Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh. My. God.

Saw this on Brownstoner.

You think they had a permit for that scaffold?


Anonymous said...

OMG How did they even drag all that stuff up the fire escapes let alone put it all together.
Thats looks like a book full of violations !!

Anonymous said...

I believe this happens every year. DOB comes around and warns them to take it down, then it's all gone the following week anyway...

When someone dies, maybe then something will be done, but i severely doubt it.

faster340 said...

WTF is that? Fire escape condo's?

faster340 said...

"When someone dies, maybe then something will be done, but i severely doubt it."

NO, they will sue the city for millions and get it then move back to wherever they came from and live like kings/queens.

Anonymous said...

They even had the nerve to block someone's window in the other building.

Maybe it's a sort of greenhouse for growing something illegal.

Anonymous said...

No, it's a little outdoor hut that Jews sleep in during Sukkoth.

Anonymous said...

"The word Sukkot is the plural of the Hebrew word sukkah, meaning booth or hut. During this holiday, Jews are instructed to construct a temporary structure in which to eat their meals, entertain guests, relax, and even sleep. The sukkah is reminiscent of the type of huts in which the ancient Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt, and is intended to reflect God's benevolence in providing for all the Jews' needs in the desert.

The sukkah is a temporary building used for meals throughout the holiday. It can be built of any materials, but its roof must be of organic material and partially open to the sky. The decor of the interior of the sukkah may range from totally unornamented to lavishly decorated."

Anonymous said...

Well, the looks of it really sukkahs!

Anonymous said...

These Sukkots Suck.

Anonymous said...

Note that each one is angled to have at least a portion exposed to the heavens with nothing overhead.

The rabbis ruled that necessary.

Anonymous said...

Note that each one is angled to have at least a portion exposed to the heavens with nothing overhead.

The rabbis ruled that necessary.

Anonymous said...

It definatly is an eyesore but lets try to respect the long as they take it down.

Anonymous said...

"No, it's a little outdoor hut that Jews sleep in during Sukkoth."

Interesting. But what about safety concerns?

Anonymous said...

OMG? More like WTF!

Anonymous said...

Selective code enforcement, same as always.
When there is a fire in the building and trapped occupants or fireman die. Only then will the hand washing begin.
Fires are likely because the orthodox do not turn off the flame on the stove during the Holy days and there always young children about.
Religious or not its just dangerous and puts lives at risk.

Santeria and Moslems on Eid ul-adha kills wild animals and every year the police and city officials make the same claim. "We don't know how or why there are wild bulls running around Queens and Brooklyn.
Laws must apply to everyone or to no one. And DOB & FDNY stick your selective enforcement up yours!!!

Anonymous said...

The Satmars can get away with anything- they have voting clout. Couldn't they just use the rooftop or close a street, instead of the illegal scaffold?

faster340 said...

Complain directly to Limandri. This kind of crap is going to kill people and it's going to cost us all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Complaining to LiMandri won't do much if it is in fact a religious observance and temporary. Politicians and city agency chiefs don't want to be accused of intolerance or racism.

Anonymous said...

We don't know how or why there are wild bulls running around Queens and Brooklyn.
Laws must apply to everyone or to no one.---

has to do with tweeding.

laws may be open to 'interpertation' but tweeding rules all.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for keeping up religious traditions, but compromising the safety of others by blocking a fire escape is really outrageous. Besides, the "temporary" structure may be exceeding the weight limit it was built for.

Anonymous said...

Just reading in the Queens Chronicle, 10/16/08 page 16, zero tolerance Nick "The Ax" Scoppetta (NYFD Comm), and Rose "The Knife" G. Hearn (DOI Comm) have busted 21 taxpayers for fire code violations, such as blocking exits.
All the violators are in Queens, mostly in Corona and Jamaica.

Guess old Nick and Rose don't read the blogs, or else they lack the political will to do their jobs honestly. Nothing like an angry phone call from Bloomie for doing the job your supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

Last I checked, this is America in the 21st century. Moses and his friends have been gone for some time now. Let's try and blend in a little better...

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