Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Term limits news roundup

During his Q-And-A with reporters this afternoon, Mayor Bloomberg had a testy exchange with the DN's Frank Lombardi on the subject of term limits horse-trading and arm-twisting.

Fasten your seatbelts, this is a good one...

2 newbie councilmen said they are voting against term limits changes, including Anthony Como (finally).

A Good Government Group Parts Ways with Quinn and there's another complaint filed against her at the Conflicts of Interest Board.

And Queens Civic Congress is also against the last-minute power grab.

And the NYC Bar Association issued this statement:

It is critically important that voters have confidence that when they vote on a matter, it counts. Taking the decision on a change in term limits away from the voters who have twice voted on them can only serve to engender cynicism regarding the political process, derogate the referendum process and potentially discourage voter participation in the future. This is particularly so here where a majority of the Council members who would vote on the change are personally affected. It would indeed be a tall order to convince New Yorkers that in taking this matter unto themselves after having been twice affirmed by the voters, that the Council members had only the public interest at heart. In short, a change in term limits by legislative action would be bad policy, contrary to principles of good government and potentially damaging to our City institutions.


Anonymous said...

I saw a little of the exchange on TV with Bloomie not answering a question and saying to the person asking to give it in writing and he will deal with it later.Any of the few bloomberg supporters out there that may have a little critical thinking left need to see this footage.Arrogant as always and real rude to put it nicely.This isnt even his hometown, besides the fact that hes breaking laws smuggly and pretending to make some nice process for HIS voters.Ive lived here just over two years and have seen lots of damage this guy has done for working people and the city.You cant fix anything on Wall st.Now leave and go develop your vacation spots or go back to Boston and have your way with that place.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't more being made of Granny Shulman's failure to register as a lobbyist while bilking taxpayers out of large sums of money? Perhaps the press should start exposing all of Bum-berg's activities regarding development projects where his friends stand to gain millions, if not billions, while taking money out of our collective pockets!!! If he is preoccupied with defending his current indiscretions, then he will be too busy to run for a third term, or in his case, a turd term!

Anonymous said...

Congressman Weiner will make more than enough noise about this issue. He planned to run for this office and now sees a significant wall put up virtually overnight to disuade him from running. That wall is Bloomberg money - significant barrier to compete against. But Weiner is feisty - love him or hate him he is a pit bull on issues dear to him.

Anonymous said...

But will Weiner have the cajones to call for a federal investigation of this administration's flagrant behind the scenes financial chicanery?

Anonymous said...

As we have seen in the last few weeks, except for a few councilmembers (so far), most people can be bought off. When you are a billionaire no price is too high. Eventually they will find the Weiner and Thompson price tag and it will become an ordination, not an election. All hail the KING!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder what went on behind the scenes between Bloomie and Quinn. I wonder if there were any screaming matches, threats, bribes, promises etc...

Anonymous said...

So is this what it's come to...
that we can't afford the "LUXURY" of time and we must put the decision regarding term extensions behind closed doors, your honor?

Only a DESPOT would consider SUSPENDING DEMOCRACY during a "crisis" a necessity.

An exception is granted for President Lincoln who found it truly necessary to impose some drastic measures during the Civil War (which was a real crisis).

There it is. Now I've said it.
Come knock on my door and do your worst for my speaking out plainly
Mayor Bloomberg.

I'd be more than happy to show you the respect you think you deserve when you do likewise for the electorate whose votes you've just tossed aside!


Now I find myself regretting my decisions.

Anonymous said...

Oink, oink!

Two terms in office
and looking to steal a third, eh?

Well if it oinks like a hog
it probably is!

Anonymous said...

Wearing Sarah Palin's lipstick!

georgetheatheist said...

Eggs (and quite a few other victuals) sure taste better when cooked in a cast-iron pan. All my cookware is cast iron - highly recommended.

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