Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stay of execution for Parkway Hospital

Parkway Hospital is still alive - but on life support.

A state appeals court has upheld a temporary restraining order that will allow the troubled Forest Hills hospital to keep its doors open a few more weeks.

Parkway, one of the hospitals targeted to close by the state Berger Commission, was to shut down [Tuesday], when the operating permit issued by the state Health Department expired.

Hospital officials have been fighting the closing in court.

Parkway Hospital hangs by a thread


Anonymous said...

parkway is a fucking joke of a hospital...please spare all those workers and pateints from that living hell...

Anonymous said...

this place is a FUCKING joke to work there or even be a pateint there...worker are better off with uneployment,the pateint are better off at a differnt hospital

Anonymous said...

Hello, I been working in parkway hospital for over 14 years and its sad that greedy corrupt doctors destroy that hospital over the last 14 years that i have been working there..i join parkway 14 years ago because of it great respect it had in it community and fellow borough, believe me everybody wanted to go too even if you lived in the other-side of the it a fucking joke too work there or even be a patient there, nobody really cares in there because nurses and doctors use it as practice to go on too a better hospital ..we been hearing story for the last couple of years on how it going to get better and so far no results yet, just bad new from the state and press, its very very sad because there only a hand few of old timers like myself really wishing to see this place make a big turn around to see it get back to the all mighty hospital it use to really hurts me because i invested a lot time and give up a lot of opportunity too be working else where.I once really believe it would of change for the better, but we all know deep inside this is a sinking titanic and every man for themself......i guess this ship is sinking on September 10 2008, I better get my life jacket now before its too late..

Anonymous said...

excuse me i mean oct 10 2008

Unknown said...

This is a good hospital, don't see anything wrong with Parkway Hospital. Our family have used this place for emergency several times and always had good service, attention, didn't wait long, efficient treatment.
Place is convenient, not far from where we live, not too big not too small, can take care of everything
and small enough to pay attention to everybody. You don't feel lost there.

Anonymous said...

gangster hospital with troublesome history. state was smart to shut them and this group down. should make sure they never get back.

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