Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Vibrant and diverse Elmhurst

Keep in mind that this is considered to be the "good" part of Elmhurst, south of Queens Blvd...also remember that most of these replaced one-family homes on large lots.


Anonymous said...

Love that laundry hanging out in the driveway!

When's the economy and stock market going to recover? My portfolio is in the toilet. I have to buy a home in Iceland, and a one-way ticket on Iceland Air to Reykjavik. This "vibrancy and diversity" is giving me headaches and indigestion. I need the boring monotony of Iceland.

Anonymous said...

i have to cosign on the headaches and indigestion.. not saying its a 'diversity' issue. just one of suckhood in general

Anonymous said...

Look out!

"VD" is making a comeback!

A clubhouse transmitted disease!

"Vibrant & diverse"...
PR spin to divert one's attention away from the noisy, filthy qualities that make a neighborhood a hard sell to would be investors!

Most people prefer to live where a more peaceful quality of life
exists along with good schools etc. and not in a cramped ghetto living elbow to elbow with your "neighbors"! .

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mayor Bloomberg for creating such a beautiful city to live and work.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wade, Bonds! Buy Bonds.

Hits a home run every time

Anonymous said...

Vibrant! Diverse! America tomorrow.

Where is Francis Moran when we need him.

I want him to do a restaurant review featuring mystery meat!

Anonymous said...

Get that clothesline out of the driveway!

Anonymous said...

You know folks, its time we put up a website celebrating the Diverse! Vibrant! slum the clubhouse has made of Queens.

We need to put links everywhere.

We need to dedicate it to the Democratic Party in Queens.

Anonymous said...

You know folks, its time we put up a website celebrating the Diverse! Vibrant! slum the clubhouse has made of Queens.

We need to put links everywhere.

We need to dedicate it to the Democratic Party in Queens.

Anonymous said...

I have the displeasure of living in diverse elmhurst. Knowing what it was like as a child, and now finding myself back there thirty years later, It is truly a ghetto. It is bad enough the neighborhood is treated as peoples garbage can, one must pay market rents and have to indure selfish, dim witted neighbors who feel that they rent a house they can pretend to have a club in the backyard. I cant wait to get the hell out of this place!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wade,

Iceland is bankrupt!


Why don't you move next to Blumberg and live in Bermudah?

Anonymous said...

hmmm..Elmhurst is beginning to look like the Vibrant! Diverse! parts of Corona... has anyone driven down Xenia street lately? Disgusting.

Another 4 years of Bloomberg's vision of improving the quality of life for the outer boroughs? No thanks!

Anonymous said...

Naw....the laundry is the best part of these Jacoob Riss wanna be shots.

the concrete covered gardens, huge SUV's, new model cars, unregulated housing where the rents go up, up and up each year and the bad housing conditions do down the drain are the ugliness that is now Queens, NY. With all that neglect and skyrocketing rents how do they afford new model cars????

Anonymous said...

wade nichols said...
"...This "vibrancy and diversity" is giving me headaches and indigestion. I need the boring monotony of Iceland."

Actually, Wade, it is YOU that is the boring monotony of Iceland. Please, do not go there and further their misery.

Anonymous said...

Iceland is bankrupt!

Just wait another 5-10 minutes, and NYC will probably be in the same boat!

Despite Iceland's bankruptcy, non-vibrance and homogeneity, it's still a safer place than NYC. I wonder why?

Plus the natural beauty can't be beat - geysers, the Vatnajökull glacier, Blue Lagoon, etc.

Actually, Wade, it is YOU that is the boring monotony of Iceland. Please, do not go there and further their misery.

Don't worry. Until the economy recovers, I'm staying in Queens for the foreseeable future, and I'll continue to make your life miserable via my eloquent prose writings on Queens Crap.

Anonymous said...

dear poluting, narrow minded queens crap readers, there is nothing wrong with air drying laundry.

Anonymous said...

I agree except that washlines belong in the back of the house, out of sight. Not in the front driveway...

