Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Demolition fast and furious at Flushing Meadows

WCBS Newsradio has these aerial photos of the deconstruction of Shea Stadium.
Let's remember that there was supposed to still be baseball happening here for a few more weeks...but instead there are tire marks on the field.


Anonymous said...

Hey Crappy...

Who would have ever thought that we'd be reading about the dismanteling of a structure on your website.

How ironic.

There's hope yet for our borough!

faster340 said...

It's sad that Big Shea is being torn down. Lot's of memories there for my wife and I...

Anonymous said...

NYC: was that supposed to be humorous? Because I don't get it. They chronicle teardowns on this site all the time.

Anonymous said...

I went down there today with my Verizon hat I. I managed to walk the service tunnel the Beatles and Ed Sullivan walked in 1965.
The production room door was gone.
It was depressing, The new Junkyard stadium is so dam ugly and drab. Its build looks cheap unlike Shea's exposed framework.

I did manage to get a cool original "hat" light fixture sitting on the ground behind a car.

.....and yes the seats and may of the lighting fixtures, sighns, urinals will be going on a websight to being sold according to one of the guys working.

Anonymous said...

Stuff is already go up on the mets websight

What greedy bastards $100for a small outfield brick !!!
Doesnt the city own the building ? How is it the Mets are pimping structure parts ?
Click "Miscellaneous" for sale


Anonymous said...

And so it shall come to pass that the name of Shea (the lawyer who was responsible for the demolition of the late great Penn Station) passes from view !

Ashes to ashes let Shea go to dust!

Anonymous said...

F--k all those overpriced
scraps of "memorabilia".

I've got my vintage photos that I took of the "Beatles" (as specks) from way up in the stands.

And I heard the music live!

You can't take that away from me.

Anonymous said...

The title should read: Fa$t and Furiou$.

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