Friday, October 3, 2008

Birds of a feather...part 4

It's Friday. This photo is priceless. Go ahead, caption it.


Anonymous said...

Pinky: "Hey look, now i can grope two old people while getting my photo taken at the same time! I'm totally going to have to go home after this and rub one out!"

Anonymous said...

Bloomie thinking to himself: Gee the things I have to do to get elected. I have to hang out with a crooked skank, a pink pervert with green teeth and a some old guy that's is slurring like he's had one too many.

Anonymous said...

B: "What's a schayne madel like you doing in a place like this?"

M: "I passed over 700 pieces of legislation... no, wait that wasn't here... I thought you said shiny model..."

K: "Maybe if I have a baby, I can hire him as a political consultant..."

G. Hic.

Anonymous said...

Is Bloomie checking out Kat's rack? No wonder he's squinting.

Anonymous said...

"What does Hevesi see in her?"

Anonymous said...

Bloomie is checking out Katz's rat teeth while Maltese is drooling.

Anonymous said...

One of these pols is not like the others

One of these wipes just isn't the same

One of these turds is not like the others, now its time to play our game. Its time to play our game...

(voice of bob from sesame st) well, kids, no matter who you picked, everybody's a winner! It turns out that all of these people are different in their own special way. Only one of these people is an embarrassing, corrupt, senile dufus. If you guessed the old man on the right, then you're correct! Good job! Now only one of these people is an egotistical, tyrannical billionaire bastard. Yep, he's the next one over. He thinks people with money should change the law for their own benefit. Now this bald man with the mustache and phony smile, he likes to have sex with grandmothers just like yours. Isn't that special, kids? And finally, the lady on the left is special because she had just had a little baby! - just for publicity so she could get a new job!

Now wave goodbye to our friends as we pull the handle and flush them down the toilet. That's where poop belongs, kids!

Anonymous said...

"So, Melinda, spill the beans already and reveal which one of us is the kid's father!"

Anonymous said...

mike: i had no idea there were so many commoners in queens, this bunch takes the cake. i have to find a ways out of here.

melinda: man i wish i were a man.

dennis: look at that hottie grandma in the 3rd row...zowie.

serf: what if i jumped on melinda now and imagined she was susan.

Anonymous said...

melinda: c'mon guys. who stole my kneepads?

mike: shut up and wipe your mouth!

Anonymous said...

Manage a quatre (4)?

Looks like Pinky is in his element, moving up the quality scale with the exotically weird Melinda. Bloomie is interested in what sort hybrid creature she is and Serf is simply clueless about the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

oh honey, get away from that lowlife.
why are you standing next to a rapist?!

Anonymous said...

Melinda-san: Eeeew, Pinkie, now I know where you got that name. And, yes, people are right; you are just a girlie boy.

Rapist: Mikey, turn a little more to your right. There, Oh! NO! That's not a weeny you got there! And bitch; don't call me girlie boy just 'cause I wear pink panties. And, how did you know that, anyway?

Commissar: Why are my subjects not kneeling? Benepe and the other lackeys always kneel at the zipper end. They do this trick of pulling the zipper up or down with their teeth and then doing something common with their tongue.

Old Man: What's happening? Where are we? Who are these people? Are they buying me or selling me? I do recognize that guy with the turtle face, he wants me to sign something. He's stealing property again. Something about affordable housing for the homeless illegal aliens and getting rich. What is he whispering about the zipper trick?

Anonymous said...

"Because of her expertise, she can be Gummo."

Anonymous said...

The story behind the photo:

Melinda- Just found out that she received $20,000 from real estate management company.

Gallagher- After photo was taken he found out about his son Patrick. His smile disappeared.

Bloomberg- About to get a whiff of Katz's fish breath.

Maltese- Doesn't remember Katz's first name.

Anonymous said...

MK to MB: "Mine's bigger!"

Anonymous said...

MK: 'Thanks, guys, for getting my brother the job at York College.'

MB: 'No prob. Comrie's wife works there, too.'

SM: 'Good to keep things in the family.'

Perv: 'I'm touching myself at this very moment.'

Anonymous said...

and this blog's obsession with the departed dennis gallagher continues ...

i'll keep sending it until it gets posted.

Anonymous said...

Dennis died? HOORAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe many bloggers on this site see Gallagher as a similar figure to OJ. I kind of agree except I believe Gallagher is more devious and vicious.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's where the NYC real estate industry gets laid while us taxpayers get f----d!

Anonymous said...

We only wish that Dennis
joined the dearly departed.

He's still posting here.

Wattsa matter "Pinky"... don't have a real job or a real life yet?

Getting off on blogging instead of grandmas these days?

Go see a shrink (for your head not your penis. That needs enhancement)!

Anonymous said...

You mean there's also a
"little Pinky"
as well as a "big Pinky"?

Ha, ha, ha!

Well, two heads are better than one
I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but unfortunately
it's the little one
that does all his thinking!

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