Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quinn whores for Bloomberg (again)

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is ready to back Mayor Bloomberg's call to extend term limits, putting her own mayoral dreams on hold to help keep him in power for another four years.

"She will cite the economy as her reason," an insider told the Daily News, referring to the announcement she plans to make Sunday in City Hall.

Quinn's assent was widely anticipated as her staff has worked with the mayor's team behind the scenes to win Council support for the change.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn to back Bloomberg's term limit bill

"This is straight out of the Bloomberg administration playbook," said Councilman John Liu (D-Queens), one of many Council members and other opponents who believe any change to term limits should be made by New York voters, not by the Council.

"Why say it is going to be an open process and we will hold public hearings, and then announce before the hearings that you'll go along with it?" Liu asked. "It's been carefully choreographed from the get-go."

Quinn vowed to city voters last year that she would respect the term limits law approved in 1993 and 1996 citywide referendums.

"The voters have made their will very, very clear," she said in December.

Then there's this editorial from the Daily News:

The argument advanced by many of those opposed to letting Mayor Bloomberg run for a third term boils down to the following absurdity: He would likely win, so it would be travesty of democracy to let him run.

No, Suckerman, the argument is that voters chose term limits twice and this dictator is making an end run around the will of the people. Get it?

And please keep this in mind when you hear both of them talk about how this financial crisis is the reason we must keep Bloomie:

Paterson has said he may call another special session of the legislature to make further cuts to the budget, and earlier today he compared this crisis to the 1930s. By contrast, at a press conference yesterday, Bloomberg said, “The world is not coming to an end here.”

Supposedly, Bloomberg's constant cutting has left the City in excellent shape to deal future deficits that he predicted. So why do we still need him?


Anonymous said...

What did Quinn do to improve our economy, pimp money from her secret illegal member items slush fund?

I find it so eye opening that the Times, News and Post have not writen one word about the slush fund investigation, as they lead the chairleading for extending term limits.

They must have learned their journalsim in the 50's in Soviet Union.

faster340 said...

What a bunch of arrogant bastards! They alone think they can fix this financial mess by staying in office?!?! They are out of their minds.

You can go to which will show you who is for and against with an email link to each member to voice your opinion.

faster340 said...

Oh and Mr. McMansion Anthony Como himself is undecided! Way to go big boy! Grow a set and decide or has Serf told you not to?

faster340 said...

Also, how ironic is it that Mr. Como who is undecided is Serf's whipping boy and Mayor Bloomberg came out in support of Serf and his campaign.

Does he think people are that stupid? Another look at what he thinks of our CB and neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

And look who Quinn is standing next to.....Randi Weingarten, the UFT Queen of Sell Outs.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think this website could get any less intelligent or crude, but you keep surprising me.

If the voters are so against term limits, and those limits are overturned so Bloomberg runs again, wouldn't NYC residents vote against Bloomberg? The fact is that he will easily win another term because he has done a great job leading this city and is very popular throughout the city. The few Archie Bunkers that follow this site are a small minority when it comes to Mayor Bloomberg.

Great headline, I'm sure you thought hard to come up with something intelligent and witty, and "Quinn whores for Bloomberg" was the best you could do.


faster340 said...

"I didn't think this website could get any less intelligent or crude, but you keep surprising me."

And I see you are reading it! hhhmmm...

Anonymous said...

"If the voters are so against term limits, and those limits are overturned so Bloomberg runs again, wouldn't NYC residents vote against Bloomberg?"

They probably will. The only thing he's got going for him is $$$. Everyone I know hates him and believes he should go. So get your head out of his crack and smell the coffee.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg how turned over the city to the developers and rich. Pushing out the middle class.

Bloomberg has used his money to buy off Sharpton, Weingarden and other so we see quite and things all is well.

It is all a puppet show

Anonymous said...

Well let's see. Both were adamantly against changing the term limits law, but now faced with the spectre of going back to the private sector and with a weak argument of "the economy's bad" as a mandate, both have done a massive flip flop and are about to usurp the power of the voters who chose term limits twice.

Maybe the fact that leaders commit blatant hypocrisy isn't a problem for you, but I would say this puts both Bloomie and Quinn in whore territory.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is prepared to spend $80M on his campaign, and guess who will pay if lawsuits by good government groups are filed (and they will be) in order to protect our vote? We will, via the corporation counsel.

This is beyond outrageous and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Just think: all that legislation that would actually benefit the taxpayers of this City has been sitting there on the back burner, but the pigs will rush through this bill that extends their tenure so they can continue to suckle off the government teat.

This is a crime.

georgetheatheist said...

If Bloomberg was such a financial "genius", how come he wasn't screaming bloody murder predicting the financial meltdown?

Queens Crapper said...

So he could turn around and use the meltdown as an excuse for why he needs another term when he sold the idea to his buddies at the dailies?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is a fear mongerer, plain and simple. The 1970s were much worse than this is predicted to be, and we made it through that just fine.

Anonymous said...

you all act like Bloomberg has nothing to fall back on but his public office.

The guy is worth 20 some BILLION DOLLARS> do you think he NEEDS the aggravation and scrutiny of public office?

He is spending HIS OWN MONEY to run his election. If you dont like him vote against him -- but 70% of the City voters LOVE him and thank him for his service and dedication to a greater cause.

Anonymous said...

Yes, his "greater cause" being to keep his name out there to run for President in 4 years.

See, he doesn't get much aggravation and scrutiny because the city council and his buddies in the media are all in his pocket.

Anonymous said...

So if we need to have the law overturned--just this once, we're told!--because of the economy, are they admitting it's in the dumps for at least the next 13 months, when the election would be held? Sounds more like, "Re-elect us or we'll kill this dog."

Anonymous said...

"you all act like Bloomberg has nothing to fall back on but his public office.

