Friday, October 10, 2008

Forest Hills chicken slaughter raises ethical questions

Hi Crappy, I don't know if this falls under your purview but it's really disturbing and apparently goes on more and more in Forest Hills.

It takes place for one awful night each year, and is a horrible thing that the 112th Precinct sanctions. It's basically a yearly outdoor chicken slaughter that takes place until all hours of the night at various super-orthodox synagogues. This year among other places it happened at Sephardic Jewish Congregation & Center of Queens until almost 2 am. The police said it was allowed since it was "religious." The chickens squawking and people yelling were truly disturbing. I thought this only went on in Crown heights.
- anonymous

PETA letters against chicken slaughter


Anonymous said...

This may be one of the few issues I'd agree with PETA on.

Why in the 21st Century does anyone still have to sacrifice animals in order to appease God? Doesn't God have enough dead animals in his warehouses that he's accumulated over the past several millenium? Does he really need any more chickens or sheep?

Anonymous said...

Psycho,cultish,insular,racial superior thinking,medival nut cases.A few years back and what often happens in the magical land of israel is that hasidics attack women on buses in their neighborhood that are not sitting where there suppose to or wearing skin revealing clothes.Theyre just as crazy as people they rail against or worse because they think there morally perfect.Lovely culture

Anonymous said...

How can't you talk common sense to the senseless. These people kill there own daughters if they protest and dont follow the law of the land.

Anonymous said...

You know what let them stay in Brooklyn because I certainly dont want them on my block.

Anonymous said...

This is embarrassing to me as a Jew. Stop it, you guys!

Anonymous said...

Ignorant tribal savagery!

Blood sacrifice is nothing less than the worship of Man's power trip over G-d's smaller creations.

Won't you be surprised come judgment day when the Lord says:

"So you've done it to the least of them as you've done it to to me.
Entrance into Heaven denied"!

Anonymous said...

What a despicable custom.

I saw my grandmothers slaughter chickens and rabbits in Italy when I was little and it disturbs me until this day.

Anonymous said...

These kind of idiots belong in the wilds of Montana along with those throwback reactionary "posses"
far from civilized society.

Better yet,
back in their places of origin!

maybe "Moose skinner" Palin will welcome these retards to her town!

Anonymous said...

An an Orthodox Jew, I'd tell the critics to stuff it. Most of the sacrificed chickens are usually distributed as food to the poor. So it's going to a good cause.

Also, the "kapparot" ceremony is no longer required. Rabbis consider giving charity to be on an equal level as sacrificing chickens.

Religious people have as much right to live in this city as the self-righteous atheists. Don't tell us where to live.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame the they feel that God dictates them to do this - yet God doesnt seem to speak when it comes to the hidious buildings they build and the slaughter of communities from their tender mercies.

I work at times in the Garment Center have overhead a lot of Jews that do not have kind things to say about this sect.

Anonymous said...

As a Kew Gardens/Forest Hills resident and homeowner, this is disturbing but tolerated because these are "Jews". So, that will stay. However, I do wish that SOME OF THIS RELIGIOUS ENERGY WOULD BE BETTER SPENT ON THESE GODLY WORDS "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS" Dingy streets and homes that a dime has not been invested into isn't nice for your neighbors. Sweeping and cleaning some windows is much easier than killing chickens for the "poor".

Anonymous said...

Generally speaking, these
hard-core Jews are filthy people.

georgetheatheist said...

Thank God for Atheism.

Anonymous said...

Sergey Kadinsky: you try living next to this and trying to go to sleep while chickens are being killed underneath your window. A residential parking lot in Queens is NOT the place for this.

Anonymous said...

chickens are slaughtered every day to put McNuggets on your plate.

Get over it.

If these Chickens are eventually consumed what's the problem? Or are all of you vegans?

Anonymous said...

Look, they have as much right to live in the city as anyone else...

But if they're disturbing people, maybe we should just set aside a neighborhood where they (and we) will feel more comfortable...

We wouldn't want hotheads going in there to harrass them, so we should make it secure, you know, like a gated community...

And since only they can go in there, and with all the trouble with identity theft, we need a sure-fire way to identify them...

Something they can't lose...

Sorry, but if we have to put up with smelly, obnoxious homeless people, we have to put up with smelly, obnoxious people with addresses.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we have to put up with obnoxious people. but should not have to hear 5the cries animals being killed in a residential neighborhood. THis is why they have slaughterhouses. Who kills animals next to an apartment building?

Anonymous said...

The 112th precinct has gone down the tubes since Dave and Debbie left (sigh).

Anonymous said...

"If these Chickens are eventually consumed what's the problem? Or are all of you vegans?"

I am not able to eat chicken based on what I saw as a child.

