Monday, October 6, 2008

Is this the skankiest McDonald's in Queens?

This previously featured piece of Queens Crap wedged in next to a McDonald's on Grand Avenue in Maspeth is on what used to be a small parking lot for the restaurant. You may notice that there is no entrance for the residences in the front.

Instead, the entrance is in the back --- between a commercial garage and McDonald's dumpsters. Who wouldn't want to live here?

The walls of the buildings are targets for graffiti vandals.

And so are the doors, which are in pretty ratty condition, anyway.

And then there's inside. Peeling wallpaper. How quaint.


Anonymous said...

remember the italian restaraunt that used to be here. .. it was nice then

Anonymous said...

Graffiti, wallpaper peeled off the wall, damaged trash receptacle. Classy place. Mostly done by residents and other patrons.

Unless the people that live in the area complain to the manager about the way this place looks, it unfortunately becomes an indicator of them.

Anonymous said...

This building should not have been approved - self -certified Architectual plans?

The MacDonalds was a nice place at one time - not so sure it is today looking as it does now. I know it it is not managed like their other store at Maurice Ave. - a real gold mine there.

Anonymous said...

Well, doesn't the machine tell us Queens is America tomorrow?

Thanks clubhouse!

With the financial crisis (caused by another group of politicians) sinking in we are going to see lots of changes in this country. I have a feeling this is in our future.

I think for the first time in our nation's history one can say thank heavens I'm not under 30.

Anonymous said...

How anyone could eat in this dump is beyond me. The condition is indicative of the standards of the owner. Run away from this place. McDonalds should close this place down!

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't Anthony Como done anything about this?

Anonymous said...

Now I want to document every single one of these hideous rectangular temples to greed. How about a project where we photograph every single one in Queens? I'll help.

Ruth said...

How anyone could eat in a McDonalds PERIOD is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Bastards! They left the pickles off my ratburger!

Anonymous said...

Good one! This YouTube video by the Firesign Theatre, which originally aired in the early 1980's, seems quite appropriate:

The audio level is low but I did not post this piece.

Anonymous said...

That McDonald's is a known drug haven. Why the narcotics squad has not closed it is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Lol yes. They got rats, they don't have a dollar menu, and they don't accept credit cards. when I went in there one time they only had one lady working. She could barely keep up ; she was panting and puffing and she was and older lady!

The horrible paint is only the icing on the cake. I woulda made that nice.... It woulda blended some sick shyt.

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