Thursday, October 9, 2008

Atlas Park mallrat

"Here is something we saw several days in a row at Humdinger's Atlas Mall. Is there some kind of labor dispute there? Always enjoy your blog." - anonymous

Not sure; maybe it's replacing Bemberlinx this year. Just kidding.


Anonymous said...

Altas, what a metaphor for NYC... kick out the jobs in manufacturing, open up a mall instead.

I wonder where I can buy my own army of inflatable rats to surround the entire perimeter with?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the employees at Borders are protesting the water leaking down onto them from Chili's. Or maybe the mall's staff is protesting being forced to pay $100+/month to park in the garage. Or maybe the rat is symbolizing the way the Hemmerdingers generally treat the neighbors of the mall with bus reroutings and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

The rat is a union symbol of protest.

Which union is anyones quess. probably union carpenters.

Anonymous said...

The rat is waiting for the Q45 to get the hell out of there.

He doesn't yet know that the Q45 runs about once an hour, when it runs at all.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Angry,

Since you've put it out there, I must ask. Exactly how many manufacturing jobs were removed and exactly how many retail jobs replaced them? I'm just curious and you seem to know that answer.

Yours truly,
Don Hahn

Anonymous said...

Retail sales are beginning to plunge along with the Dow.

You'll be seeing a lot of for rent signs at Atlas Park soon.

Only the stores that deal in life's necessities are going to make it through this recession when there's less expendable cash on the streets..

Ridgewoodian said...

Ah, the union rat. Gotta love it. We had one outside my workplace for several months a few years ago, when the NYU GTAs went on strike. According to a comment appended to the article it was rented from a contractor so, presumably, any pissed off union could throw one up. (According to another article it's made by one, non-union, company in Illinois and comes in various sizes, from six to thirty feet.)

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy Crowley has her headquarters there hmmmmmm. someone sending a message to her?

Queens Crapper said...

Nope. Elizabeth Crowley's office is in a corner store on 79th Street now.

Anonymous said...

Atlas Mall - a phoney disnesque type place - all facade.

The least they could do is have free parking. No one is on the Q45 bus by the way.

Anonymous said...

lack of infrastructure .. entry level jobs.. recession.. =(

Anonymous said...

Why not offshore work when the bookburning popeholes now in the USA majority are alien to productivity, but only promote corruption?

Anonymous said...

the rat looks like a former councilperv that had an office in middle village...

what's his name?

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