Friday, October 3, 2008

The joke's on Ronald Lauder

Ronald Lauder said he would support a temporary extension of term limits for one extra term for Bloomberg. But the City Council's bill will be a permanent change to term limits. You got duped, bud.


Barry Popik said...

Ron, Ron, Ron! Wake up and smell the perfume! THIS STINKS!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the fake non-profit organizations that Quinn and Bloomberg were being investigated for.The village voice had a good little article on that.Real corrupt mess this guy but hes got the Manhattan rich dolts brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

Ron has too much inherited money to throw away. Estee is turning in her grave as to how he is pissing it away like a crazed idiot.

Anonymous said...

Quinn is so hot!

Anonymous said...

With a mug like Quinn's...I wouldn't trust her not to shank me in the prison showers!

Anonymous said...

There's a DEAL for Ron
hidden in all this somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Look out Americans,
Mike and Ron are tearing up our Constitution (or at least making a few unauthorized changes)!

Anonymous said...

Christine Quinn. Now there's a face only a mother could love.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of crooks who can care less about the will of the voters

Anonymous said...

What and ugly face. Quinn says: "We typically don't write in 'Lauder options' in legislation, whether that be Ronald or Estee or anybody else," ...

She only writes her "master's options" in legislation. He owns the plantation, she's the faithful lackey house girl. She knows her place well, and will not disturb her master with questions or arguments.

And he'll protect her and the other thieves regarding all those millions stolen in the name of "phantom" civic organizations.

Quinn said she doesn't feel "undue pressure" from Bloomberg on this issue and insisted she hasn't been promised anything by the administration in return for supporting this measure.

Naturally she feels no pressure, and he has promised nothing; he already paid her in full.

Anonymous said...

Time to dig up Quinn's and Bloomberg's gardens to see if any bodies are hidden there.

We might even find Jimmy Hoffa
along with a hidden not for profit money trail.!

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