Friday, October 10, 2008

Groups say Bloomie's quid pro quo a no-no

Two civic groups said on Thursday that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg had violated the city’s ethics laws when he pledged to put Ronald S. Lauder on a charter revision commission to ensure that the billionaire cosmetics heir supports the mayor’s bid for a third term.

The groups, the New York Public Interest Research Group and Common Cause, made the charge in a complaint filed with the city’s Conflict of Interest Board.

Ethics Complaint Filed Over Bloomberg-Lauder Pact

In their complaint, the groups said that “we believe that Mayor Bloomberg has used his position in a prohibited manner to obtain personal advantage in a quid pro quo deal with Ronald Lauder.”

Mr. Lauder’s support, they said, represents a “a great gain, given Mr. Lauder’s track record of spending millions to defend the current two-term limit.”

Meanwhile, Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries is trying his best to prevent a third term for Bloomberg.


Anonymous said...

There needs to be louder voices against this shady little billionaire developer.I cant stand this phoney and I just had a good conversation today at a diner on 47th and 11th st with a guy who has grown up in the area letting me in on all the drastic changes.Write letters to TV stations,papers, and any where visible in front of bloomies offices.Constant voices against this disrespectful wall st shark need to be said over and over to the mainstream media .

Anonymous said...

Oink, oink, oink!

To-o-o-o many terms already for this little piggy!

Anonymous said...

P.S. anonymous #1:

If you're going to stand up for
proper democratic process
try signing your name like I just did
along with John Hancock.

Don't hide behind your convictions.

Anonymous said...

The problem is
that instead of louder voices
there is a Lauder voice
being heard!

We need a leader for NYC
not an egotistical company boss!

Anonymous said...

The voice of the public is being ignored, or, like in Queens, only given a mike if they say the 'right' things and follow the clubhouse script.

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