Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wacky LIC hotel now taking reservations

The latest hotel in LIC has a diving board for King Kong at the top and a view of what appears to be a yellow-skied post-apocalyptic Manhattan.
No curtains here, either - perfect for the exhibitionist who wants everyone to see him doing the nasty, perhaps even with a hooker he picked up at the Plaza.

Oh, almost forgot to mention that it is a 137 room Holiday Inn with only 12 parking spaces. And as for location, they stretch the truth just a bit...


Anonymous said...

I guess NASA is creating hotels now in LIC.Nice fit.Wonder how much business it will do?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Crapper has really been obsessed with LIC lately. Seems to me to be a sign of insecurity and envy.

Anonymous said...

Where in LIC is this pile of crap located? I am guessing this is the building off Jackson Avenue across from where the old LIC Star building was, but all these crappy new buildings look alike to me.

Queens Crapper said...

North of Queens Plaza in Dutch Kills. Not far from where the man was murdered yesterday.

Anonymous said...

It has so few parking spaces because it is meant for people who take public transportation (only 1 block from the 7 train).
Queens crapper you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It has so few parking spaces because it is meant for people who take public transportation (only 1 block from the 7 train).

Yes, cut out the market of people that drive to NY.. in that location cutting out any major segment of the market will the the kiss of death.

Maybe it was also meant to be a warehouse for Section 8 once the hotel gets a bit shop worn.

That should be enought spaces for staff AND SECURITY.

We are not idiots. We are people from Queens that are not passive and think.

Get used to it. You are going to see a lot more of this in the future.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Crapper has really been obsessed with LIC lately. Seems to me to be a sign of insecurity and envy.


And your response seems to be a function of concern and unease?

Anonymous said...

Concern and unease about what a few Archie Bunker-types think? Errr, sure . . .

Anonymous said...

Then why make the effort to refute what they're saying? Says a lot.

Anonymous said...

I like confronting people with their own ignorance, it has nothing to do with being uneasy.

Anonymous said...

What about poking fun at a hotel in a bad area of LIC is ignorant? What in this post isn't either funny or true? I think the real problem is that you are a realtor who is afraid of word getting out that the emporer has no clothes.

Anonymous said...

No one is going to rent a room at hotel in LIC (the bedbug capital of NYC) and commute at all hours back to LIC. Cabbies really balk at coming out here.

At best some students. Clueless midwesterns that will make the mistake once - then post on blogs about the sketchy nabe and characaters hanging out and warning people away.

Even the third world types will stay at their relative's houses for the most part.

Those hotels will go bust soon and be turned over to 'private' hands.

Then the fun begins.

You can make a hell of a lot of money off the tweeded and taxpayer funded programs to help them.

Anonymous said...

"At best some students. Clueless midwesterns that will make the mistake once - then post on blogs about the sketchy nabe and characaters hanging out and warning people away."

You hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

CB1 the community board from hell.

Anonymous said...

The ramp appears to be a HUGE solar collector. Judging from its size it could create some serious hot water or electricity.
Possibly power the whole building or sell its excess back to Con Ed


Unknown said...

"It has so few parking spaces because it is meant for people who take public transportation (only 1 block from the 7 train).
Queens crapper you are an idiot."

Yeah only one World Trade Center/Empire State Plaza superblock away from the 7 train.

Anonymous said...

It's not a solar collector. It's actually a bunch of vertical bars.

Anonymous said...

Odd that I should happen upon this via Curbed today, because my sister just stayed in a hotel near that location (The Clarion ?) and she loved it. She usually stays at the Hyatt at Grand Central. I couldn't believe it so I asked to see the room and it was beautiful, clean and incredibly quiet. price: $179. About half of what she paid in Manhattan. She said she's never going to book in Manhattan again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your review (ad) for the Clarion Hotel on a post about the Holiday Inn.

Anonymous said...

She usually stays at the Hyatt at Grand Central.


