Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First look at the Queens racino

Here's a first look at a proposed new Las Vegas-style video slot machine parlor at Aqueduct race track in Queens.

The 330,000-square-foot "racino" will boast 4,500 video slot machines, says would-be developer Delaware North of Buffalo.

Like Vegas, food will be a key draw, with a 25,000-square-foot buffet with seating for 600 people, plus a steakhouse and Italian and Asian restaurants.

The facility, which is expected to draw 20,000 people a day and generate $1 million a day in revenue for the state, will also include a large food court, several bars and a stage for entertainment.

A little bit of Vegas in Queens with proposed racino at Aqueduct


Anonymous said...

And I bet that they'll charge for parking.

Anonymous said...

This sucks. They submit no plans for review. The other guys do. And Albany picks the guys that don't. Paterson's been bought. Dysfunction in Albany continues and a neighborhood gets screwed.

Anonymous said...

This is not good for the neighboring community.

Anonymous said...

Does this administration care about any neighboring communities? As long as someone's palm is getting greased, the taxpaying citizen in NYC is screwed. First way to clean up is get rid of the source of the problem, Dum-berg.

Anonymous said...

So I read Bissett from DelNorth is the only bidder given the tip by the administration to foucus on the "up front" fee part of its proposal. then, after all bids are submitted, DelNorth gets to change the basis on which they made their bid. What kind of non-sense is this? I figured Paterson would run the other way from Spitzer era like malfeasance.

Anonymous said...

Business as usual in Albany. What a crock. Somebody's pushing this guy Peeble it looks like and Paterson and Silver rolled over. Development without review an no nevermind to what neighborhoods think they just keep screwing Queens.

Anonymous said...

the fix has been in since the begining,first Spitzer and now Patterson, I expected better now don't be suprized when Bill Mulrow shows up for Belmont with Excelsior and Spitzer's long term collusion will become reality. The
State except for Skelos should all be ashamed of themselves. The good bidders had exceptionly great long range for both gaming and improving the facility, as well as being resposive to the community. The proble is that some of our leaders just did not take the time to read them and were advised by politically motivated hacks. There has to be a thorough investigation into malfeisiance by the Governor and the Speaker.

faster340 said...

I think it might be cool but they way the are going about it is whacked to say the least.

These SOB's in office really think they don't need any public say so in the matter. That's what really gets me irritated.

Anonymous said...

Peebles is Obama's guy. "Big" bundler of funds (over .5 million dollars) for Pres election. he has no experience with this type of project, but i guess in this mess it doesn't really matter.

Anonymous said...

Just for your information. Article titled "Beating Whitey. Developer Donahue Peebles is as handsome, smooth, articulate, and nasty as he needs to be."

Anonymous said...

It's typical racino setup - horse racing, glitz, many machines, booze and food. Does the neighborhood have a say? They should - they now deal with a crowded Home Depot and track parking lot that is an ugly flea market.

How about traffic - what will be done to keep this at bay?

Anonymous said...

Never thought anything could make horse racing look squeaky clean, but this process sure smells bad!
What about the local Civic Congress?
Has this group been kept in the loop, or do they even care?

Anonymous said...

Bet absolutely no one from the governor's office, or Silver's office, even bothered to ask the community what it thinks about this mess.

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