Friday, October 3, 2008

Historic district for Laurelton?

Community Board 13 Chairman Richard Hellenbrecht said that while the board hasn’t been directly involved in the quest to secure Laurelton as a historic district, the body would certainly be in favor of it.

“It was mentioned as part of the zoning meetings,” Hellenbrecht said. “I’d certainly like our land use committee to be aware of it and involved in it.”

Hellenbrecht continued, adding that of all the neighborhoods in C.B.13, Laurelton was certainly at the top of the list of those with potential.

“Laurelton if anything, is unique — it’s the English tudor style — if any area is eligible, or should be recognized that would be it.”

However, Hellenbrecht acknowledged that it might be an uphill battle.

“I’m very upset that Queens in general has been left off the list of the city’s historic districts,” Hellenbrecht said. “There are very few sites which have been approved.”

Historic district may be in future for Laurelton

Graziano was also upset about the lack of suburban sites in the city which are recognized, saying that the LPC usually eschews sites that represent New York City’s suburban areas in favor of areas that resemble the city’s more metropolitan image.

New York City’s LPC could not be contacted for comment by press time.


Anonymous said...

what about broadway-flushing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeah but lpc is ignoring other queens neighborhoods, why would they pay any attention to this one?

Anonymous said...

Tierney hasn't spotted
those prominently placed lawn signs regarding a landmark district which are quickly sprouting up all over Broadway/Flushing yet.

It looks like its residents are digging in for a big fight
and are REFUSING to be put on hold by the the Bloomberg administration's LPC!

You'd better wake up Bob.
The alarm clock's just gone off!

What was it that Admiral Yamamoto said after the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor?

Oh yes, it was,

"I'm afraid we have just awakened
a sleeping tiger".

You betcha !!!

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