Anonymous said...

You idiots.
This hotel is not meant for midwestern tourist or retards that decide to DRIVE to New York.
It is meant for all those people you hate, the young, affluent, good looking hipsters that the bloggers on this website seem to hate so much.
The hipsters like the style of this hotel, they like the grungy location, they like taking the train there.
P.S. for all you idiots who have no business sense, this hotel's main target audience is those that are temporarily working at silvercup studios which is around 5 blocks away.

Anonymous said...

"Cabbies really balk at coming out here." - that is complete horseshit. You don't know what you're talking about. There are tons of yellow cab companies/lots, etc. around this area that are more than happy to bring people home to LIC/Astoria. I know from first hand experience.

Anonymous said...

Why doubt someone else's experience? For years, if you have gotten into a cab in Manhattan and asked to go to Queens, you were suddenly told he was "off-duty." Happened to me at Penn Station after I bought a dress at the Hotel Pennsylvania with my friend from Astoria. It was a lot of fun dragging that heavy dress into the back of a cab only to be forced to get out and hail another one after she said "take the bridge."

Anonymous said...

"There are tons of yellow cab companies/lots, etc. around this area that are more than happy to bring people home to LIC/Astoria."

Yes but how do you know which those are when you are trying to hail one in Manhattan?

Anonymous said...

P.S. for all you idiots who have no business sense, this hotel's main target audience is those that are temporarily working at silvercup studios which is around 5 blocks away.

Sure, a great place for the stars.

In reality, the only stars you will see is when someone hits you over the head.

I wouldn't walk through there at night.

Anonymous said...

Concern and unease about what a few Archie Bunker-types think? Errr, sure . . .


Well folks, here you have it. The leadership of this boro has made sure that we are muzzled with this millstone of Archie around our neck.

Hey Teri, why don't you show off Archies House and Archies Bar on your little ineffective tourism efforts?

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Woodside for 4 years I could almost never get a cabbie to take me home. Having lived in Astoria/LIC for 4+ years it's never been a problem. I can even get "off-duty" cabbies to take me home because they're going that way anyway. So if we're talking about LIC and cabs taking you there, in my experience it's not a problem.

Anonymous said...

I can even get "off-duty" cabbies to take me home because they're going that way anyway.

Very few 'off duty' cabbies are going to Queens before 2 or 3 AM.

If you live off Queens Blvd, fine, but they will not want to be wondering around Dutch Kills around the wareshouses and projects at any time.

You are going to have a rough time getting anyone but a black car to pick you up at the hotel, either.

I know. I used to drive a cab.

Anonymous said...

No curtains? Rise and shine at 5:30 AM!

Anonymous said...

Archie Bunker drove a Cab around Astoria and LIC.
The Tweeds took his job and house as well.
It real life Both Norman Lear and Carol O'Connor took great pleasure at burning conservatives.

SilverCup and Astoria have there own Condos, trailers, coaches and crew digs?
If anybody really thinks this will stay a hotel you’re being duped.

All these movie companies own the condo's, cars, you see the so called "talent" photographed in.

It’s a big machine or one big whorehouse depending how you want to look at it.

I was in "The Wanderers" it was shot in Ridgewood, Franklyn K Lane and Fordham.

BWT The Fordham Baldies were not bald, Not Nazi's, didnt have female members.

The Bronx gang that included females was the duckys
The true story was all distorted and fabricated..
This saga is no different.

This Hotel is future condo's for Hollywood that want to flee here and take the Queens waterfront from 59st to the Williamsburg bridge.

I hated that industry and the people that run it!!
If your not Democrat, pro liberal, gay forget about getting work or one of those condos !

(Unless your Mel Gibson and have your own $$ to make a movie)


Anonymous said...

"I wouldnt walk there at night"

Thats because you are afraid of your own shadow chicken shit.

Next you will be telling me that terrorists live there. Oh NO!

