Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Term limits issue may be used to get Willets vote

THE possibility that Mayor Bloomberg will support an extension of term limits is going to provide him with a stronger hand than ever in his future dealings with the City Council.

"They'll give him anything to get term limits changed," one council insider said.

On Mike's Terms

It's a nice position for a lame-duck mayor who has important initiatives coming up for legislative approval.

Topping the list is the rezoning of Willets Point, a $3 billion project to create a gleaming minicity out of acres of dilapidated industrial and commercial space near Shea Stadium.

But 32 of 51 council members, siding with business owners who don't want to move, have warned that they won't go along without significant changes.

The buzz among the New York delegation at the Democratic convention in Denver was that there could be a trade: term limits for Willets Point.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ha, let's see how fast all those council members who signed Hiram's ridiculous letter change their minds!

Anonymous said...

Most city council members are so eager to extend their term of office that they'd vote for the devil's own plan to build an extension to hell in their own backyard "as of right" and without any questions being asked!

Instead of government we have a gang of political hacks (unemployable elsewhere) running NYC.

I agree heartily,BRING IN THE FEDS!

It's the

Anonymous said...

So cleaning up a smelly, disgusting, ugly mess and building nice streets, buildings, retail, homes, a hospital, a school, etc., is building "an extension to hell"? No wonder everyone gets a good laugh from this blog.

Anonymous said...

i' happy the mayor has taken such a proactive role in the redevelopment of Willets.

going from a two term limit to a three term limit doesb't seem too unreasonable.

Anonymous said...

"i' happy the mayor has taken such a proactive role in the redevelopment of Willets.

going from a two term limit to a three term limit doesb't seem too unreasonable."

At least the mayor's supporters are well-educated. Was this written by Grammar Shulman???

Anonymous said...

Just like the mob

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