Anonymous said...

I am not able to eat chicken based on what I saw as a child.

but you eat other meats??

turkey? duck? LAMB??

i could see how a childhood trauma could scar someone but meat tastes good.

Anonymous said...

sure meat tastes good but I shouldn't have to hear it being made while I'm trying to sleep. If I wanted to live in a slaughterhouse I'd call Tyson Foods and ask to pay rent.

Queens Crapper said...

Via Gothamist:

After slaughtered, they go uneaten and, in the past, have actually been shoved in to traffic cones once killed (video here).

Anonymous said...

i watched the video.

if you are insinuating that these dead chickens are shoved in traffic cones on the public streets that is NOT what is happening in the PETA video you link to.

Queens Crapper said...

Gothamist wrote it, I copied it. Have a problem with it? Write to them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"but you eat other meats??"

Only beef and very little of it.

"turkey? duck? LAMB??"

No, no and no.

And that PETA video that Crappy posted was too upsetting for me to even finish watching it.

Anonymous said...

it is a little rough but these are CHICKENS. In the end they tell of rescuing the birds and delivering them to sanctuaries.

Come on. Anyone who has ever lived on a farm and has both had live chickens around and slaughtered them would think this premise and video is ridiculous.

If you Watched any video of food processors from cattle slaughterhouses to a sausage manufacturer you'd be even more horrified.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here's the solution that will please all the anti-Semitic posters:

Next year use Katz or her baby's unnamed father: Gallagher.

Once they've been properly sacrificed, each year use the most corrupt politicians.

Can't figure who's most corrupt? Have a contest.

Anonymous said...

"it is a little rough but these are CHICKENS."

Aren't chickens living creatures that feel pain?

"If you Watched any video of food processors from cattle slaughterhouses to a sausage manufacturer you'd be even more horrified."

Agreed. That's why I wouldn't because then that'll be the end of beef for me making me a full vegetarian. What then would I do for protein?

Anonymous said...

After reading this post a little earlier, I get super-hungry and so broiled up a dozen or so large chicken wings sauteed in sweet chili sauce.

I was suffering horrible hunger pains until the cooking and eating was done.

Some baked potatoes with gobs of sour cream satisfied all my vegan lusts.

Then I saw a TV commercial for Bush's Chili (with hot dogs - now, there some greeaaat processed meat!).

That's tomorrow's meal. Perhaps starting at midnight tonight.

Anonymous said...

this is one night a year people.. You live in NYC .. Deal with it and embrace the cultures around you

Re the sources d your protein. I don't insider food sources to be living creatures that feel pain. If you feel that way then go vegan and don't e a hypocrite. And I bet fish feel pain and are tortured too when we catch them and gut them but by taste god too so I really don't care

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Atheism.

I really don't believe you're truly an atheist. Do you swear to God you're an atheist?

chickens are slaughtered every day to put McNuggets on your plate.

Yes, but McDonald's doesn't slaughter the chickens outside my front window.

this is one night a year people.. You live in NYC .. Deal with it and embrace the cultures around you

Didn't I see you wearing a gold G-string and a dog collar marching down 5th Avenue in the gay parade? Do you really have to go that far to embrace the cultures around you?

Anonymous said...

"I don't insider food sources to be living creatures that feel pain."

Then you've never seen an animal being slaughtered.

"If you feel that way then go vegan and don't e a hypocrite."

There's nothing hypocritical about what I said.

"And I bet fish feel pain and are tortured too when we catch them and gut them but by taste god too so I really don't care"

I'll bet you're right which is why I don't eat fish either. As far as how fish tastes, I'll take your word for it because I've never tasted it.

Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

Wade, bless you. [It was a joke.]

Catholics parading statues through the streets. Jews twirling chickens around their heads. Musselmen whipping their backs to a bloody pulp. Hindus pounding themselves with colored chalk. "God" bless America.

Anonymous said...

For shame! People should definitely not have intimate contact with a necessary part of the food consumption process. Better that the slaughtering go on behind closed doors in a filthy warehouse. Don't blame me... I only eat the chicken.

Anonymous said...

Do you really have to go that far to embrace the cultures around you?

you dont have to march down 5th Ave with a G string or slaughter chickens in public to embrace the cultures around you.

How about just being tolerant of other peoples religious and personal beliefs and living and letting others live as they chose.

Rather than belittling people saying they stink or are dirty or other racial/ ethnical / social hating.

Anonymous said...

Itailian Girl.. its all good .. if you were full on vegan there would be no issue or conflict with your comments.. but you eat Beef. What about those poor cows? dont they feel pain when they are slaughtered?

why do you not care about the cows?

thats the hypocritical part.

There are ways to get protein in your diet besides eating living creatures that feel pain.

