Monday, October 6, 2008

Lauder reverses himself (again) on term limits

Ronald S. Lauder, the billionaire cosmetics heir and term limits champion, said Sunday night that he would vigorously oppose a plan, outlined by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and City Council members, to permanently change the city’s term limits law to allow 12 years in office rather than 8.

His opposition jeopardizes a carefully constructed alliance that was considered key to Mr. Bloomberg’s bid for a third term.

Lauder Opposes Mayor on Change to Term Limits

“If there is a permanent change, I will fight it,” Mr. Lauder said in a telephone interview on Sunday night. “As far as I am concerned, it’s a one-time only exception. That is it.”

Mr. Lauder said he expressed concern to Mr. Bloomberg on Friday in a telephone conversation. Mr. Bloomberg suggested that Mr. Lauder sit on a charter revision commission, which would study the issue in 2010 and probably put it up for a referendum.

He insisted that he would like the mayor to remain in office for a third term, but said that he could not endorse a permanent change to a three-term limit.

A spokesman for Mr. Lauder said that should the City Council adopt such a permanent change, he would consider opening his wallet to oppose it with advertisements, as he has in the past.


Anonymous said...

Lauder should stick to womens makeup./

Anonymous said...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

H-m-m-m...Lauder's mood de jour.

Bloomie must have already screwed him on the deal that was promised to him (whatever that was) to go along with term extensions.

That's two times a turnabout one for each term currently served by pols.

Wanna try for three changes of "mind" Ronnie ?

Anonymous said...

Pretty strange - I guess he wants to run for Mayor now, too!

Too much money cloud some folks' heads.

Anonymous said...

Something happened to make Lauder change his mind. What could it be?

Lauder opposes a permanent change, but wants to make an exception this one time for Bloomberg to run for a third term. Is something on the horizon? How do you oppose it and threaten to advertise against it, and on the other hand make this "one-time" exception. Sounds suspect to me and probably many others.

Do you think, someone whispered in Lauder's ear "think about it". Don't go there. Question, should any Bloomberg/Lauder relationships investigated?

Perhaps, the public should think about boycotting his cosmetics.

Anonymous said...

This is an great example how Public Relations master Howard Rubinstein run the press in this year. Besiders Lauder he represents The New York Post, New York Times, Bloomberg and even Mort Zuckerman owner of the Daily News.

This show to increase terms is Rubinstein Puppet Show

georgetheatheist said...

Hey Ron. It's time to check into your nearest mental health facility. (Tip: You can wear sunglasses so the fotogs won't recognize you.)

Anonymous said...

Billionaires run this city... we're all just their pawns.

Anonymous said...

Does Lauder have more of a voice than the 8+ million people of this city? Let the people decide, not the money.

Anonymous said...

The people already did decide. Now don't waste our time to consider what is already a settled issue.

Anonymous said...

Bloomie may only receive $1 a year as compensation but he is costing us billions. What a turd! The election process is becoming a mockery.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love how these billionaires can tweak and change the rules and laws to their advantage, yet taxpayers have no say about it? I will not vote for Bloomberg, regardless of the outcome. I get annoyed when the rules don't apply to people because they are rich.

Anonymous said...

Let me give you my take on what might be behind this besides two big egoes clashing. Things that happen on the weekend--whether shootings or angry phone calls--often have alcohol as a factor. Look at both these guys. Does Bloomie have that pursed mouth look of a wine drinker; look at the other guy. They probably had an angry phone conversation and are both in snits. Booze. It hits the high (no pun) and the low. Any takers on this theory? Would it explain the many tirades of Mr. Michael B. Angry?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Don't you just love how these billionaires can tweak and change the rules and laws to their advantage, yet taxpayers have no say about it? I will not vote for Bloomberg, regardless of the outcome. I get annoyed when the rules don't apply to people because they are rich."

I totally agree. Different rules for different people. It has been and will always be the case.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me why we give a crap what he thinks? Why does his opinion matter? So he's rich. So what?

Anonymous said...

Liman, didn't you know rich people are so much more important than we are. Everything they do is better. They look better, they dress better and they are smarter than everyone else. And more often than not they are so much nicer too.

Anonymous said...

Tell me again why the will of the people answers to a makeup mogul?

Anonymous said...

Look at his eyes in this picture. He looks like he's the walking dead! What's up with that!

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