Thursday, October 2, 2008

DEP workers take home city cars, we pay

Wasting the public's tax money during an economic crisis can be an embarrassing problem for New York. That's why one agency is scrambling to explain itself after a Fox 5 investigation into the questionable use of city cars. Fox 5's John Deutzman has this follow-up report.

Fox 5 Investigates: Take-Home City Cars, Part 2


Anonymous said...

Another example of the Bloomberg hypocrisy. Once again he's asleep at the wheel.

Anonymous said...

Gottscha! Great reporting!

Anonymous said...

I already knew of one DEP employee in my building and just recently started to notice at least 2 more DEP cars parked in Rego Park/Forest Hills. Not even that far from DEP Headquarters. They could walk to work.

Anonymous said...

Some agencies require their employees to take turns taking the cars home because there is no garage near the office. And to be honest, there is more waste of tax-payer money when our do-nothing legislature runs back and forth to Albany (and accopmlishes nothing) then when a lowly EDC inspector drive a Prius from Elmhurst to Forest Hills.

Anonymous said...

Many city workers must take their official cars home because they are on-call to respond to emergencies. Cheap and misguided shot by Fox.

Anonymous said...

Yeah except that's not what's happening. 6 years with no emergencies?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and when the news report aired, they got their cars taken away from them. Guess they weren't necessary.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, and when the news report aired, they got their cars taken away from them. Guess they weren't necessary."

You could be right, or this could be a case of pandering to the vocal complainants and the media in order to get good press and show, "I'm doing something", to the detriment of the public welfare.

Either way, Bloomberg sucks!

faster340 said...

Boy I wish I could get one of those Prius' to take home with me plus my salary. I would save a lot in gas. But instead I drive my own car and pay for my own gas, insurance and registration.

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