The guy is worth 20 some BILLION DOLLARS> do you think he NEEDS the aggravation and scrutiny of public office?

He is spending HIS OWN MONEY to run his election. If you dont like him vote against him -- but 70% of the City voters LOVE him and thank him for his service and dedication to a greater cause."

This writer must have spent time in Weingarten and the Commissar's public schools; no writing skills. No wonder the gullibility!

Well, then explain, how, at the salary of $1 per year, and a "blind trust" this billionaire good government guy went from 65th wealthiest (at approx. $5 Billion) at the start of his term-limited term as mayor, to a current 5th wealthiest (at approx. $50, 60 Billion)?

Would only a cynic believe that he has tapped the public piggy bank and his wealthy developer cronies to enrich himself as Mayor? Could it possibly be (just possibly) that with all his ranting for "affordable housing" for his illegal alien invaders his "sanctuary city" attracted, he has been smack in the center of the $TRILLION$ in tax dollars going to save his and his cronies asses?

Is it at all possible that this turtle-faced Commissar Death and Taxes has found a city of morons and compliant sluts for a city council to use to keep thieving from the tax till?

There's Rancid Weingarten, happy to have this Commissar buy and then sell all the teachers and students for a few bucks and her picture in all the UFT newsletters.

Quinn, Commissar, the various Council members, Weingarten, and the UFT think the pigs' trough will be filled forever by taxpaying voters.

Prove that we are not morons and that the trough will be empty.

Anonymous said...

I think that Quinn may have misunderstood and thought they were asking for 4 more beers!!!

Anonymous said...

taxpayer - you resort to petty insults because you have no real debate skills..

Your arguments make no real points so there is nothing to which to respond.

Anonymous said...

Today's Daily News

Slush Fund Queen Quinn
"Quinn vowed to city voters last year that she would respect the term limits law approved in 1993 and 1996 citywide referendums. "The voters have made their will very, very clear," she said in December. That promise, though, came before a funding scandal on her watch hobbled her mayoral campaign - making the prospect of four more years on the Council a safer bet. She said last week that, if term limits were extended, she would drop her mayoral bid and run for the Council again." -October 12, 2008

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! All the Queens Crap fossil NIMBYs have their panties in a bunch because their fellow New Yorkers love Bloomberg!! He will win in a landslide, and you'll have four more years to complain incessantly about prosperity, growth and development!!

Unknown said...

I could quote Teddy Roosevelt on the role of the critic, but I though that this is far more pertinent:
There is not in all America a more dangerous trait than the deification of mere smartness unaccompanied by any sense of moral responsibility." May 2, 1903

Anonymous said...

Other than her lesbian lifestyle, there's nothing else progressive about Ms. Quinn. She's as corrupt as any straight pol.

Anonymous said...

Quinn was always on board once the Mayor said he supported extending terms. Her problem is that she's an unpopular Speaker and there was no guarantee she would be re-elected as Speaker. She had to get the guarantee that the party bosses would support her continuing as Speaker before she could publicly support the extension.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"taxpayer - you resort to petty insults because you have no real debate skills..

Your arguments make no real points so there is nothing to which to respond."

If you have no response, why bother us with your trifles?

Another Anon:
"I love it!!! All the Queens Crap fossil NIMBYs have their panties in a bunch because their fellow New Yorkers love Bloomberg!! He will win in a landslide, and you'll have four more years to complain incessantly about prosperity, growth and development!!"


And illegal aliens living in illegal apartments, taking seats in overcrowded schools, unable to utter a sound of English. Private property and successful business seizures to help the prosperity of crony developers, at the expense of middle class citizens who just lost jobs, homes, pensions, tuition money, 401K value. All because Commissar Death and taxes can rely on lickspittles to write such imbecilic comments on his behalf though the imbecile writers get shit upon by their Dear Leader.

Anonymous said...

The crude heavy hand is the mayor' iron fisted blow to democracy!

Well he can kiss my f----g bum!

I wonder whether that's (CAU's) Natzli or "Parkside's) Evan who's posting!

Anonymous said...

Reich's chancellor Bloomberg
wants to fix the election not the financial mess!

Seig heil mein fuhrer!

Dictatorship versus democracy!

Anonymous said...

And why not?

The FBI bought Sharpton
(Rev Al Sharpie) years ago.

It's common knowledge out there
that this phony is really an FBI informant!

As for Weingarden...
the other Al, Albert Shanker (her main squeeze), helped screw up the NYC school system years ago!

She's just strapped on her dildo
to finish the job!

Anonymous said...

Did somebody mention "PIGS"
like the one in my little cartoon ?


That's what happens when "tweeded" voters support incumbent porkers
who snub the middle class in favor
of their wealthy pals!

No term extensions
without a public referendum!

Anonymous said...

Win by a landslide my ass!

More likely a mud slide
will bury him!

You've got to learn
to do your job better Ms. Parvisi.
Your CAU spin sucks!

Anonymous said...

If Bum-berg cares so much about NYC
let him donate some money to it like he does for Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for all the new buildings that bear his name!

That egotistical 5'7" blow hard!

Anonymous said...

so Bloomberg has a high popularity rating

Maybe in the polls
Gucci-faccied by the CAU!

A lot of amateur data
manipulation there.

Matt Gorton must have gotten
his old job back.

You know the old maxim:
"Statistics never lie but liars
use statistics"!

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer, you have gotten even more looney. Too bad you can't go back in time and live in the 1940s again, you probably would like the segregation and bigotry from that era.

Most of Bloomberg's wealth is from his shares of his company. The value of that company is transparent, especially since it just bought back a huge stake from Merrill Lynch. But keep up the wacko conspiracy theories, they show everyone exactly how your mind works.

- A Bigger Taxpayer

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