Anonymous said...

I like that the brand new Aston Martin is driving by while the busted 1997 Acura Integra is pulling into the parking lot. Which demographic are they shooting for, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Astons whiz by all the time in this area...on the way to Queensbridge.

Anonymous said...

Smart people avoid this area.

Anonymous said...

Resorting to your usual and (yawn) tiresome lame Archie Bunker counter posting again you old real estate promoter?

Did it ever occur to you that insulting Queens residents by likening them unto a TV sitcom character ain't gonna win you any friends here bub?

I guess not. You're too busy crapping your trousers with the current market collapse and your dwindling sales commissions.

Angry huh? Stupid too!

How are you going to sell any real estate to hipsters and yuppies by convincing them to move across the river into the land of Archie Bunker?

That's the most idiotic sales
platform I've ever heard of!

Anonymous said...

You can hype LIC as the new Manhattan east until you're blue in the face.

You're stuck with the rotten fruit of all of your over ambitious over building.

Try offering some fire sale discounts and maybe you can catch yourself a few dumb fish!

But I doubt it.

The would be buyers
have all wised up by now!

think of converting some properties into welfare or SRO hotels and recoup some of your loses.

Anonymous said...

All of you that are offended by the Archie Bunker comments - what you dont seem to realize is that now you are the minority in Queens.
You are being pushed out, you are dying off, your time is done.
All of the progressive thinkers (yes - the people you hate) dont have to do anything but wait because in twenty years your voice (that is similar to a teacup chihuahua that will not stop yapping) will be nothing but an inaudible whisper.
So fight hard, fight now because soon you will just be run over.

Anonymous said...

every investor knows the area's become a bust but you.

And you're just whistling past the graveyard hoping to break even!

Anonymous said...

gloomy predictions on this morning's news regarding Fannie May and Freddie Mac and how that situation is about to screw up our entire economy.

Normally this would be a buyers' market bonanza.

That is, if there were any mortgage money available to spend on any bargains that might be out there!

Anonymous said...

"All of you that are offended by the Archie Bunker comments - what you dont seem to realize is that now you are the minority in Queens. You are being pushed out, you are dying off, your time is done."

Ha ha ha! LIC and its ilk represent a very small portion of the population of Queens. Most people still move here because it's not Manhattan and they would like to keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

We're not being pushed anywhere.

Produce the demographic stats that you've derived your deranged conclusions from!

It's you over development promoters
who are being pushed out of your expectations of mega profits from your ill thought projects in a failing market.

We can hear your teeth chattering in fear all over cyberspace!

Who do you all think you're kidding besides yourselves? !!!

Anonymous said...

Be the first to check into a new hotel where a man was murdered right next door.

I'd stick to Manhattan proper hotel
not an overpriced almost Manhattan version of one in the boonies if I were a tourist.

But if I found myself on a budget,
La Quinta is located not too far away, cheaper and in a safer nabe!

Anonymous said...

You may be right.

But if we're truly a minority (which I doubt...more like a new silent or not so silent majority) who'll be gone in twenty years we at least would have lived during a time where the quality in NYC life was at its peak.


Then G-d's worms can enjoy feasting on us as they will when your time comes... maybe some twenty years after our eventual

In the meantime you "IMMORTALS"
will have to swim in a crap world of low that you've helped to create.

Now isn't that an ironic coupe de grace for such a bunch of greedy guys and gals who think they've got the world by the balls?

Maybe you'll even be wearing "Depends" someday and what will you have to show for it?

You came naked into the world and you'll leave it nude as a Jay bird!

Afterwards your successors will be fighting over your former possessions.

All life is terminal!

Now go and pour yourself some
fine Cognac to sooth away any
growing fears about your future!

Anonymous said...

Bravo "worms" poster!

Anonymous said...

You really think that the people buying in LIC now plan to be there in 20 years? Now THAT's funny!

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