Monday, October 6, 2008

Katz sticking with the old guard

With six contenders repping for a 2009 City Council race in Forest Hills, the current seat-holder - the term-limited Melinda Katz - recently tipped her hand on who may rise to the top.

Melinda Katz plays coy, narrowing choice to two frontrunners

"Melinda has not yet endorsed a candidate in the race," her spokeswoman Molly Watkins told the Daily News last month. "She considers both of them friends."

"Both," Watkins later clarified, meant Queens Deputy Borough President Karen Koslowitz, who held the same Council seat from 1991 to 2001, and former Assemblyman Michael Cohen, who resigned in 2005.

That Katz didn't even acknowledge the other contenders is telling - in line with many Democratic insiders who view the campaign as a two-horse race.


Anonymous said...

So, Katz's litter box, home of the real estate industry's slut for two terms is getting ready to receive another dump from a new occupant.

I certainly hope that our renown courtesan Melinda has the courtesy to clean it up before the next council member has to scratch around in it.

No matter. There's plenty of fresh litter laid down on top to hide a new load of corruption in its great depth!

Now let's see if the Bukharians will run one of their own as a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Both candidates are do-nothings. They didn't do the job when they had their previous positions sowhat makes you think they will work for us now? They are all free-loaders. We need someone new and willing to work hard and not just spend their time appeasing the Queens Political Machine!

Anonymous said...

No matter whom this princess endorses we are just as bad off as before, probably worse off.

Anonymous said...

Some say she has the nicest mouth they ever come across...

Anonymous said...

Melinda-san is also keeping tight-lipped (that's how Gallagher likes it) about her plan to vote to overturn term limits.

She will vote to overturn that law (as an honest hooker, she will do the bidding of the customer, in this case, her good-paying john, Commissar - does she have to dress up as goldilocks or little red-riding hood - or, the wicked witch?

Then she will run, once again, against her "friends" - she'll say: "sorry, "friends", my life is dedicated to my own ambitions, not yours, and certainly not the constituents!"

Anonymous said...

Let us review a little history, and try to connect the dots. A while back Michael Cohen unexpectedly resigns in midterm as District 28 Assemblyman; who gets the opportunity to get a seat? A (young) man by the name of Hevesi. Hmmm. I wonder who MK will support in this race? Mr. Quid, Mr. Pro, or Mr. Quo?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want that skank's lips around my canoli!

That's why I declined contributing
to her past two political campaigns.

Anonymous said...

You think Mike Cohen wanted to resign or that there was something more important than politics going on?

Read the article first.

Anonymous said...

Hevesi's incompetent son could not find a job- so daddy demanded Cohen give up his. What has junior done for our district lately??? Keep thinking...
They are all corrupt, do -nothings!! Get rid of them all!!!!

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