Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still hurting after Flushing blast

Frustrated tenants are still looking for answers after their Flushing apartment building exploded on July 25.

Some residents, who haven't been able to move back into the building at 147-25 Sanford Ave., said that the landlord is dodging their questions and not helping them find new places to live.

Pain lingers from Queens blast, victim dies and tenants not allowed back

The blast, which injured more than 15 people, claimed its first life last week when Edgar Zaldumbide, who was in a medically induced coma, died.

His 22-month-old daughter, Melissa, was also severely burned.


Anonymous said...

God knows how many jerry-rigged buildings are time bombs ready to explode.

We have laws on the books, but something passed in the 1930s is old hat.

You do not get photo opts from that. You got to pass a NEW law.

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk...
what's John Liu to do?

What has he done,
besides mug for the media?

C'mon John, it's your district!

Nah...forget about it.
He'll be too busy running for comptroller very shortly!

Maybe Toby the troll will
"rise up" and issue a
"stirring" statement.

The Staviskys
have always been very good
at that kind of blustering
in the past.

Anonymous said...

Where's the Sukkuth hut?

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