Monday, October 6, 2008

Queens contractor under investigation

A company that has been awarded more than half a billion dollars in public contracts in recent years is being investigated for possibly underpaying some of its employees on a subway construction project, law enforcement officials said this week.

Over the summer, the company, M. A. Angeliades, which is based in Queens, was forced by transit officials to allow an independent monitor to supervise its activities as a condition of being given a $94 million contract for the renovation of the Bleecker Street subway station.

In addition to its work for New York City Transit, the company is also a major contractor for the School Construction Authority, with five projects under way in the city, and the monitor will supervise those jobs as well. The company has been suspended from bidding on future school projects pending the outcome of the investigation, said Margie Feinberg, a spokeswoman for the city’s Department of Education.

City Contractor Is Investigated for Possible Underpayment of Some Workers


Anonymous said...

"City contractor is under investigation for underpaying "some" workers."

"Some" workers? Let's guess. What did the New York Times fail to report?

That those "some" workers were illegal aliens? That the unions cheated their members by "not noticing" the workers who were unable to speak any English and were doing the most dangerous work?

The workers are here at the Commissar's invitation. The Commissar expects that the taxpayers will pay for all the needs of these illegal aliens.

The Commissar is the guilty one here. He's the one who pisses away the tens of thousands of jobs that actual citizens want and are qualified to perform.

Now, with a financial crisis taking hold, this miserable moron wants to be hired again - and again, and again, and again.

Anonymous said...

The scam is easy . you hire ilegal workers and u get them a union book local 79 ( laborer's) are the easiest . you give them their weekly check that has the prevaling rate . Said worker is then made to cash the chk and give back the extra money to the boss . On paper it all looks legit . M A is notorios for that ....Right Micheal

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure Angeliades is a union shop. They may be private. I haven't read the entire article. I just know that they are pretty bad at putting up buildings. The one they built on my block in LIC took over 3 years to finish, meanwhile 2 skyscrapers went up on the waterfront in that same time period.

Anonymous said...

They use union labor only when they have to .

Anonymous said...

He is big in Astoria. Bid on the Astoria Presbyterian Church project.

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