Friday, October 3, 2008

Rally against term limit changes

Councilman Weprin will be holding a rally this Sunday, October 5 at 12 Noon on the steps of City Hall against legislative overturn of term limits as proposed by the Mayor.

Here are how his colleagues are planning to vote on the matter as of today.


Sandman said...

Looks like the Undecideds will carry the day. And if you ask me, Undecided is a back-door way of saying Yes.
So I think it's happening. Now it's just a matter of running someone against Bloomie who can win. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Abstentions count as 'no' votes.

They could always take a hint from State Senator Obama, and vote "Present.'

Anonymous said...

I thought you might be interested in Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr.'s statement following the Mayor’s announcement that he will support legislation extending term limits: “I am extremely disappointed in Mayor Bloomberg’s announcement. I have always taken the Mayor at his word, particularly when he said on multiple occasions that altering term limits through a council vote would be disgraceful. Let me be clear: today’s announcement constitutes an attempt to suspend democracy. We should not undermine the will of the voters.”

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that Melinda Katz didn't return the Daily New's call. I've sent her a handful of emails since moving to Rego Park about various issues with zero response.

Anonymous said...

Even though I approve of term limits, I believe that good politicians deserve to be reelected more than just once. Term limits were designed to prevent political entrenchment, but i do not believe that three terms constitutes entrenchment. Two terms is too limiting, and rarely is eight years enough to accomplish anything worthwhile. We should set term limits at three terms.

Queens Crapper said...

And after their three terms are up, they'll change the law again to get 4.

Anonymous said...

That list needs to be stored for use next year. Any council member who votes to extend or change term limits needs to serve for a very short term.

Dump the traitors.

Candidates must be fully prepared for whatever job they run for (we are not paying for on-the-job training) and they must be prepared to be an adult and depart when time's up.

Anonymous said...

I hope that people will attend this rally, and disprove the oft-quoted Muzzio and Sheinkopf who insist that "Bloomberg is popular."

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg has already pigged out
on a two term power trip!

Why should he be permitted to stuff his ego with a third helping at the trough while farting at the table of democracy? !!!

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