

And you want to buy a "luxury" condo there?

Anonymous said...

Can they accuse Con Ed? Everything else is Con Ed's fault.

Anonymous said...

Michael (Wonderboy) Gianaris wrote the same letter a few years ago and told the community it would be fixed in a few months.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crappie, you showed those wooses at Astorians up.


Anonymous said...

Upzone! Upzone!

You freekin moron.

Anonymous said...

CB1 the community board from hell!

Anonymous said...

Poopy smells and jerkfaces. Ooh, look, a new sushi bar!!

Anonymous said...

It's gotten progressively worse.... The sewage plant needs some quality control

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