Friday, October 3, 2008

Catering to taggers now

So when a formerly mob-owned property is shut down and seized by the Feds and then its fence becomes a graffiti magnet, who do you contact to get it cleaned up?


faster340 said...

It's a shame too because they had good food when it was open!

But if the feds control it now they should clean it now. They shut it down, it's only fair!

Anonymous said...

Call up Fat Tony and the boys...they know how to take care of taggers!

Anonymous said...

The mob in Queens is a double edged sword.

They do damage to the neighborhood by preying on its weaker residents with drugs and gambling but at the same time they are guardians and protectorates of the neighborhood as well.

Just look at Ridgewood and Glendale when the mob was powerful and now that the Feds have for the most part emancipated the mob.

The quality of life issues that haunt us everyday were not prevelant when the mob was around.

As for Casablanca everyone should call Anthony Weiner. I am sure he would put a call into the Feds and if he did not get a response he will probably have it painted himself (he does want to run for Mayor next year.)

Anonymous said...

'Wade Nichols' was a porn star in the 80s.

Anonymous said...

Ring up the mob and arrange to put a couple of these taggers in a sausage roll!

Anonymous said...

Answer: Call 3-1-1 and report this address.

Anonymous said...

311...Are you kidding me?

Call up cousin Vinny!

Quicker results!

Anonymous said...

Call Councilman Anthony "No-Neck" Como 718-366-3900 to take care of it.

Anonymous said...

Call the Commissar's two lackeys at the Community Affairs Unit: Nazli Parvizi and her lackeyette, Jennifer Manley.

Since Parvizi is a caterer and want's to do the Commissar's bidding, and Manley jumps when Parvizi calls, the graffiti will be gone within a few days of your calls.

Go to WWW.NYC.GOV and select Community Affairs.

If this info is anyway incorrect, do call Como to paint over the graffiti himself. He will do it to lose weight. He needs to paint over a lot of graffiti.


Anonymous said...

this is hilarious. look closer - this is a photo of Pep Boys parking lot, not Casa Blanca's wall.

Anonymous said...

Which was duly noted in the post. f-e-n-c-e.

Anonymous said...

"its fence"

so no, it was not duly noted.

Queens Crapper said...

Here's proof that the fence belongs to Casablanca (gate is attached to fence). Also, there's graffiti around the side of the building facing the RR tracks.

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