Anonymous said...

Hey here's a thought...why can't these insular people be sensitive to the vast majority of those who don't practice this and do it on their own property where they aren't disturbing anyone? Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Because they dont care what you think, or if it offends you. They cant even comprehend the fact that this might be upsetting to you - THEY JUST DONT CARE...its all about them.. They are the chosen people... screw everyone... else that there attitude

They are only in the USA to make money. This isnt their homeland.

Anonymous said...

"why do you not care about the cows?"

I do care about cows. As I said before, I eat very little beef. And I'll admit it tastes good. I guess the sight of a hamburger or steak doesn't bring back those horrible memories I have.

"thats the hypocritical part."

If you say so.

"There are ways to get protein in your diet besides eating living creatures that feel pain."

Do tell.

Anonymous said...

Beans, tofu, cheese, etc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info.


Anonymous said...

"Why in the 21st Century does anyone still have to sacrifice animals in order to appease God?"

Forget about chickens, why is anyone sacrificing infant boys' foreskins to G*D?

Anonymous said...

my sons' foreskins were scarificed not for God, but for hygenic purposes.

who don't like pizza said...

"Anonymous said...
this is one night a year people.. You live in NYC .. Deal with it and embrace the cultures around you"

Vibrant! Diverse! Exciting!

Precisely the reason why the part of Forest Hills north of Queens Boulevard is fast becoming a sh1thole.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, how many "one night only" events must a neighbolrhood tolerate before it isn't tolerable anymore?

Anonymous said...

Orthodoxy usually coincides
with extremism and sometimes radicalism...the root of all evil
in the world.

These backward bloodthirsty barbaric practices originated thousands of years ago.

killing for food is one thing,
but offering up a spectacle of
blood and pain as an act of devotion (in front of children)
is the practice of a subhuman throwback!

Anonymous said...

Religious extremism, whether practiced by Jews or Muslims
is responsible for the desert sands
soaking up rivers of blood over countless years!

Do we really need to engage
in devotional slaughter to teach our children the gentler lessons of love and peace?

The world is already brutal enough without making matters worse by
increasing our level of barbarism!

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's one for ya.
Most of you carnivores in a fury over this ages-old practice who insist that meat should come from an abattoir are probably the same racist morons who foam at the mouth every time crappy posts about a Queens neighborhood that is browner today than it was 30 years ago.

Well, you know what? 90% of the meat you eat is processed in slaughterhouses in the midwest staffed by the same brown people you want deported. So, if you like your meat then maybe you should shut your yaps about immigration. Cause I think you know what happens when you kick them out and those jobs are filled by legal lily-white American workers... they unionize, and demand fair wages, and pretty soon your $4.99/lb cut of meat costs $9.99/lb. And that's not what freedom is about.

Sorry if this forces you to think a little.

Anonymous said...

That's right, because there are no low-wage immigrants who came here legally. Oops, just deflated that balloon of stupidity.

Anonymous said...

That's right, because there are no low-wage immigrants who came here legally. Oops, just deflated that balloon of stupidity.

Wow. Way to ignore all but one point.
Sure, there are legal low-wage immigrants, but it's still brown people who are cutting up your animals, out of sight and earshot. So if you enjoy your meat but you don't want to be reminded of its origins, don't bitch about immigration and the browning of America.

Queens Crapper said...

Whoa. Way to totally miss the point of what is actually discussed on this blog. By and large, people are not speaking against the "browning" of America, but rather about behaviors that many immigrants bring with them that don't fit in this society. Of course, in the eyes of kneejerkers such as yourself, any criticism of a person who is anything but white is automatic racism.

Anonymous said...

By and large, people are not speaking against the "browning" of America, but rather about behaviors that many immigrants bring with them that don't fit in this society.

Putting aside the question of who determines what "fits" in this society*, the tone of the posts and comments here often belies something a little more like racism than thoughtful sociological discourse. If it walks like a racist duck and talks like a racist duck...

*Unless you're of pure Dutch or English descent, chances are your ancestors spent time living as pariahs on the LES, characterized as inhuman because they lived and acted differently from polite Anglo society.

Queens Crapper said...

That's your interpretation of what people are saying because of your own knee-jerk bigotry. Most people who comment on this board more likely have ancestors who settled in Queens in the late 19th and early 20th century and worked as skilled craftsmen and later as factory workers. Those immigrants adopted the culture of America and assimilated. Queens always had a tradition of families passing homes from one generation to the next and that's what made it livable and kept communities strong. We don't have that anymore, mainly because the City is trying its best to create a situation where there is as much turnover in the population as possible to generate income. Sanctioning a public slaughter that is unsanitary and not allowed under any other circumstance is a small part of that.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Crappy, you are dead-on.

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