Anonymous said...

good point; but i think those houses don't have room in the back. that's where the vegetable garden is :-)

Anonymous said...

How in the hell did Wade get that umlaut?

I can't even get good polka music anymore.


Anonymous said...

good point; but i think those houses don't have room in the back. that's where the vegetable garden is :-)

No, the chicken coop is in the back, that's where they keep the birds until they need them for the Santeria ceremony.

How in the hell did Wade get that umlaut?

Three years of high school Deutsch was good for something. But what would you expect a bigoted intolerant "Archie Bunker" type such as myself to study, Spanish?

Anonymous said...

geh scheissen wade. die drei jahre deutsch waren total verplempert. sag mir mal wer THEY ist? haeh? heraus mit der sprache du rassistischer arsch.

Anonymous said...

Fick dich! Analfixiert schweinehund!

Anonymous said...

wow wade - hier hast du wieder deine beruehmte "prosa" geliefert. du bist wirklich ein toller dichter und denker.

Anonymous said...

Ist diese Königin-Scheiße?

Anonymous said...

Oh just get over it. Everyone but the idiots on this blob knows that Elmhurst is mostly newly arrived immigrants. This is too easy for QUEENS CRAP~. You must be too lazy to look up anything really noteworthy that so you target this area. BIG DISCOVERY. I also grew up in Elmhurst and as my parents planned I moved on up and out. Too crowded now but I still visit old restautants that taste amazing.

If you can't take it or can't follow the consistent pattern of New York City history and the immigrant wave. MOVE.
There are hundreds are perfectly affordable all white areas in this country. Thousands actually. FIND ONE!!!!!!

Queens Crapper said...

Give up and move?

Great strategy. I can tell you really care about your neighborhood.

What happens when the immigrant wave ends up at your doorstep once again? Do you move again until you run out of places to move to?

And there are plenty of immigrant neighborhoods that don't look like slums. Are you saying the ones that moved into Elmhurst don't know how to behave?

Anonymous said...

i remember going to a chinese restaurant once there. how can you go wrong?

i still have flashbacks at what i found.....

From the Queens Chronicle...

Dear Editor:
What is with the commander over at the 106th Precinct? Seems you can party for days on end, blast your neighbors out of their homes with loud music and drumming, park a car with speakers blaring at all hours and drink enough Red Stripe at the festivities to float the Titanic — but heaven forebid that you drink a beer in front of your own home.
In the past month or so I have heard of a number of separate incidents in Ozone Park and Lindenwood where drinking a beer just outside a local bar (the person in question had stepped outside for a smoke) or your home gets you a $25 ticket. In the latest incident, a gentleman vacuuming his car in front of his home while drinking a can of beer (covered in a brown paper bag) was shocked to have an officer pull up and give him a ticket. Meanwhile, this summer has once again been a season of 3 day weddings complete with 24-hour live drumming, blasting music and driveways and yards crowded with revelers who are drinking alcohol. But the precinct seems to have no problem with that, even though i t goes on right on the sidewalk and in the street, where beer is dispensed from the trunks of cars — no summonses issued here. Why?
The answer is simple — our officers are obviously under orders to be culturally sensitive to the ethnic immigrant community while the rest of us have to go by the rules. I have written to Commissioner Ray Kelly about this and received a response from him that the 106th Precinct brass would shortly follow up with me to address this nuttiness. Needless to say, more than a month has gone by and no one from the 106th Precinct has so much as glanced in my direction. Maybe I have to drink a beer in front of my house to get their attention.
Ann Rychlenski,
Ozone Park

Anonymous said...


Its called Tweeding.


We examine Elmhurst as the exhibit A of what not to do, a modern cautionary tale preservation mothers tell their children to keep them in line.


What can I say? No one does umlauts better than you (six years of German and two of Russian, but alas, no Bangla, Spanish, or Chinese)

Anonymous said...

Harpers Magazine has an article about Iceland.

Got sold down the river cause the population is so feakin passive and they don't want to talk about unpleasant things (it seems like half came from slaves)

Just like Queens.

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