Wednesday, October 1, 2008

GOP pushes for ballot lineup change

From the Daily News:

A move is afoot by city Republicans to change the ballot lineup in two key races this November in hopes of assisting their candidates in Democratic-dominated districts.

The GOP wants to bump the congressional contest for departing Rep. Vito Fossella's seat up a line in the 13th Congressional District, making it appear second on the ballot and just under the presidential race.

The hope is that expected high turnout for John McCain on Staten Island would help the GOP's candidate, Robert Straniere. The closer his name appears to the top of the ballot, the better his chances of not getting lost in the shuffle of down-ballot races.

Straniere is fighting to keep scandal-scarred Fossella's seat in GOP hands. It is the only Republican-held congressional seat in the city. Last week, Straniere declined a Manhattan Supreme Court nomination that would have cleared the way for a Fossella comeback bid.

Democrats are crying foul about the possible ballot change, saying the Justice Department must preapprove it. Elections commissioners will vote on the change Friday.

Republicans are also talking about moving Queens Sen. Serphin Maltese's race in the 15th Senate District down a ballot line - by moving up the 30th Council District race in which Republican Councilman Anthony Como is defending the seat he won in June.

This would bump Assembly races to the bottom of the ballot and separate Maltese from Assemblyman Anthony Seminerio, who was recently arrested on corruption charges.

Maltese is a top Democratic target in the battle for control of the GOP-led state Senate and is running neck and neck with his opponent, Queens Councilman Joseph Addabbo, according to a recent poll.


Anonymous said...

Maltese should be near Seminario at the bottom right where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

Serfie hasn't minded being next to Tony for years. Now, he wants to disassociate?

Anonymous said...

Serf Maltese is a scam artist. Pure and simple. He's been scamming his constituency for over 20 years. He has never had to work hard but has mastered the ability to appear that he's doing something.

That's why he can't run on his record. Instead he keeps bashing his opponent. There are few politicians more sickening than Maltese.

Anonymous said...

Susan, Serf's comin' over tonite. Where's Joe D?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Serf's been screwing more than just his constituency.

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