Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Two-Ton Tony in a ton of trouble

From the Daily Politics:

A press conference will be held today to announce the unsealing of a criminal complaint charging New York State Assemblyman Anthony Seminerio with honest services fraud relating to his alleged receipt of hundreds of thousands of dollars in corrupt payments from various entities with business before the State of New York.

Seminerio Faces Fraud Charge

More from WABC:

A 72-year-old Queens assemblyman is accused of receiving more than $500,000 in "consulting" fees that authorities say accounted to nothing more than veiled political payoffs.

Anthony Seminerio was charged in scheme allegedly designed to defraud the public, using his three decades in the state assembly to afford clients access that "you can't buy for a million dollars."

Seminerio is alleged to have used his consulting firm, Marc Consultants, to solicit and receive more than $500,000 in consulting fees from people with business before the state.

In reality, prosecutors say Seminerio did little or no consulting work, and hid his clients behind a state law that enabled him to avoid disclosing their names.

Assemblyman charged in alleged scam

The NY Times has the actual complaint.


Anonymous said...

Lets see how the respectful Queens press handles this.

Anonymous said...

Oh...what a friggin here in Richmond Hill have complained about this good for nothing slob for years and years and never see his face at any event....has allies up his fat butt and noone could ever complain or touch him...
years ago, someone asked him "what can we do to clean up Jamaica Avenue?" and he answered "What's wrong with Jamaica Avenue?" Meanwhile his office is and was on Jamaica Avenue. He looked the other way on all neighborhood issues but certainly knew how to do "favors" for the chosen few. One of the biggest reasons that Richmond Hill went down and has stayed in that format is because of Seminerio. Good riddance to the waste of time slob. I hope he spends some time in jail. What another disgrace for Richmond Hill.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I wonder who the two Senators are? Looks like more indictments are on the way.

Anonymous said...

how come the Queens DA did not catch Tony? The Queens DA has never indicted an elected official.

This is like the old south the only time elected official are brought to justice it the federal government

Anonymous said...

"Two-ton Tony ..."

That's hilarious. Once again, the moderator of this blog is in no position to comment on anyone else's physical appearance.

Anonymous said...

the moderator of this blog is definitely not heavy. a heavy person wouldn't make fun of another person's fatness.

he's probably making fun of "two-ton tony" because he's now a criminal.

Anonymous said...

you've obviously never seen/met the moderator of this blog. it's a female.

Anonymous said...

i still think it's a guy. the comments made by crappy just sound too much like a guy.
and crappy, if you are a girl - no offense.

Anonymous said...

how come the Queens DA did not catch Tony? The Queens DA has never indicted an elected official.

Huh! What about Gallagher's indictment

Anonymous said...

gallagher's indictment was eventually tossed.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher's indictment was given to the Queens DA by DOI Department of Investigation. And the DA drop it anyway and made a deal not to put pinky in the big house.


Anonymous said...

What senators are Tony's pals???

Anonymous said...

Bad Boy Bad Boy, Pinky, Whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Keep looking out your window Mr. Dennis P (as in pervert) Gallagher. The Feds are closing in. Your buddy Brian is singing!

Anonymous said...

Hey all, this is more about Serf Maltese than we yet understand. This is the second pol closely associated with him that has gone down over the past year. I am sure Brian has a lot more dirt that will be shoveled on top of him soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is "senator #2." As for the appearance of the moderator of this blog - who cares? He/she is not the one under indictment and the content of this blog is excellent. Trying to distract away from the topic at hand - the corruption of yet another Queens pol - sounds like something a tweeder would do.

Anonymous said...

The indictment that is causing all the stir, is also taking down other political notables along with Tony. This has been a long established problem in Albany and it is only the tip of the iceberg. There is also another major investigation, where Good OLE boy Brian, who is now doing time is said to be cooperating very closely with the FBI investigation into Parkside group and many more names will be revealed very shortly.

As for Fat Tony's greed and lust for money he is not going to be suffering this ordeal alone much longer. One of the names that is being floated around as a very close coconspirator to Tony's deals is none other than Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan, who in the last year has made some very regrettable decisions that now look like there were motives and reasons for what she did. After Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan, who is next and where is it going to stop. Has anyone noticed lately how nervous and scared she has looked at her last few appearances she has made.

Term limits is the answer for Albany. If not 2-4 year terms than do 3-4 year terms but no more than that. Absolute power will corrupt over time no matter who you are. It just is the nature of the beast and it is a hard fall from grace after they steal or misappropriate monies that was taxpayers monies. Term limits will keep these politicians on their feet and will prevent them from making questionable deals who only have 8 years to serve. They will concentrate on their seat and the people they serve and not on their own personal wallets.

We are never happy to see our politicians fall from grace because it ends up showing the world just how broken our system is but when something like this happens it brings conversation back about issues that could have stopped this, like term limits. This is why we may want to rethink our position on putting in a Democratic Governor, a Democratic senate and a Democratic Assembly. when you have all 3 in the same party it is almost a recipe for sure corruption when they hold all the cards in their hands. We need diversity and we need checks and balances and this proves our point.

This has now convinced many of us here that we are going to keep the NY Senate in Republican hands because it was be disastrous if the Democrats controlled everything. We need other opinions as well as other ideas and we need to make sure that whatever the Democrats send out of committee is the absolute best we can get and having a republican Senate will ensure that. Imagine Malcolm running the show in Albany. we would be in the heart of many corruption matters in less than 4 years time.

Tony this is a long time in coming and although we do not gloat on others misfortunes this really does show us how bad Albany is out of control and we need change fast. This is only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I have been bitching about Seminario on this blog for months.

Yet no one listened.

Told you so.

Anonymous said...

Serf should be worrying. The sherriff may soon be knocking down the door. Two-ton will be as much of a standup guy as McL is. He'll be ratting and tattling too.

Anonymous said...

Bolts Sweeny and Crowley are going down . . . Go Garica Go

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