Monday, October 6, 2008

Not all pols are on board with mayor's term limit plan

In a signal of the coming political fight over Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s plan to seek another four years in office, two City Council members said on Saturday that they would introduce legislation that would allow voters rather than the City Council to decide whether to extend term limits.

City Council members Bill de Blasio and Letitia James, both Brooklyn Democrats, say they intend to introduce a bill on Tuesday calling for a citywide referendum to be held in the spring.

“Voters have decided to enact and uphold term limits; they voted on it twice,” Ms. James said at a news conference outside City Hall. “The mayor is blatantly trying to cut them out of the discussion, trying to do an end run around democracy.”

She added that there is “still time to do it the right way, through a referendum.”

Countering Mayor’s Bid With a Bill to Put Term Limits in the Voters’ Hands

There also were multiple press conferences on the steps of City Hall yesterday. This photo was sent in by Juniper Civic.


Anonymous said...

Weiner? Mayor? Don't make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

“Voters have decided to enact and uphold term limits; they voted on it twice,” “The mayor is blatantly trying to cut them out of the discussion, trying to do an end run around democracy"

Don't let the Mayor become King or evil dictator - look at Chavez in Venescuba - he hijacked that place!

Anonymous said...

"Weiner" would be the candidate for mayor when it comes to what we care about in Queens.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see I was successful in leaning forward just enough to make it into this photo.

Damn, I even look hot in profile.

I'm too sexy for my suit.. to sexy for my seat... so sexy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks folks, for the effort to block the Commissar.

But, we don't need one more referendum. We've had two. The law is on the books.

The Commissar believes that he's above the law, so we could vote in a referendum a day, and like I and Anonymous #2 said, the Commissar wants to follow the law like Chavez, Castro, Putin, Mugabe, and the Dear Leader of North Korea (Can you imagine our dwarf turtle-faced Commissar dressed in a simple uniform like that Dear Leader, but green instead of brown, with a turtle neck collar and a shell on his back? - weren't there some cartoon character hero turtles on TV some time back?).

We have to dump any and all the cartoon-like city council members who vote to change term limits law in any form - permanent, one time or at all.

Weiner would be the candidate for flipping burgers whether he is for or against any change to term limits or a run for Mayor. Weiner is an arrogant, tantrum throwing self-centered, jerk.

He actually makes the "Doorman" look like an intellectual statesman of integrity. Now, that's a real accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if Bloomberg runs next year and LOSES? I would die laughing.

Anonymous said...

Two helpings at the trough are enough for Bloomie. No thirds!

Don't allow this grandiose usurper
to pig out on power
at the expense of democracy.

during the following weeks!

It's those little acts of patriotism
that add up in the end.

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